P3: Dohan Yucht Cheong Saha

Group # 21: “Dohan Yucht Cheong Saha”



  • Miles Yucht

  • David Dohan

  • Shubhro Saha

  • Andrew Cheong


Mission Statement


The system we’re evaluating is that of user authentication with our system (hereon called “Oz”). To use Oz, users make a unique series of hand gestures in front of their computer. If the hand gesture sequence (hereon called “handshake”) is correct, the user is successfully authenticated. This prototype we’re building attempts to recreate the experience of what will be our final product. Using paper and cardboard prototypes, we present the user with screens that ask him/her to enter their handshake. Upon successful authentication, the Facebook News feed is shown as a toy example.


Our mission in this project is to make user authentication on computers faster and more secure. We want to do away with text passwords, which are prone to hacking by brute force. At the same time, we’d like to make the process of logging into a computer system faster than typing on a keyboard. In this assignment, David Dohan and Miles Yucht will lead the LEAP application development. Andrew Cheong will head secure password management. Shubhro Saha will lead development of the interface between LEAP and common web sites for logging in during the demo.


Description of Prototype


Our prototype is composed of a box and a Leap Controller. The box is shaped in a way so that more volume is covered at the top of the box. The Leap Controller is placed at the bottom of the box so that it will be able to detect the handshake gestures. The motivation behind the particular box design is to promote uses to place their hands slightly higher. With more volume being covered at the top, people will place their hands higher up as well. For initial authentication, the user will select his or her profile either by selecting a profile or via facial recognition. They can also reset their password through their computer.

Here is the box with the Leap Controller at the bottom. More volume is covered at the top of the box; therefore, the user naturally places his/her hand higher up in the box.


Using the Prototype for the Three Tasks


Task One: User Profile Selection / Handshake Authentication — In this scheme, most applicable to students at a university computer cluster, the user approaches the system and selects the user profile he/she wishes to authenticate into.


Our sample user is prepared to log in to Facebook


The user selects his/her account profile


Oz asks the user to enter their handshake


The user executes his/her handshake sequence inside a box that contains the LEAP controller


Our user is now happily logged in to Facebook.


Task Two: Facial Recognition / Handshake Authentication — As an alternative to user profile selection from the screen, Oz might automatically identify the user by facial recognition and ask them to enter their handshake.


The user walks up to the computer, and his/her profile is automatically pulled up


From this point on, interaction continues as described in Task One above.


Task Three: Handshake Reset — In this task, the user reset his/her secret handshake sequence for one of usually two reasons: (1) they forgot their previous handshake or (2) they seem to remember the handshake, but the system is not recognizing it correctly.


At the handshake reset screen, the user is asked to check their email for reset instructions


Upon clicking the link in the email, the user is asked to enter their new handshake sequence


Prototype Discussion


We grabbed a file holder and made paper linings for the sides. Because this box is aimed to prevent others from seeing your handshake, we had to cover up the holes along the sides of the file holder with the paper linings. These were taped on and the Leap Controller was placed at the bottom of the box.


No major prototyping innovations were created during this project. The file holder we found had a pretty neat form factor, though.


A few things were difficult. We had to procure a properly shaped boxed for Oz users to put their hand in and accommodating of the LEAP motion controller. Out of convenience, our first consideration was a FedEx shipping envelope (1.8 oz. 9.252”x13.189”). In short time, this solution was ruled out because of the odd shape. Second, we found a box for WB Mason printing paper. This too was ruled out, this time because of bulkiness. Finally, we found a plastic file holder in the ELE lab that had an attractive form for our application. This solution was an instant hit.


Once we found the box, it worked really well for our application. In addition, putting the LEAP inside it was relatively straightforward. Black-marker sketches are always an enjoyable task. All in all, things came together quite well.