Oz Final Project

Group #21

  • David Dohan

  • Miles Yucht

  • Andrew Cheong

  • Shubhro Saha

Oz authenticates individuals into computer systems using sequences of basic hand gestures.

Links to previous blog posts:

Link to P1 Submission

Link to P2 Submission

Link to P3 Submission

Link to P4 Submission

Link to P5 Submission

Link to P6 Submission


First trial: Video Demo

Sample use + voiceover:Video with voiceover

The key components of Oz are a webcam, browser plugin, and gesture recognition engine. We also use a black glove ease recognition in the prototype. When a user is on a login page (specifically Facebook for our prototype), they can select the Oz browser plugin and add a user to the system. After a user has been added, they may be selected in the plugin, and authenticated by entering their series of hand gestures. The chrome plugin uses a python script to handle acquiring and classifying the hand image from the webcam. The system is fully integrated into the browser.

Changes since P6:

  • Previously, all of the gesture acquisition was completed in Python code, as we thought that Oz would basically provide a simple API and take care of all of the image acquisition, simply handing the username/password (or a corresponding hash) to the browser. In this iteration, we developed a Chrome extension that dynamically interacts with the user and masks all of the low-level text interface that we used in P6.

  • In order to make the browser plugin more interactive and responsive to the user, the gesture acquisition code is now done in Javascript in the plugin.  This is the most visible change to the user.  This involved a significant rewrite of our plugin/script communication architecture.  The plugin includes interfaces to select the user, add new users, reset password, and login.

  • In moving user interaction into the plugin, we made several changes to the user interaction:

    • There is now explicit feedback to the user when a gesture is read in.  This is indicated by a graphic similar to the following one:

    • The user can select a recently used profile without any typing (by tapping it on a touch screen or clicking it with a mouse).  This means there is no need for keyboard interaction in many cases.

  • We made additional changes that are less obvious on the user-facing side in security.  We have modified our program so user information is encrypted using the series of gestures as a key for secure storage.

How our goals have changed since P1:

Over the course of the semester, we realized that although LEAP is a really cool and useful technology, it is rather tricky to use for hand pose recognition because it isn’t able to identify which finger is which, instead identifying fingers that are present and providing data about their position, width, length, direction, and other features. It was exceedingly difficult to accurately determine fingers based on just this information. Consequently, we moved from this approach to using a webcam, which provides much more raw data about the location of the hand, although only in 2 dimensions. However, using the OpenCV library, we were able to select out the hand from the image and pass the isolated hand features to an SVM. This produced much more reliable results and was much easier for us to use, with the downside of occasional confusion of similar gestures (for example, “peace-sign” vs “trigger”). However, by limiting the set of similar gestures and gathering a large amount of training data, the system now reports the correct gesture much more often.

Previously, we intended to incorporate facial recognition as a task completed by Oz during the user registration process. While the use of facial recognition is interesting and could be implemented for later versions of Oz, we as a group realized that acquiring training data and refining the hand gesture recognition algorithm was more significant. Since the current method of selecting the user profile accomplishes the same goal as facial recognition—minimizing keyboard interaction—we shifted our priorities away from facial recognition.

Critical evaluation of the project:

Obviously one of the goals of Oz is to supplant manual username/password entry with a keyboard, so in designing Oz, we must always be asking the question “How much does Oz improve the experience of logging into websites?” Heuristics to measure this include speed, reliability, and user enjoyment when compared to using the keyboard. Interestingly, though users seemed to have a difficult time using Oz, overall they rated the experience as highly enjoyable, perhaps due to the novelty of a contact-free gesture-based interface, even though Oz performed significantly more poorly than simply typing in a password. However, with further practice and refinement of gesture recognition, we suspect that it could easily compete with the speed that users enter in passwords using a keyboard, and if we were to include our original plans for facial recognition, the overall login process could possibly be faster than using the keyboard at all. However, any claim such as this needs to be verified through experiment before one can extrapolate to future performance of any product, Oz included.

The types of technology used in Oz are relatively inexpensive and widespread. We used a Microsoft Lifecam Cinema webcam in our prototype, but simpler, less expensive webcams would probably work just as well. The resolution of low- to mid-range webcams can probably resolve enough of the hand that they could work as a drop-in replacement for this webcam. Other materials used include a box and green paper (which are really inexpensive). Hence, from a cost-prohibitive standpoint, Oz (nearly) passes with flying colors; all that remains is to test it out with a lower cost webcam. That said, the actual apparatus box and all is rather bulky and at the moment remains somewhat nonintuitive for most users, as in, it doesn’t suggest the appropriate way to use the device, so different users made similar mistakes in using the device (one of the most common errors was the user not putting their hand far enough into the box).

