2012 Winners of the Elmer Adler Undergraduate Book Collecting Prize

Chloe Ferguson; Mohit Manohar, Lily Healey, Mary Thierry

The winners of the 2012 Elmer Adler Undergraduate Book Collecting Prize were announced at the Friends of the Princeton University Library’s winter dinner on March 25, 2012. See: http://blogs.princeton.edu/graphicarts/adler_prize/

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Book Adoption Party, March 25, 3:00-5:00 p.m.

The Council of the Friends of the Princeton University Library invites you to join Library curators and conservators for the third Book Adoption Party, Sunday, March 25, 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the Chancellor Green Rotunda. For reservations and further information, please visit the Friends of the Princeton University Library.

Anne Reeves, of Princeton Community Television, recently interviewed our curators and asked for a preview of some of the items up for adoption.


The Book Adoption Party offers Friends of the Library and guests the opportunity to underwrite the cost of acquiring and conserving selected rare books, manuscripts, maps, photographs, and coins in the Princeton University Library’s special collections. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the Library’s curators and conservators and learn from them about the items available for adoption. The cost of these items will range from $15.00 to $3,000. Your reservation or contribution will entitle you to receive an advance copy of the event catalogue (also available online). For questions or cancellations, please contact (609) 258-3155 or loliveir@princeton.edu.

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Princeton Alumni Weekly Highlights Moe Berg Papers

Moe Berg '23 in Switzerland, February 1946.

The current edition of the Princeton Alumni Weekly features an article on the papers of Moe Berg: In Moe Berg’s Papers, Glimpses of a Puzzling Figure.

To find out more about the Berg papers, see Moe Berg, Class of 1923.

Several of the items mentioned in the article are currently on display in the Main Gallery exhibition, “A Fine Addition: New and Notable Acquisitions in Princeton’s Special Collections.”

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Western Americana in the Classroom and Beyond

Dur­ing the fall term of 2011, Pro­fes­sor Martha Sandweiss, His­tory Depart­ment, and Brian Just, Art Museum Cura­tor of the Art of the Ancient Amer­i­cas, co-taught a course enti­tled “Arti­facts, Images, and His­tory: The Amer­i­can South­west.” The course explored Native arts of the Amer­i­can South­west by ana­lyz­ing Princeton’s own col­lec­tions in the hold­ings of the Art Museum, the Depart­ment of Geo­sciences, and the Depart­ment of Rare Books and Spe­cial Col­lec­tions. The Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Art Museum mag­a­zine high­lighted the course in its Win­ter 2012 issue, also avail­able on the museum’s news page: The Museum in the Class­room.

For more, visit: http://blogs.princeton.edu/westernamericana/2012/03/05/western-americana-in-the-classroom-and-beyond/

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 Two items in our Peter J. Eckel Newsboy collection are featured in a just-released New York Times interactive –http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/03/02/theater/20120302-newsboys.html?ref=theater

“Newsboys Still Standing Firm”  (article in NY Herald, July 30, 1899) [Box 8d]
Newsboy’s  Prayer” (in  street argot) [Box 10]

Finding aid for the entire collection is available at

 For more information on rare books news, visit http://blogs.princeton.edu/rarebooks/


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