The Start of an Era: the Iranian Hostage Crisis and rising Fears of Radical Islam

Also, I noticed that there were a variety of other media forms that covered the Iranian hostage crisis, but in order to maintain uniformity throughout the research paper, I had to restrict myself to only newspapers. Given the flexibility of a web interface for including more visual media, I have attached some comics and cartoons below. For the Iranian hostage crisis, I found:

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And pertaining to the Lebanon hostage crisis:

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The comics, for me, reasserted the pattern of mutual escalation that had already been highlighted in the newspaper articles – namely that both sides increasingly amped up the derogatory descriptions they fired at each other as the crisis prolonged (admittedly, these comics are all from American newspaper since Arabic is inaccessible to me, but there is a strong likelihood that Iranian and Lebanese newspapers contained comics of a similar nature, albeit with anti-American sentiments). At the same time, they reiterated the perpetuation of media frames of reference – once radical Islam was tagged as the enemy, it was presented as such over and over again.

  1. these comics were found on
  2. these comics were found on and

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