Mudd Library’s Exhibit on Princeton’s Role in the Civil War Featured in the Trenton Times

The exhibit, “Your True Friend and Enemy: Princeton and the Civil War,” makes clear that friends on both sides of the divide struggled to remain friends. It shows that faculty members edged carefully around provocative discussions. It underscores how individuals who might have arrived through the Underground Railroad took up positions of prominence in town, even as Southern students left the campus in droves.

Using diaries, books, old photographs and letters, the exhibit provides a subtler take on the War Between the States as it was experienced far from the front lines.

It also showcases one of the university’s proudest possessions: a handwritten letter from President Abraham Lincoln graciously declining to attend a ceremony awarding him an honorary degree.

“This exhibit shows how both local communities — the College of New Jersey, the name of Princeton University at the time, and the town of Princeton — responded to the crisis in a variety of ways,” said Kristen Turner, one of several exhibit curators. “The story is more nuanced and complicated than you may remember from your history books.”  Read more

Published: Thursday, September 20, 2012, 7:00 AM
By Wendy Plump/For The Times The Times, Trenton
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RBSC Immanuel Velikovsky Papers Noted in ‘The Chronicle of Higher Education’

By Michael D. Gordin, professor of history at Princeton University, The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 17, 2012.

In 2005, Firestone Library at Princeton University announced the opening of the Immanuel Velikovsky Papers to researchers. (Velikovsky had lived in Princeton, N.J., from 1952 until his death, and he was a frequent presence in the library and around town, although he never had any affiliation with the university.)  His papers span 65 linear feet of material: drafts of manuscripts, fan mail, hate mail, assorted correspondence, and much more.  Read more

Picture by Jonathan Twingley for The Chronicle Review


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New Exhibit on Princeton and the Civil War Opens on 9/17/12 at Mudd Library

“Your True Friend and Enemy”: Prince­ton and the Civil War, a new exhi­bi­tion at Prince­ton University’s See­ley G. Mudd Man­u­script Library, exam­ines life at the col­lege and within the town of Prince­ton against the back­drop of the War Between the States.  Through the eyes of stu­dents, fac­ulty, and townspeople—including women and African Americans—the exhi­bi­tion pro­vides a local view of this water­shed event in Amer­i­can his­tory. It opens on Sep­tem­ber 17, 2012, the 150th anniver­sary of the Bat­tle of Anti­etam, after which Pres­i­dent Abra­ham Lin­coln issued the pre­lim­i­nary Eman­ci­pa­tion Proclamation.

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Gallery Tour of “First X, Then Y, Now Z: Landmark Thematic Maps” on Sunday, September 9th

A tour will be held this Sunday, September 9th at 3 pm in the RBSC Main Gallery. “First X, Then Y, Now Z: Landmark Thematic Maps” introduces viewers to the early history of thematic mapping—the topical layering (Z) of geographic space (X-Y)—through both quantitative and qualitative examples.  Stop by on Sunday and enjoy this curatorial tour.

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RBSC’s Woodrow Wilson Exhibit Featured on

A new exhibit at the Princeton University Library, “The Election for Woodrow Wilson’s America,” examines that momentous election and the New Jersey governor and former president of the university who was its eventual victor.  Full Story….

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