RBSC Galleries Open for Art Walk, 5-7 pm, August 2, 2012

RBSC will be open for the August 2nd Art Walk from 5-7 pm.  Come stop by and see our new exhibit, “The Election for  Woodrow Wilson’s  America” recently opened on July 23, 2012 in the Milberg Gallery, 2nd Floor Firestoone Library.  Also, check out “A Fine Addition: New & Notable Acquisitions in Princeton’s Special Collections” before it closes on August 5, 2012.   In addition, Cotsen Library will be having a special Olympic picture from the days of yore dislayed outside of its gallery.  (Please note – Cotsen gallery is closed due to the overall Library renovation.)  Both the Wilson and the Fine Addition exhibits will be participating in the scavenger hunt.  We hope to see you there!



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Excellent Review of “Greek Manuscripts at Princeton, Sixth to Nineteenth Century: A Descriptive Catalogue”

Sofia Kotzabassi, Nancy Patterson Ševčenko, and Don Skemer, Greek Manuscripts at Princeton, Sixth to Nineteenth Century: A Descriptive Catalogue. Princeton: Princeton, University Press, 2010. Pp. xxix, 304; 279 color figs. $195. ISBN: 9780691143873.doi:10.1017/S0038713412001443

Reviewed by Dr. Leslie Brubaker, University of Birmingham in Speculum review 87.2 (April 2012)

A good manuscript catalogue is a scholarly tool that must perform a number of tasks and satisfy a range of users. It is both a historical guide to the books it catalogues and an “archaeological” guide to how these books were produced and what they contain. In exceptional catalogues, it is a guide to how we might better understand the role of the books themselves.

A manuscript catalogue is rarely intellectually exciting—the catalogue format works against the construction of sustained argument that gallops along under its own steam—but instead demands scrupulous attention to detail and an eye trained to isolate important points of comparison from generic similarities. For both of these reasons, it is hard to sustain the concentration that produces good catalogue copy. Greek Manuscripts at Princeton, Sixth to Nineteenth Century, a Descriptive Catalogue gives ample evidence of Sofia Kotzabassi’s and Nancy Patterson Ševčenko close attention to detail, of their highly trained scholarly eyes, and of their apparently inexhaustible powers of concentration.  They have fulfilled all of the criteria listed above: this is the best manuscript catalogue I have ever consulted.

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The Election for Woodrow Wilson’s America – New Exhibition Open at The Milberg Gallery, Firestone Library

The 1912 U.S. pres­i­den­tial elec­tion was a turn­ing point for pro­gres­sivism, both for the nation and for Woodrow Wil­son.  An exhi­bi­tion now open at the Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Library illus­trates this remark­able elec­tion and the life of the man who won it.

Drawn from the Uni­ver­sity Archives and the Pub­lic Pol­icy Col­lec­tion at the See­ley G. Mudd Man­u­script Library, the exhi­bi­tion fol­lows Wilson’s career as scholar, uni­ver­sity pres­i­dent, gov­er­nor of New Jer­sey, and newly elected pres­i­dent of the United States to tell the story of how his ideas were formed and changed in ser­vice of the nation. In addi­tion, the exhi­bi­tion fea­tures rare Wil­son mem­o­ra­bilia loaned by Anthony W. Atkiss, a mem­ber of Princeton’s class of 1961.

“The Elec­tion for Woodrow Wilson’s Amer­ica”  is free and open to the pub­lic, and is on dis­play in Fire­stone Library’s Mil­berg Gallery now through the end of Decem­ber 2012.  More information on the exhibit can be found on the Mudd blog.


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Cotsen Children’s Library Closed for Renovations, 7/23/12-8/5/12

The Cotsen Children’s Library will be closed from July 23rd  – August 5th for projects that are part of the larger renovation of Firestone Library. The gallery will reopen on Monday, August 6th. We look forward to seeing you then!



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Cotsen Children’s Library Loans MOMA Materials for Exhibition

 The “Century of the Child: Growing by Design, 1900–2000” will run from July 29–November 5, 2012. For more information about the exhibition, visit the MOMA site. 

 Toyen (Marie Cerminová), (b. Czechoslovakia, d. France, 1902-1980)
 Newsboy with paper and rotary press, original drawing for plate 17
 from Zdenka Marcanova, Ná” Svût (Our World). c. 1934

    Simon Franke.  Gouden vlinders (Golden butterflies)
 Illustrated by Lou Loeber
 (De Waelburg: Blaricum, 1927)


 Nathalie Parain (French, b. Russia, 1897-1958) 
Ronds et carrés (Round and square), an activity book that 
shows how to form common figures and objects through arranging 
different combinations of circles and squares. 
(Paris: Flammarion. c. 1932).

    Astrid Lindgen.
 Känner du Pippi Långstrump? (Do you know Pippi
 Longstocking?), Illustrated by Ingrid Vang Nyman.
 (Stockholm: Raben & Sjogren, 1947)


  Stefan Themerson (British, born Poland, 1910-1988)
 Nasi Ojcowie Pracujà (Our Fathers’ Work).
 (Warsaw:  Naklad Gebethnera i Wolffa, 1933.)


Fanny Harlfinger-Zakucka (German, 1873-1954)  Schablonen Drucke (stencil pattern). c. 1908 

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