A Walter Crane Christmas: Legends for Lionel

Walter Crane, Legends for Lionel (London: Cassell, 1887), pages 24-5. Cotsen 11587.

On this unseasonably cold fourth day of Christmas 2017, a peek into Walter Crane’s Legends for Lionel should cheer us up for the New Year that is nearly here.  According to the preface, Crane made these drawings for his son Lionel in spare moments on cold winter evenings so the boy could amuse himself coloring.  A book was quickly filled up and when the manuscript was shown to the publisher Cassell, there was no question that it must be printed up for the delight of children outside the Crane family.  A sentimental favorite, may these selections brighten up the holiday..

With his trusty lamp, Lion begins the holiday hunt on page 6.

Lionel hurries out of the cold into the welcoming house on page 9.

Let the revels begin!

Pages 10 and 11.

Page 12.

Page 13.

Page 14.

Page 15.

Page 16.

Page 17.

This Halloween Cotsen Turns Twenty!

Cotsen’s gallery may be closed to the public on our twentieth anniversary, but where ever you go trick or treating, have a hair-raising Halloween!  For a little late-minute inspiration, enjoy this oldie but goodie, Andrew Lang’s Green Fairy Book.

From “King Kojata,” a fairy tale from the Slavic tradition. Andrew Lang, The Green Fairy Book (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892) Cotsen 13655.

The prince (above) would not have found himself in this mess if his father the king had not been bearded by the demon in the well. Page 203 from Andrew Lang, The Green Fairy Book.

A princess and her dragon from “The Heart of Ice,” an unfamiliar fairy tale by the comte de Caylus in Andrew Lang, The Green Fairy Book, p. 119.

This dragon-riding beauty on the front cover of The Green Fairy Book could give Daenerys a run for her money! Cotsen 13655.