Flight United 93: The 4th Plane Crash on the Sad Day of September 11, 2001

When the 9/11 attacks happened, people my age (19) were either 6 or 7 years old. After researching on the United 93 Flight, I was interested to see how people my age perceive and feel about  9/11 and the United 93 Plane Crash.

I asked a question to many of my friends and other people in the class:

“When you hear the word 9/11 or Flight United 93 what do you feel or think?”

The responses are listed below with the respondents names.

Caroline Joyce : “I feel anger and anxious remembering that day and everything that happened on it”.

Jack Jundanian : “I always get a tingle down my spine when I watch videos about 9/11, especially seeing people jumping off of the burning buildings, that really gets me. I think the first feelings I get are anger, amazement, and more than anything strong patriotism. We were at such a weird age when it happened, like I can just barely remember it but was so confused because we were all little, but strangely I don’t feel fear or anything like that when it is mentioned, I think more about the country coming together as a result of what happened”.

Lauren Miller : “I think of all the innocent lives that were lost that day and how quickly your life can change. I felt unsafe in the US”.

Lauren Elcan : “I feel sad, and hurt that so many Americans were hurt on our own land were we are suppose to be safe. I felt mad at those people who would do that to us, and how it started just a long and devastating war”.

George Camerlo : “When I think of United 93, I’m amazed by the bravery of the passengers who fought back against the hijackers. They sacrificed their own lives to save countless more, which is above and beyond what is expected of the average citizen”.

Kington Tse: “Before this year, I did not even know Flight United 93 even existed. Actually, when 9/11 happened I was not really interested in what happened. To be fair, I was in first grade so I probably did not know how to react to it. However, now that I a college student, I am disappointed that I was not educated about the United 93 flight sooner.”

Tora Hallstrom: “It reminds me that terror is closer to us than we think and it can happen to any of us”.

Scott Bechler: “I feel proud because of Todd Beamer’s actions on the plane. Apparently he and others planned to attack the hijackers and prevent them from hitting the designated targets. At the end of his phone call he said, “Let’s roll,” which is just so courageous and badass and makes me proud”.

Jonathan Kader: “I think about how I was let out of school early because of the attacks and I was really confused about what happened that day because of the attacks.”

Alexis Rosenthal: “I think about how that flight was supposed to crash into the building that my dad was in at the time and how I had no idea what was going on when it actually happened because I was too young. I also think of the movie they made and get sad”

Terese Rufin: “The first thing that comes to my mind is the heroism of the passengers that took the plane down, and I’d say I feel inspired by them.”

Max Greenwald: “That’s flight that crashed right? I don’t know pride for the Americans that were epic enough to stop the hijackers”.

Madeliene Rodriguez: “Fear, terrorism, violence, and death”.

Jacklyn Jacobe: “Sad for the families of the victims, scared for national security, proud to be an america, and angry that we live in such a violent world”.

Patrick Harrel: “A bunch of people being brave and taking back a plane”.

Morgan Hallock: “Sadness, fear, fire, chaos”.

Emilie Sohl: “I think immediately to seeing the first plane hit the building as I was sitting in my parents room. In short I think the day that the US changed security laws and relations with other countries forever”.

Chris Kennedy: “The people on the plane who attacked the terrorists and helped take the plane down before crashing. Before crashing into the capital or wherever it was supposed to be heading.”

The responses from numerous 19 year olds differ. Some of them state phrases about patriotism and nationalism, other state what they were doing at the time and how they were confused about what was going on, and some state how heroic the passengers were. There were many different responses and I think that shows that since people of my age, 19 years old, were so young when the attacks happened, there can perceive the attacks and focus on different aspects of them. It was very insightful to hear my peers responses in regards to the 9/11 attacks since they fluctuated so much, it gave me insight to my friends and peer’s views on the attacks and how they feel about them now as well.

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