That Ol’ Jack Magic: How JFK and the Zapruder Film Inspire Pop Culture

Za-Parodies: Mocking the Assassination Footage

In an ironic, disturbing realization of Abraham Zapruder’s greatest fears, a YouTube search for “Zapruder film parody” produces nearly one thousand video results. Among them are reproductions of television show episodes parodying the assassination (most famously “The Magic Loogie” scene from Seinfeld), music videos incorporating the Zapruder film, mock commercials using the footage, and many homemade video reenactments of the assassination scene.
The strong presence of parodies of the Zapruder film on YouTube suggests the continuation of a legacy of obsession with, and mockery of, the Zapruder film.  The following are some noteworthy examples of videos mocking the Zapruder film and treating flippantly the death of an American icon. Perhaps an examination of them will help to provide insight into the complicated relationship America still has with Kennedy, his death, and the footage that recorded it.
1: The “Magic Loogie”
The following is a scene from the sitcom Seinfeld (part of the epsiode “The Boyfriend Part I”) which parodies the final courtroom scene from the film JFK:

Clearly, the scene the scene mocks the American obsession with details of the Zapruder film and with finding out the ultimate truth about the assassination. Here, although the scene is meant to poke some fun at the Zapruder footage, it is not in any way overtly vulgar or crude or insensitive.

2: The Assassination of JFK by “Whitest Kids U’ Know”The following is a video by the YouTube group “Whitest Kids U’ Know:”

One of the stranger parodies of Kennedy’s assassination, this video shows a scene in which Lyndon Johnson supervises Lee Harvey Oswald as he stands in position to shoot John Kennedy and Kennedy and first lady Jackie are portrayed as childishly bickering during their car ride through Dallas. Less gory and graphic than some of the other videos, but perhaps more pointless.

3: The Assassination Mayor McCheese

The following is a clip from the cartoon TV show Family Guy parodying the Zapruder film:

Its imagery entirely unusual, and a bit disturbing, this video makes light of Kennedy’s death and renders the American obsession with it ridiculous.

4: Zapruder Home Videos

The following is a sketch shown on MADtv of a mock ABC News broadcast, which claims to have acquired the other Zapruder home movies:

In each of the home movies shown, the Zapruder family, including their young children, gathers in their home to celebrate an occasion. Each time, very suddenly, someone is shot. Like the actual Zapruder film, these are silent. They are shown with pleasant piano playing in the background— intensifying the grotesque nature of the scenes and very crudely making fun of the Zapruder film .

5: People Do Stupid Things

The following is a A mock commercial for the Vonage telephone company titled “Zapruder’s Vonage Film:”

Short and to the point, and both incredibly vulgar and entirely insensitive, this video is perhaps the clearest realization of Abraham Zapruder’s nightmare.

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