Category Archives: News

Tour of Wilson Exhibit on 10/28 has been postponed due to weather

For more information on campus weather updates, read here.

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Mudd’s Wikipedia edit-a-thon Highlighted in the PAW Blog

By Brett Tomlinson on October 26, 2012 10:50 AM, Princeton Alumni Weekly Blog Princeton has nearly 150 years of intercollegiate-athletics history, and the games played in the Internet age represent a relatively small slice. By 1901, a pair of Tiger fans, Frank … Continue reading

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Cotsen Children’s Library Featured in The Princeton Packet

Journal a forum of young writers DATE POSTED: Thursday, September 27, 2012 7:05 PM EDT By Anthony Stoeckert, Packet Media Group It’s no surprise that a new literary journal is being published in Princeton, but somewhat unexpected is a publication … Continue reading

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Mudd Library’s Exhibit on Princeton’s Role in the Civil War Featured in the Trenton Times

The exhibit, “Your True Friend and Enemy: Princeton and the Civil War,” makes clear that friends on both sides of the divide struggled to remain friends. It shows that faculty members edged carefully around provocative discussions. It underscores how individuals … Continue reading

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RBSC Immanuel Velikovsky Papers Noted in ‘The Chronicle of Higher Education’

By Michael D. Gordin, professor of history at Princeton University, The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 17, 2012. In 2005, Firestone Library at Princeton University announced the opening of the Immanuel Velikovsky Papers to researchers. (Velikovsky had lived in Princeton, N.J., … Continue reading

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