How do I . . .

Tools for interactive teaching

Resources for Faculty

SCAD and DCS Computing Support Programs

The SCAD/DCS (Support for Computing in Academic Departments/Department Computing Support) program is set up so that each department has their own support personnel with specialized access to all of the information from the Office of Information Technology. The SCAD/DCS member offers one-on-one assistance with hardware and software issues in your office.
You can find a listing of SCAD/DCS members for departments at:

Get help with Blackboard

There are many options for getting help with the Blackboard course management system. Call the Blackboard helpline, drop-in, or request an office visit.  Details can be found on OIT’s Blackboard website.

Meet with a technology consultant

Would you like to try something different using technology in the classroom or as an assignment for your students? The Educational Technologies Center can help to advise, train, and prepare you to add a new technology component to your teaching. For more information, you can request a consultation or appointment. Contact

NMC Multimedia Project Training

With cutting-edge facilities, software, and training available in the New Media Center, you can feel confident assigning multimedia projects to your students & offering hands-on training. Contact Paula Brett in the New Media Center to get more information.


The New Media Center has a quiet room with a camera and microphone for use in one-on-one video conference calls.  To reserve the room, call 258-6073 or contact Paula Brett.

Media Service Classroom Projection

Classrooms that are equiped with a Crestron Systems will allow faculty and students to project computers, DVDs, and video cassettes onto a screen for the entire class to view. To find out how a general Crestron System set-up works, please view the instructions in this PDF.

Video Conferencing

Media Ser­vices sup­ports IP based video con­fer­enc­ing at Wal­lace 001 or they can pro­vide portable units that can be set up in offices and some class­rooms. Nor­mal busi­nesss hours cost $50.00 and non-business hours cost $70.00. Prince­ton cur­rently has 10 video­con­fer­ence rooms, and two portable video­con­fer­enc­ing units. Desk­top video­con­fer­enc­ing is avail­able on any prop­erly con­fig­ured com­puter. To find out more, visit the Video Con­fer­enc­ing link:


The iClick­er system allows instructors to poll students in class and get live, immediate feedback. The Educational Technologies Center offers sets of iClickers for temporary loan for use in Princeton courses and can be contacted at  For more information about the clicker system,  see the Clickers page on this site.

Submit your Grades

To sub­mit your grades, log on to Peo­ple­Soft Stu­dent Admin­is­tra­tion at with your Net-ID and LDAP pass­word. Then nav­i­gate as fol­lows: Home > Teach­ing and Advising

You will be pre­sented with your teach­ing sched­ule for the semes­ter. The sec­ond col­umn from the left, with the head­ing Grade Ros­ter, is where you will see an icon of a per­son stand­ing at a chalk­board for each of your courses for which a grade ros­ter is avail­able. Click on the icon to open grade roster.

After enter­ing your grades, change the Ros­ter Approval Sta­tus from Not Reviewed to Approved. The ros­ter sta­tus is found in a drop-down menu imme­di­ately above the yel­low box (near the top of the screen). After chang­ing the ros­ter sta­tus to Approved, click the save but­ton in the lower left-hand side of the screen. You’ll receive a prompt ask­ing if you have com­pleted enter­ing grades at this time. Click yes. This returns you to the list of your courses. At this point, you should log off from Peo­ple­Soft by click­ing the sign out link in the top right-hand cor­ner of the screen.


Listservs are automatically created for each course at Princeton, based on information in Blackboard. With these lists, faculty and staff can contact course participants without using internal Blackboard mailing tools.

Media Central

media_central_logoMedia Central, a web-based media management system, provides a central repository for storing, managing, and delivering video and audio content. It stores all your media in one location, allowing you to manage content quickly and efficiently. Media Central also allows you to customize metadata to organize, tag, and search files, and convert media into various file formats for use on multiple platforms including websites, iOS devices, YouTube, Facebook and Blackboard.

Media Central is powered by Kaltura, an open source media management platform.

Lecture Capture, MOOCs, and Flipping the Classroom

MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) are online courses that have many of the features of more traditional face-to-face courses but are available to a much larger online audience. In participation with, several Princeton courses have been offered online. Recorded lectures or other instructional sessions and materials however can be used in many creative and effective ways. The term ‘flipping the classroom’ refers to the idea of assigning pre-recorded lectures or other teaching materials that would normally use up class time as homework, thus freeing up class time for other activities. This can obviously be done in a wide variety of ways, but capturing instructional materials is the first step. For more information about lecture capture options on campus, contact Janet Temos at For more information Princeton’s involvement with, contact Jef­frey Him­pele of the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning.


Requests for books, video materials and audio materials to be held on course reserve should be placed through Firestone Library’s Online Reserve Request System. More information about this system and about reserving materials can be found at the Online Reserve Request System (ORRS)

Video On Demand

Faculty members can request that digital copies of films be placed on reserve, and made available to students 24/7 via a streaming media service. Only titles owned by the University can me made available through VoD. Requests should be made through the library’s reserve system. Access is limited to course participants, while the course is in session. Contact the HRC ( to get started.

Blackboard Course Management System

Black­board is a Learn­ing Man­age­ment Sys­tem (LMS) that allows for you to pub­lish and man­age course mate­ri­als. Black­board course web­sites are restricted to instruc­tors and stu­dents enrolled in the course. Black­board includes tools such as Dis­cus­sion Boards and Blogs that allow dis­cus­sions to con­tinue out­side of the class­room. With Black­board, you can also cre­ate groups of stu­dents for col­lab­o­ra­tive projects. Audio and Video mate­ri­als can also be added to your Black­board course website.

