How do I . . .

Tools for interactive teaching


iclicker_smallerThe iClick­er system allows instructors to poll students in class and get live, immediate feedback. The Educational Technologies Center offers sets of iClickers for temporary loan to Princeton faculty.

To assign clickers to stu­dents for the dura­tion of the semester, the click­ers should be ordered though the bookstore, and purchased, along with other required textbooks, by students. Clickers may be assigned using the course read­ing list tool in Black­board. The ISBN num­bers to enter in the book search are:

ISBN 978–1464120152 (ISBN 13 –pre­ferred format)IS
BN 1464120153 (ISBN 10 –dep­re­cated format)

Both num­bers refer to the lat­est iclicker model, the iclicker+. The cost of a clicker is approx­i­mately $30.

Black­board inte­gra­tion allows iclicker ses­sions (where each stu­dent is assigned the same clicker for the term) to report to the Black­board grade cen­ter. This build­ing block is avail­able in all courses. The instruc­tor or course admin­is­tra­tor needs to enable the iclicker tool in Black­board, and to set up the course grade­book in a par­tic­u­lar way. Once enabled, the iclicker build­ing block allows stu­dents to reg­is­ter their per­sonal clicker id by log­ging into the Black­board site for that course. In the event that a stu­dent has pur­chased a clicker for use in more than one course, Black­board car­ries that infor­ma­tion over from the first Black­board course in which a stu­dent reg­is­ters his or her clicker, to any other course using clickers.

Inte­gra­tion of click­ers into a Black­board course is described in these three videos on the iClicker YouTube channel:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

All cur­rent and past mod­els of iclick­ers can be used together. How­ever depart­ments who have older iclicker receivers (black plas­tic cases) should arrange to swap them for the newer iclicker receivers (white plas­tic cases – see image at top of post). The lat­est clicker soft­ware is required for newer oper­at­ing sys­tems (i.e Win­dows 8 and OS 10.8 or later). The black iclicker receivers can no longer be updated to work with the lat­est iclicker software.


The older clicker will work fine with newer soft­ware, but if you have a receiver that looks like this one, please con­tact the ETC for an upgrade.

For users who need spe­cial accom­mo­da­tion, the ETC has a few click­ers that are tac­tile, mean­ing they give non-visual feed­back when a vote is entered by vibrat­ing and buzzing, much like a cell phone in “mute” mode. All newer iclicker+ mod­els have braille char­ac­ters embossed into the clicker case, with feed­back lights next to each vot­ing option. Braille stick­ers are avail­able for older iclickers,

Bor­row­ing click­ers for non-course use depends upon avail­abil­ity, and course-related requests have first pri­or­ity for clicker loans. For large events, clicker rentals can be arranged by con­tact­ing the iclicker com­pany directly.

Con­tact the ETC ( for more information.