The Methodology of Holocaust Denial: Inverting the Witnessing Process



“My impression of the extant literature was that the events claimed there may as well be imagined as having taken place on Mars if at all, so absent was a concern for the broader context.” – Arthur Butz

“Auschwitz was not destined for the extermination of Jews.” – Paul Rassinier

“His obvious intellectual honesty contrasts sharply with the deceitful spirit of ‘Exterminationist’ historians such as Leon Poliakov, Lucy Dawidowicz and William L. Shirer. Rassinier’s work has stood the test of time remarkably well. His basic thesis — that there was no German policy or program of extermination, and that the incessantly repeated figure of six million Jewish wartime dead is a gross exaggeration — has been abundantly confirmed by a tremendous amount of new evidence collected by the scholars who have followed in his path. All Revisionists owe a great debt to this man.” – Max Weber (taken from the Afterword to Rassinier’s work)

“Rassinier was a courageous pioneer in an ignored area and… no fair minded person could read [his work] without becoming at least skeptical about the ‘exterminations.'” – Arthur Butz

“I resented [speculation about the extermination plans], and I blamed it upon my fellow deportees and their never ending publication of their stories, often imaginary, in which they gave themselves the airs of saints, heroes, or martyrs.” – Paul Rassinier

“Then one day I realized that a false picture of the German camps had been created and that the problem of the concentration camps was a universal one, not just one that could be disposed of by placing it on the doorstep of the National Socialists. The deportees — many of whom were Communists — had been largely responsible for leading international political thinking to such an erroneous conclusion. I suddenly felt that by remaining silent I was an accomplice to a dangerous influence.” – Paul Rassinier

“[The survivors] wantonly created a story of horror for a public that always clamored for something more sensational in order the more surely to inspire pity and recognition.” – Paul Rassinier

“If there is any respect in which this book may be breaking fundamentally new ground on the problem, it is in its insistence in seeing Washington as an active agent in the generation of the story… Washington constructed a frame-up on the Jewish extermination charge.” – Arthur Butz

“The deaths… were the result of a total loss of control, not a deliberate policy. Equivalent scenes could easily have existed in any country.” – Arthur Butz

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