Good Sensationalism? : A Follow-up on Compassion Fatigue and Gang-Rape in India

– Aneesh Rai

Note to the reader

The purpose of this blog is to provide a quick recap of the issues analyzed in my research paper, and then move on to exploring new facets of the arguments that were not addressed adequately. Specifically, the topic of sensationalism is explored, along with alternate ways that the gang-rapes were represented, with a brief analysis of the strategies employed in those representations. My intention in this blog was to raise questions that might provoke readers into thinking about issues not previously addressed, and to consider their implications in the realm of disaster representation, and the role of the media in influencing and shaping public opinion and action. To provide concrete answers to these questions would require undertaking several more research projects, which would not be feasible in this blog, so I limited myself to exploring the dimensions of sensationalism and its possible positive or negative effects. I hope that my ponderings on the matter may spark a seed of thought that could lead to new considerations of the issues being addressed.

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