[EVENT] Triple 8 Show

The next upcoming event is the annual dance showcase for Triple Eight, the East Asian dance group on campus. This should probably be interesting to all the girls but particularly the ones who dance, most of whom were assigned to mentors who are actually in Triple Eight.

Triple Eight does a wide variety of performance, from traditional and modern dance (set to modern Korean, Chinese, and Japanese pop music) to martial arts. Triple Eight hasn’t released a show teaser yet; here is a link to their performance at our Moon Festival event in September, a showcase of all their styles (traditional, martial arts, and modern).

There will be three show times: Friday 2/17 8PM, Saturday 2/18 5PM and 8PM.

Saturday is the far more popular option, however, there seems to be a pretty even split between 5pm and 8pm preferences. So I think we’ll just set a general time for CAPS dinner around 6:00-9:00; those who want to catch the 8:00 show will want to start a little earlier and those who went to the 5:00 show will need to be a little later.

(Those of you who can only make Friday, feel free to contact your mentor and ask to meet up.)

I will buy the tickets for everyone so that CAPS people can all sit together! It is $10 general admissions, you can pay me back on the day of.

So please fill in this survey by Friday 2/10 so I know what tickets to buy. Even if you already filled in the first survey.

Please do not email me individually, please fill out the survey! Those of you not familiar with googledocs, a google survey organizes your survey responses into a fantastic spreadsheet that makes it really easy for me to keep track of everything. Even if you didn’t fill out the first survey, fill in this one if you would like to attend.

Important: please contact your mentor as well if you are hoping to meet up with them. Find out if they will be free for dinner and for the showing that you have in mind. Please only fill out this survey after you have done this.

If we wait too long, we may not be able to get seats together. So please get back to me by the end of the week.

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About CAPS

Founded in 2011, the CAPS program (Chinese-American Princeton Siblings) seeks to match up Chinese adoptees in New Jersey with Chinese-American "big sibs" at Princeton who serve as mentors and role models. The program consists of various on-campus events and meet-ups, but also emphasizes the establishment of long-term relationships via constant email communication.

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