Author Archives: Rare Books and Special Collections

Excellent Review of “Greek Manuscripts at Princeton, Sixth to Nineteenth Century: A Descriptive Catalogue”

Sofia Kotzabassi, Nancy Patterson Ševčenko, and Don Skemer, Greek Manuscripts at Princeton, Sixth to Nineteenth Century: A Descriptive Catalogue. Princeton: Princeton, University Press, 2010. Pp. xxix, 304; 279 color figs. $195. ISBN: 9780691143873.doi:10.1017/S0038713412001443 Reviewed by Dr. Leslie Brubaker, University of … Continue reading

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The Election for Woodrow Wilson’s America – New Exhibition Open at The Milberg Gallery, Firestone Library

The 1912 U.S. pres­i­den­tial elec­tion was a turn­ing point for pro­gres­sivism, both for the nation and for Woodrow Wil­son.  An exhi­bi­tion now open at the Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Library illus­trates this remark­able elec­tion and the life of the man who won it. … Continue reading

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Cotsen Children’s Library Closed for Renovations, 7/23/12-8/5/12

The Cotsen Children’s Library will be closed from July 23rd  – August 5th for projects that are part of the larger renovation of Firestone Library. The gallery will reopen on Monday, August 6th. We look forward to seeing you then! … Continue reading

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Cotsen Children’s Library Loans MOMA Materials for Exhibition

 The “Century of the Child: Growing by Design, 1900–2000” will run from July 29–November 5, 2012. For more information about the exhibition, visit the MOMA site.   Toyen (Marie Cerminová), (b. Czechoslovakia, d. France, 1902-1980)  Newsboy with paper and rotary press, original … Continue reading

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Mudd’s blog is featured on the main Princeton University website

Princeton’s Mudd Manuscript Library primarily contains the University Archives, documenting University life, administration and research, and the Public Policy Papers collection, containing rare and unique items from 20th-century American governance. Library staff highlight new collections, exhibitions and items of general interest on … Continue reading

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