Obviously, security is another serious concern when dealing with user credentials. There are two main fronts which Oz could be susceptible to attack: an attacker could either try to feign to be a user and imitate the hand gesture of another user, or he could also try to extract the password from the encrypted version stored in Oz. In the current implementation, the first method is actually quite feasible in the same way that an attacker could type in another user’s credentials to gain access to the user’s account, but with facial recognition to determine the user this becomes less trivial. As for the second concern, the current implementation of the program would be relatively easy for a skilled hacker to extract a password, but we saw the challenge in this project as building a device that interprets hand gestures, and making a working user authentication system is simply icing on the cake.

How could we move forward:

One of the biggest problems with Oz is the accuracy of recognizing gestures. One of the motivations behind Oz was that the space of hand gestures is larger than the space of characters in a password, but as we try to utilize more and more of this space, the error rate of misinterpreting a gesture as one nearby in the gesture space increases. For this to work as a reliable system, we need to ensure that this error rate is really low, so one step is to expand the set of usable, recognizable gestures while maintaining a low error rate. One possible way of addressing this issue is by using a depth camera, such as that in the Xbox Kinect camera. This would provide more information about the image to the SVM, and recent research in computer vision has made pose estimation using depth cameras more feasible for systems such as Oz.  Another plausible technique is using multiple camera from different perspective instead of only a top down view.  There are also many potential methods for choosing features to train on, but prototyping and testing each of these methods would have taken a prohibitively long time during the semester. Additionally, being able to take into account rotation and shadows in the Box would certainly enhance the accuracy of Oz, as would increasing the training data.

There are several other possible approaches to hand gesture authentication, each with its own set of tradeoffs on security versus robustness.  One such approach is to store a series of hand pose skeletons for each password.  When authenticating, Oz would check the total error between each gesture and the stored password.  If the total error is sufficiently small, then the password is accepted and the user authenticated.  Such a technique, however, doesn’t allow us to encrypt the user’s account passwords as we do in our current implementation.

One related issue is that different people have different understandings of what a gesture is, having different ways of . We could certainly write a tutorial to show users how to make the different gestures, but we could augment this by creating a new classifier for each user and having each user train their own classifier. The advantage of this is that Oz would be tolerant to between-user variation in gestures, as each user would provide their own training data for Oz (rather than use a default SVM that is the same for everyone). This also would make the system more sensitive to biometric differences between users.

Source code:

The source code is available on Github at http://github.com/dmrd/oz.git. The link for the final commit is https://github.com/dmrd/oz/commit/f252e70a5a434aeca28509e8d3dea9087b89ca84. If you really want a zip, you can get it at https://www.dropbox.com/s/9pmwwawrprnee4r/oz.zip.

Third-party code used:

  • The sklearn module: this module provides several machine-learning algorithms for use in Python. Specifically, we use the LinearSVC class which provides support-vector machine functionality.

  • The OpenCV (cv2)module: this module provides Python bindings to obtain images from the webcam and to preprocess those images in preparation for the machine learning step, including contour-finding and thresholding. Additionally, we use the numpy module because opencv internally represents arrays as numpy objects.

  • The slurpy module: this module provides a method for registering Python functions with and instance of a slurpy server which can then be called as normal functions from javascript.  We used this module to allow our Chrome plugin, which in written in Javascript, to call the gesture recognition code written in Python.

Links to printed materials at Demo day

https://www.dropbox.com/s/po5wnbmnxu0g6qv/poster.jpg is the link to our poster.


Miles Yucht – Assignment 2

The bulk of my observations were made in various classrooms before and after class, although I did devote some time to observing students in transit between classes. For the most part, the activities conducted by students were indicative of idleness, such as socializing and resting: which activity in particular depended primarily on the size of the group the student was in. In larger groups (3 or more students), students most often were chatting with friends. At one point or another, nearly every student that I observed took out materials to take notes for class beforehand; likewise, after class, people packed up their things. The activities of students in small groups (alone or with one other person) were much more varied, including texting, eating, playing games on their computer, and checking emails/social media. After class, students were observed standing up and stretching out, and infrequently students were asleep at the end of a lecture.

In between classes, the set of activities was even smaller, limited to things that could be accomplished on a mobile device or in person. Most often, students were simply walking with their bags, sometimes with a phone in hand. When asked, these people were most often checking Facebook or texting other friends. In groups, chatting (varying from somewhat quiet to quite raucous) was often conducted, typically with at most two members of the group using their mobile phones at one time. Additionally the occasional running student sought to make it to class before the bell rang on time.

In reflection, I decided to focus my brainstorming on ways to keep students more active during this intermediary time period. I postulated that being more active before/in between lectures would help students pay more attention during lecture and perhaps make them less likely to fall asleep during lecture.