Get a Web Site

Prince­ton Word­Press Service

Blogs for course­work, aca­d­e­mic depart­ments, and ODUS-approved student groups can be requested on Uni­ver­sity hosted multi-server, mult-site Word­Press Ser­vice. The Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Word­Press Ser­vice sup­ports web­sites related to teach­ing, research, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion out­reach for fac­ulty projects and offi­cially rec­og­nized Uni­ver­sity groups and pro­grams. The ser­vice does not sup­port indi­vid­ual sites of a non-academic nature (i.e. per­sonal blogs or web­sites). To request a blog, fill out the Blog Request form. The Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Word­Press ser­vice is admin­is­tered by Web Devel­op­ment Ser­vices.


QED is a wiki platform based on Medi­aWiki soft­ware, the same software that drives Wikipedia . After logging in with your Prince­ton netID, you can start mak­ing con­tri­bu­tions, such as edit­ing exist­ing pages, cre­at­ing new ones, and upload­ing files. A wiki is a web­site which allows its users to add, mod­ify, or delete its con­tent via a web browser usu­ally using a sim­pli­fied markup lan­guage or a rich-text editor.


Open­Scholar is a web­site build­ing and con­tent man­age­ment tool avail­able to fac­ulty and grad­u­ate stu­dents for host­ing pro­fes­sional pro­file sites. Open­S­cho­lar sites can con­tain biogra­phies, CVs, course lists, pub­li­ca­tions, blog entries, and event list­ings. Fill out the Open­Scholar site request form to request a site. Fur­ther infor­ma­tion is avail­able by con­tact­ing


The service is offered at no charge, and is appropriate for departments engaged in the business of the University. It is designed for small web applications that have low network bandwidth requirements and are not CPU-intensive. To qualify for this free service, hosted web applications must be able to coexist on a shared server with many other departmental web sites. Departments are responsible for their web design and development work. cPanel/dotNET services are primarily intended for Princeton faculty and staff. If your department would like to request the cPanel LAMP service, please use the online request form. Any requirements for special software or other special needs will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. For more information, send e-mail to Dave Herrington at

Course Blogs

Blogs for coursework, academic departments, and can be requested on University hosted multi-server, mult-site WordPress Service. The Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Word­Press Ser­vice sup­ports web­sites related to teach­ing, research, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion out­reach for fac­ulty projects and offi­cially rec­og­nized Uni­ver­sity groups and pro­grams. The service does not sup­port indi­vid­ual sites of a non-academic nature (i.e. per­sonal blogs or websites). To request a blog, fill out the Blog Request form. The Princeton University WordPress service is administered by Web Development Services. During normal business hours, help can be reached via email by emailing After hours, help can be reached via the OIT HelpDesk (609-258-4357 (HELP)).

Connect to University Online Resources from Off-Campus

There are two alternatives for connecting to Princeton University computing resources from off-campus. You can connect to Library Resources or use VPN. To get started with either method, you can consult the OIT Knowledge base page here:

Computer Purchasing

The fol­low­ing links con­tain infor­ma­tion relat­ing to the Fac­ulty Com­puter Pro­gram (FCP) spon­sored by the Office of the Provost.

Fac­ulty and Staff Per­sonal Pur­chases
Com­put­ers for per­sonal pur­chase are not offered through the Uni­ver­sity. How­ever, indi­vid­u­als are encour­aged to con­sider Dell and Apple for per­sonal acqui­si­tion and to use the University’s cur­rent stan­dards as a sug­gested guide. For Uni­ver­sity per­son­al­ized por­tals to these ven­dors, fol­low these links to Dell, Apple and Lenovo. You will need to iden­tify first the state of New Jer­sey and then Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity to drill down to the offerings.

Please note that any pur­chase made through the Faculty/Staff per­sonal pur­chase web­sites (for per­sonal use) will not be reim­bursed by the Uni­ver­sity. Spe­cific pric­ing ques­tions can­not be answered by the OIT Help Desk as the prices and con­fig­u­ra­tions change often and vary accord­ing to ven­dor stan­dard and “spe­cial” offer­ings and avail­abil­ity of stock. It is advised that fac­ulty and staff shop for the best deal using the links provided.

Mobile device loans and plans

The Mobile Device Loaner Pro­gram pro­vides loaner devices from var­i­ous cel­lu­lar providers to use in the case when a fac­ulty or staff mem­ber is trav­el­ing on uni­ver­sity busi­ness and does not have a device that works–or does not have an ade­quate level of data protection–appropriate to the travel des­ti­na­tion. Most devices have inter­na­tional data/voice capa­bil­i­ties. Fees for loans are charged to the bor­row­ing depart­ment, or the indi­vid­ual bor­rower, depend­ing on the nature of the call and type of data used.

A depart­ment can arrange for a data plans and device pur­chases through the Uni­ver­sity if they have fre­quent need of a inter­na­tional or secured devices for their users.

Because of the rela­tion­ship the Uni­ver­sity has with some cell providers, employee dis­counts are avail­able from cer­tain ven­dors for per­sonal data plans.

The Mobile Tech­nol­ogy Office is located at Frist 111; with more infor­ma­tion about the above pro­grams at their web­site: