Crest of Sir Andrew Fountaine (1676-1753)

His library sold at Sotheby’s, June 11, 1902. ❧ Crest and spine at right:
Cotton, Charles, 1630-1687.
Scarronnides: or, Virgile travestie. A mock-poem. In imitation of the fourth book of Virgils Aeneis in English, burlesque … London, Printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome … 1665. (VRG) 2945.312 Eng664.

In addition to the above, another Virgil from the Fountaine library was purchased by Junius Spencer Morgan. This has Fountaine’s crest stamped on the front cover. JSM obtained this Virgil from Quartich, who put in his date of acquisition ’16.VI.1902.’
The nyne fyrst bookes of the Eneidos of Virgil conuerted into Englishe vearse by Thomas Phaer… London : Printed by R. Hall, for N. Englande, 1562. (VRG) 2945.311 Eng562.

For further details, see British Armorial Bindings,