Alan Turing and Early Computing at Princeton Exhibit

Firestone Lobby from April 15 to June 5, 2012 – For more information, visit

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Obscura Day – Faces from the Past: Death Masks at Princeton University, Saturday, April 28

Faces from the Past:  A Viewing of Death Masks from the Laurence Hutton Collection

Exhibition Gallery, Firestone Library, Princeton University

 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. , Saturday, April 28, 2012

Curator’s talk at 2:00

Learn more:

Obscura Day at Princeton:


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Opening lecture and reception: “Observational and Imaginary Anatomy” by Eugene S. Flamm, Class of 58

April 22, 2012 at 2:30 p.m. in Betts Auditorium On Sun­day, April 22, Dr. Flamm, Class of ’58, will high­light Princeton’s recent anatom­i­cal and phreno­log­i­cal acqui­si­tions with a talk inves­ti­gat­ing “Obser­va­tional and Imag­i­nary Anatomy.” The lec­ture at 2:30 p.m. in Betts Audi­to­rium, will high­light anatom­i­cal works cur­rently on dis­play in the Main Gallery, Fire­stone Library, exhi­bi­tion A Fine Addi­tion: New and Notable Acqui­si­tion in Princeton’s Spe­cial Col­lec­tions.


The talk will be fol­lowed by a recep­tion in the Main Gallery. The exhi­bi­tion and its related events are free and open to the pub­lic thanks to the gen­er­ous sup­port of the Friends of the Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Library.
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Princyclopedia, April 14th, 10am – 3pm

No registration required.
Open to the public and free of charge.
All ages

Here comes Princyclopedia, Cotsen’s huge, annual event where we bring a book to life through a multitude of hands-on projects, activities, live shows, and demonstrations. This year’s book is Robin Hood, and we plan to bring the medieval world to life in all its splendor and glory! See period weapons in action, sample mead, storm a castle, test your survival skills in Sherwood Forest, illuminate a manuscript, meet live falcons, discover the science of stained glass, examine a longbow, explore an alchemist’s workshop, and rock out to musicians playing hits from merrie olde England! For more information, go to the Cotsen Children’s Library Website.

Update: Princeton Packet details the success of the event – Robin Hood rides into Princyclopedia.

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Princeton Alumni Weekly — “From Princeton’s Vault”

“From Princeton’s Vault” is a regular feature of the Princeton Alumni Weekly.  The University Archives were recently featured in Our Man on the Titanic  By W. Barksdale Maynard ’88 (Published in the April 4, 2012) .

To learn more about the behind the scenes, see University Archives featured in Princeton Alumni Weekly.

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