About Louise Deis

Science & Technology Reference Librarian Emerita Princeton University

NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management

NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
Source: the Scout Report, July 27, 2007, by KMG

“In light of a number of recent events, there is increased concern about the management of America’s coastal and ocean resources. It is a pressing issue for economic reasons, along with the simple fact that over fifty percent of the U.S. population lives close to the coastlines of two oceans and the Great Lakes. Persons interested in these matters will appreciate the NOAA Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management site, which features newsletters, information about their strategic plans, and copious amounts of material on their initiatives, which include dock management and community development partnerships. A basic overview of the issues facing coastal regions can be found in the “Coastal Issues” section of the site which contains brief summaries on marine debris, coastal hazards, water quality, and aquaculture. The site is rounded out by a “My state” section. Here, visitors can utilize a clickable map of the U.S. to learn about coastal management activities underway in their state.”

International Journal of Environmental Research

International Journal of Environmental Research

Based at the University of Tehran, the International Journal of Environmental Research (IJER) is “concerned with all aspects of environment.” On the journal’s homepage, visitors will also learn that some of the specific fields covered within the publication include natural disasters, environmental design, and risk assessment and management. The journal was started in early 2007, and the executive manager is Professor Karbassi. Currently, there are three complete issues of the journal available online, and visitors can also read about the journal’s editorial board. Interested parties may also wish to read up on how they can submit their own pieces of scholarly work for consideration.

From the Scout Report July 27, 2007.
Bioline indexes this journal. Full text is available. It is searchable via Bioline International, and probably various search engines on the web!

EPA bill to increase their budget headed to Senate


EPA Bill Heading to Senate Floor- ACTION ALERT!
The House Appropriations Committee recently approved a bill to increase the EPA’s budget. That bill is now headed to the full Senate. This is good news for EPA’s libraries and laboratories, which were subject to downsizing attempts in anticipation of significant 2007 budget cuts. Visit SLA’s Legislative Action Center to find out how you can help support the EPA libraries in this bill.

Language from the Senate version of the bill states that “$2,000,000 shall be used to restore the network of EPA libraries recently closed or consolidated by the administration. While the committee approves of efforts to make environmental data collections available electronically, the committee does not agree to further library closures or consolidations without evidence of how the public would be served by these changes” Read full Appropriations Act S.1696

The House version of the FY 2008 Interior Appropriations bill does NOT include any language about the EPA libraries. Visit SLA’s Legislative Action Center to find out how you can help support the EPA libraries in this bill.

Related Article in Library Journal

Related Article by OMB Watch

World Population Day, July 11th

World Population Day 2007: A New Urbanite Every Two Seconds

Source: Worldwatch Institute [mailer@worldwatch.org]

Every two seconds, one person joins the planet’s expanding urban population, and in 2008, for the first time in human history, a majority of people will live in cities. Last week, the UN Population Fund released its State of World Population 2007 report, which calls for a “revolution in thinking” to help cities unleash their potential to spur economic growth and solve social problems.

In this video of the launch event in Washington, D.C., Worldwatch President Christopher Flavin discusses the imperative of developing our urbanizing world sustainably in order to meet the needs of the 1.1 billion people projected to join the world’s population between now and 2030. Over half of these people may live in under-serviced slums, according to Worldwatch’s recent report State of the World 2007: Our Urban Future.

Princeton University Library keeps the latest edition(s) of this title in both Stokes Library and the Pliny Fisk collection in Firestone under the call number: HD59 .S82.

Green Industry topics on the Inspec database

In the “Inspec Matters” bulletin, Winter 2006, the indexed content managers and subject specialists have noted “hot” environmental topics (pun intended): product lifecycle management, recycling and disposal, corporate social responsibility towards environmentally aware practices and policies, global trade and outsourcing, important legislation on waste and recycling in the EU and US. “Other environmental factors of importance in the literature include car emissions, pollution, and green energy.
Inspec is THE major (subscription) bibliographic database concentrating on physics, electrical and electronic engineering, information technology, computer and control systems, and manufacturing, production engineering, and information technology. It contains references back to 1896.

Green Industry topics on the Inspec database

In the “Inspec Matters” bulletin, Winter 2006, the indexed content managers and subject specialists have noted “hot” environmental topics (pun intended): product lifecycle management, recycling and disposal, corporate social responsibility towards environmentally aware practices and policies, global trade and outsourcing, important legislation on waste and recycling in the EU and US. “Other environmental factors of importance in the literature include car emissions, pollution, and green energy.
Inspec is THE major (subscription) bibliographic database concentrating on physics, electrical and electronic engineering, information technology, computer and control systems, and manufacturing, production engineering, and information technology. It contains references back to 1896.

Degrees that Matter: Climate Change and the University

Peter Hopkinson reviews Degrees that Matter: Climate Change and the University
by Ann Rappaport & Sarah Hammond Creighton

MIT Press: 2007. 376 pp. $24.95, £15.95

in the latest Nature
448, 28 (5 July 2007) | doi:10.1038/448028a; Published online 4 July 2007. Link to review.

The reviewer feels that the book is instructive. It is about the efforts of Tufts University (the Tufts Climate Initiative) to reduce its carbon emissions.
Firestone has a copy: QC981.8.C5 R367 2007

PhysicsWeb addresses the Energy Problem

PhysicsWeb is the website/online version of Physics World, published by the IOP (Institute of Physics) and while it is most definitely not a new journal, it is definitely one to consider for selected physics news summaries. The current issue, July, 2007, has information about nuclear energy, hydrogen and fuel cells, as well as coal.

EPA Libraries to be restored

Victory for Librarians, EPA Library Funding —

After considerable pressure by librarians, researchers and the public, Congress has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to restore its library network. In the fiscal year (FY) 2008 Interior Appropriations bill, the Senate Appropriations Committee orders EPA to reopen the closed libraries. Last year, EPA closed its Headquarters Library in Washington, DC, to visitors and walk-in patrons. EPA also closed several regional libraries, the toxics and pesticides library and the Ft. Meade Environmental Science Center Library.

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