The following are my one-line ideas for the brainstorming component of the project:

1. Remind yourself of assignments/projects/readings/etc. for classes
2. In real time analyze what people are talking about right after class
3. Check out what’s for lunch today at your respective dining hall/eating club
4. Calculate the fastest path between two classes for high efficiency walking
5. Sleepy tracker – monitor wakefulness during the day as a function of sleep/naps
6. Princeton trivia game – cool facts you never knew about Princeton
7. Fun music player – plays bassline/guitar/drums, and you can play along with it
8. Save the day’s lecture slides to your computer
9. Jeopardy-style game about lecture, featuring material covered in class
10. Reminder to make sure you don’t leave any of your belongings behind
11. The 5-minute trainer makes a short workout before siting down for an hour+
12. Add student events in the next three days to your calendar
13. Social game where you score points by interacting with classmates
14. Determine how many students are present so the teacher can begin lecture
15. Scavenger-hunt style game where you get points by going to places around campus

Ideas to prototype:
The ideas I’m picking to design prototypes for are ideas 11 and 4. The idea of
a small personal trainer is interesting because by nature of lecture, we often
spend a long time sitting down, and many people find they can stay more focused
for longer after exercising a bit. A mapping app would potentially help a student like those I observed running between classes get to class sooner and even allow them to see exactly how fast they need to go to make it to class on time.



For the workout prototype, I decided to use the smartphone form factor because it needs to be on a device that ideally is widely available and also extremely portable, and the smartphone fits both of these needs. When running the workout app prototype, the user is presented with a starting screen, from which they can start a random workout, check out their list of favorited workouts, see their friends’ usage of the app, and adjust their own personal settings. When pressing the random workout button, the user is immediately brought to a workout confirmation page notifying them about the duration and intensity of the workout, from which they can continue on to the workout. The workout duration is automatically calculated based on the starting time for the class and the current time. The workout screen presents one exercise at a time, showing the time remaining on the exercise and the workout and the number of exercises remaining in the workout. Upon finishing or cancelling the workout, the user is brought to the workout completion page, where the workout is logged and the user is given the option to favorite the workout.

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Additionally, the user can view their favorite workouts and the number of times they’ve completed their favorite workouts on the Favorite Workouts page. The user can start any of their favorite workouts, or he/she can design a new workout. When making a new workout, the user can rename the current workout, type in an exercise and a duration for the exercise, and add/remove exercises. The total time for the workout is tallied at the bottom of the screen.


When clicking on the friends link on the home page, one is brought to a list of friends. Clicking on one of those friends brings up their profile, where one can view that friend’s favorite workouts, how many workouts they have completed, and the time of their last workout. Clicking on one of these workouts brings you back to the workout confirmation screen, enabling you to try one of your friends workouts.

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Clicking on the settings button enables one to change their personal settings. These include: the default difficulty of the workout, the time to end the workout before lecture, the username, sound level, and whether to use vibrate.IMAG0030IMAG0040 IMAG0039 IMAG0029



For the mapping app, I decided to go with a much simpler layout, simply because the functionality of this program is quite a bit more limited. I figured that it ought to help a user accomplish the singular task of getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible. As such, picking points A and B should be a very easy task. On the home page, one can choose the starting point and the destination point by pressing on the corresponding buttons and immediately ask for directions or change settings for the app. The only settings that can be modified are the route type, which can take a value of “Fastest,” “Shortest distance,” or “Late Meal,” which directs the student towards Frist en route to the destination.


Once requesting a path, a map screen is loaded, displaying the starting and ending locations, the path to follow, the current location of the user via GPS, the user’s current speed, remaining distance, and time to arrive at the destination.



I completed testing with three real users. For the mapping app, I introduced the app to the user as they were about to leave one hall en route to another; in one instance, I also introduced the app to a user to simply play around with the app and describe the experience of using the app rather than try to extract any useful information from it. Before each test, I mentioned to the user that every area of the screen with a black box around it was an interactive component, encouraging them to touch those points and see what happens. Nobody that I had asked to demo my prototype had ever used a paper prototype in the past, so they ended up needing an acclimatory period in which they became accustomed to the use of a paper prototype. After that short period, most people were able to navigate the interface with relative ease. However, some users felt like they had exhausted the possibilities of the app rather quickly and became pretty bored with it after a short period of time. One user suggested the possibility of viewing others on the map who were also using the application. Still, there was overwhelming appreciation for the “Late Meal” setting, which I meant to be more humorous than functional.


I found that during the actual evaluation of prototypes, it was far more useful to give the user a task rather than simply letting the user play with the application, especially since both of these applications are designed to accomplishing a very specific task, as I found when I tried to give the one user the app without actually using it to find the shortest path between two places. Without a task, this user felt very undirected and said that he could see how the application would be useful for him but didn’t enjoy the experience of using it.

Additionally, most people left me with the impression that they walked away unsatisfied with what the app could have provided them. In the next redesign of the app, I would change the design in order to emphasize the final result of the calculated route. Perhaps because this app targets a very particular user space, the set of people who are interested in getting places efficiently, I might have been more likely to have picked people not in this group, so the reviews were more negative than I would have hoped. However, this does indicate to me that I’m going to have to make the app more enjoyable or useful for people beyond this group if I want to garner more interest in it.