Cotsen Children’s Library Loans MOMA Materials for Exhibition

 The “Century of the Child: Growing by Design, 1900–2000” will run from July 29–November 5, 2012. For more information about the exhibition, visit the MOMA site. 

 Toyen (Marie Cerminová), (b. Czechoslovakia, d. France, 1902-1980)
 Newsboy with paper and rotary press, original drawing for plate 17
 from Zdenka Marcanova, Ná” Svût (Our World). c. 1934

    Simon Franke.  Gouden vlinders (Golden butterflies)
 Illustrated by Lou Loeber
 (De Waelburg: Blaricum, 1927)


 Nathalie Parain (French, b. Russia, 1897-1958) 
Ronds et carrés (Round and square), an activity book that 
shows how to form common figures and objects through arranging 
different combinations of circles and squares. 
(Paris: Flammarion. c. 1932).

    Astrid Lindgen.
 Känner du Pippi Långstrump? (Do you know Pippi
 Longstocking?), Illustrated by Ingrid Vang Nyman.
 (Stockholm: Raben & Sjogren, 1947)


  Stefan Themerson (British, born Poland, 1910-1988)
 Nasi Ojcowie Pracujà (Our Fathers’ Work).
 (Warsaw:  Naklad Gebethnera i Wolffa, 1933.)


Fanny Harlfinger-Zakucka (German, 1873-1954)  Schablonen Drucke (stencil pattern). c. 1908 

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