The Poetry of Debussy and Mahler

Image courtesy of Princeton Symphony Orchestra

Image courtesy of Princeton Symphony Orchestra

Today’s edition of the Trenton Times highlights an upcoming performance by the Princeton Symphony Orchestra of Debussy’s Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune and Mahler’s Das Lied von der Erde:

Margaret Mezzacappa to perform Mahler’s ‘Song of the Earth’ with Princeton Symphony Orchestra

The performance, to take place in Richardson Auditorium this Sunday, 10 March, 4:00 p.m. (tickets available at Princeton Symphony Orchestra), will be followed by a public reception in the Firestone Library Main Gallery where a small selection of poetry that inspired the musical compositions will be on display.

The exhibition, “The Poetry of Debussy and Mahler,” is currently on display and is also available for viewing this weekend during our normal exhibition hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m., and Saturday – Sunday, noon – 5:00 p.m.

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Join us for the Princeton ArtWalk, Thursday, March 7, 5-8 p.m.

Our latest exhibition, “A Republic in the Wilderness: Treasures of American History from Jamestown to Appomattox,” is a featured destination on this Thursday’s ArtWalk.  Please join us tomorrow in the Main Gallery of the Firestone Library from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

“A Republic in the Wilderness: Treasures from Jamestown to Appomattox,” celebrates the people and events that created an enduring political union and shaped the American experience, and features some of Princeton’s finest holdings of American historical manuscripts, autograph letters, rare books, maps, broadsides, prints, photographs, and other original materials. The exhibition runs from Feb. 22 – August 4, 2013.  For more, see A Republic in the Wilderness.

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Join Us on March 5 for James McPherson’s Lecture on the Civil War for “A Republic in the Wilderness”

Alexander Gardner, Group of Pres. Lincoln, Gen. McClellan, and Suite. George McClellan Papers, Manuscripts Division.

Alexander Gardner, Group of Pres. Lincoln, Gen. McClellan, and Suite. George McClellan Papers, Manuscripts Division.

Join us at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, March 5, in McCormick Hall Room 101, for a lecture on the Civil War by James McPher­son, the George Henry Davis 1886 Pro­fes­sor of Amer­i­can His­tory, Emer­i­tus. Professor McPherson’s lecture will be followed by a reception in the Main Gallery of Firestone Library.

The lecture is sponsored by The Friends of the Library in con­junc­tion with the current exhi­bi­tion in the Main Gallery, “A Republic in the Wilderness: Treasures of American History from Jamestown to Appomattox.” The exhi­bi­tion is free and open to the pub­lic, and is on view from Feb­ru­ary 22 through August 4, 2013, week­days from 9 am to 4:45 pm, and week­ends from noon to 5 pm.

On Sunday, May 5 at 3:30 pm, Sean Wilentz, the George Henry Davis 1886 Pro­fes­sor of Amer­i­can His­tory, will present a lec­ture in McCormick Hall Room 101 to cel­e­brate the offi­cial open­ing of the exhi­bi­tion. This lecture is also sponsored by the Friends of the Library and will be followed by a reception in the Main Gallery.

Trea­sures that will be on view in the Main Gallery spe­cially for these events include Charles Mason’s and Jere­miah Dixon’s 1768 hand-drawn map, and sou­venir copies of the Eman­ci­pa­tion Procla­ma­tion and the Thir­teenth Amend­ment signed by Abra­ham Lincoln.

An accom­pa­ny­ing online exhi­bi­tion, fea­tur­ing selected items on dis­play, is avail­able at

For media coverage on “A Republic in the Wilderness,” see:

Princeton Packet: Historical treasures: Collection at PU Library.

Daily Princetonian: Wanted poster for Lincoln’s assassin discovered in Firestone, now on display.

Town Topics: Lincoln Assassination “Wanted Poster” Discovered at Princeton University Library.

Trenton Times: Exhibition at Princeton University Library Showcases American History from 1608 to 1865.

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“Wanted Poster” No Longer Still At Large


The latest issue of Town Topics, Princeton’s weekly community newspaper, highlights a recently discovered “Wanted Poster” for John Wilkes Booth following the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln:

Lincoln Assassination ‘Wanted Poster’ Discovered at Princeton University Library

The broadside was discovered while researching items for the upcoming exhibition “A Republic in the Wilderness: Treasures of American History From Jamestown to Appomattox.”   The exhibition, opening in the Main Gallery of the Firestone Library on Friday, Feb. 22, fea­tures nearly 100 of the library’s finest hold­ings of Amer­i­can his­tor­i­cal man­u­scripts, auto­graph let­ters, rare books, maps, pho­tographs and other mate­ri­als from the Depart­ment of Rare Books and Spe­cial Col­lec­tions (RBSC) and Scheide Library.   Sev­eral items from Princeton’s col­lec­tions will be on dis­play for the first time.

Read more.

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Treasures of American history featured in Princeton exhibition – Opening Friday, Feb. 22, 2013

From a first-hand account of Colonial life in Jamestown to a wanted poster for John Wilkes Booth following President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, a Princeton University Libraryexhibition opening Friday, Feb. 22, will trace the American experience from 1607 to 1865. Several items from Princeton’s collections will be on display for the first time.

“A Republic in the Wilderness: Treasures of American History From Jamestown to Appomattox” will feature nearly 100 of the library’s finest holdings of American historical manuscripts, autograph letters, rare books, maps, photographs and other materials from the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections (RBSC) and Scheide Library.  Read more.



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