Times of Trenton Highlights 18th Century Handel Acquisition

A detail shot of a manuscript for George Frideric Handel's three-act opera Berenice at Firestone Library in Princeton on Friday, January 25, 2013. Andrew Miller/For The Times of Trenton

A detail shot of a manuscript for George Frideric Handel’s three-act opera Berenice at Firestone Library in Princeton on Friday, January 25, 2013. Andrew Miller/For The Times of Trenton

Princeton University Library is pleased to announce the acquisition of an eighteenth-century scribal score of George Frideric Handel’s three-act opera Berenice, copied by a contemporary Handel copyist (“S2”) from the composer’s autograph manuscript.   The acquisition is highlighted on the front page of the Times of Trenton in an article by Mark Spy:  Princeton University Library Scores Rare Copy of Handel Opera.

The manuscript and other related works will be on display in the Rare Books and Special Collections Main Gallery in Firestone Library during the 2013 American Handel Society Festival and Conference on February 21-24, 2013 and will be on display until March 4, 2013.  For more about the conference and festival, see: American Handel Society Festival 2013.

For more about the acquisition, see: Library Acquires an 18th Century Handel Score.

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Curator’s Tour of “First X, Then Y, Now Z” — January 12, 2013 @ 3 pm

Please join John Delaney, Curator of Maps, for a tour of the cur­rent exhibit in the main exhi­bi­tion gallery at Fire­stone Library, “First X, Then Y, Now Z: Land­mark The­matic Maps”.   The tour will meet in the main exhi­bi­tion gallery at Firestone.

“First X, Then Y, Now Z: Land­mark The­matic Maps” intro­duces view­ers to the early his­tory of the­matic mapping–the top­i­cal lay­er­ing (Z) of geo­graphic space (X-Y). Exhib­ited are early, if not the ear­li­est, the­matic maps in var­i­ous dis­ci­plines, such as mete­o­rol­ogy, geol­ogy, hydrog­ra­phy, nat­ural his­tory, med­i­cine, and sociology/economics. Sev­eral ground­break­ing exem­plars from the fields of ethnog­ra­phy, lin­guis­tics, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion and trans­porta­tion are included. A few, more con­cep­tual, maps about lit­er­ary sub­jects, love/marriage, and utopia extend this the­matic car­to­graphic explo­ration.

Finally, to answer this basic question–Who is the typ­i­cal exhi­bi­tion viewer?–an on-going the­matic map is being cre­ated from viewer responses regard­ing gen­der, Prince­ton or other affil­i­a­tion (stu­dent, alum­nus, faculty/staff, local res­i­dent, other vis­i­tor), and the state or for­eign coun­try where the per­son was born and/or grew up. Every­one has a chance to put them­selves lit­er­ally on the map.

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RBSC Firestone December Holiday Hours

Dulles Reading Room

Monday and Tuesday
December 24 and 25

Wednesday to Friday
December 26 to 28

Monday and Tuesday
December 31 to January 1

Regular Reading Room Hours
Monday to Friday, 9-4:45 pm

Galleries (Main, Milberg, Cotsen)

Monday and Tuesday
December 24 and 25

Wednesday to Friday
December 26 to 28

Monday and Tuesday
December 31 to January 1

Regular Gallery Hours
Monday to Friday, 9-5:00 pm
Saturday and Sunday, 12–5:00 pm

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Truly Grimm – Storytelling on Sunday, December 9th in Cotsen

The Council of the Friends of the Princeton University Library invites you to a storytelling by Susan Danoff ’75 & Tara McGowan ‘90 in honor of the Bicentary of the publication of Grimms’ Fairy Tales on Sunday, December 9, 2012 at 3:30pm in the Cotsen Gallery.  Gingerbread and cider to follow.

Please note: the stories will be told in their original versions, which are not suitable for children under the age of nine.  Registration required.  Please email apickett@princeton.edu


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Art Walk is on Thursday, December 6th from 5-8 pm – Come see this exhibit at Firestone!

Come see this exhibit at Firestone in the Milberg Gallery – “The Elec­tion for Woodrow Wilson’s Amer­ica”.

And this exhibit in the Main Gallery – “First X, Then Y, Now Z: Landmark Thematic Maps” .

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