This is the current Princeton University Math Club Website. It contains information about majoring in math, Math Club events, summer programs, and competitions.
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We’re nearing the end of another year here at Princeton. For me, it’s been the craziest and most stressful year yet, and perhaps you feel the same way. Hang in there! We’re almost done! And you have the Math Club’s biggest, fanciest event of the year to look forward to, an event so grand, I […]
Principia: The Princeton Undergraduate Mathematics Journal
Principia is officially accepting submissions! Visit our brand new website at to view submission guidelines. We are also looking for advertisers! More information can be found here: Principia announcement on webpage of Princeton’s Office of Undergraduate Research:
REU info session, Wednesday 1/22
(Email from Zhaonan) For those of you who are interested in participating in an REU this summer, there will be some students who have done REUs before at the math departments’ afternoon tea time to share their experiences. The time and location are: Wednesday Jan.22nd 3:30 pm Fine Hall 3rd floor Common Room Come talk […]