May 2012: The Senior Thesis

From Princeton Pause featuring our own University Archivist Dan Linke.

May 2012: The Senior Thesis
Members of the Class of 2012 have finished one of their final rites of passage before walking through FitzRandolph Gate in June — turning in their senior theses. These theses will join some 60,000 others as part of the Princeton University Archives. In this short video, University Archivist Dan Linke gives us a tour of this extraordinary collection.

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TLS highlights Zelda’s Sketches of Scott

Anne Margaret Daniel *99 w’ 86, who teaches literature at the New School University in New York and is writing about F. Scott Fitzgerald on stage and film, has published an article in the Times Literary Supplement highlighting Scott and Zelda’s time in Hollywood as seen through the sketches by Zelda on a 1927 telegram in the F. Scott Fitzgerald Papers: “Two Hearts: The Fitzgeralds in Hollywood, as Drawn by Zelda” (TLS, May 16, 2012).  An online version (including one of the sketches) can be accessed from the TLS website:  “The Fitzgeralds in Hollywood.”

Professor Daniel, who gave the keynote lecture at the Fitzgerald Centenary Conference in Princeton in 1996, recently published an article in the PAW on Gatz, the stage adaptation of The Great Gatsby: “Gatsby in full, on stage at McCarter: Cast of ‘Gatz’ views man­u­scripts before mem­o­rable per­for­mances”  (Prince­ton Alumni Weekly, Jan­u­ary 18, 2012).

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Carlos Fuentes and Latin American Literary Archives at Princeton

In 1995 the Prince­ton Uni­ver­sity Library acquired the papers of the acclaimed Mex­i­can author Car­los Fuentes (1928–2012), whose pass­ing on May 15 has been marked inter­na­tion­ally by all who admired his major con­tri­bu­tions to mod­ern lit­er­a­ture and his role as a cul­tural and polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor on Latin Amer­ica, past and present.  More information on the RBSC Manuscripts blog.

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The Daily Princetonian is digitized and keyword searchable

The Princeton University Archives, working in conjunction with the Princeton University Library Digital Initiatives, has nearly completed a monumental project that will change the way researchers investigate University history.

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From the Archives: During Great Depression bank holiday, ‘Prince’ issued its own currency

Following President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s declaration of a four-day nationwide bank holiday during the Great Depression, The Daily Princetonian issued its own currency in denominations of 25 cents. The currency first appeared on March 7, 1933, in the form of scrip, as seen in a March 18, 1933, picture in the ‘Prince.’   

The Daily Princetonian, By Buyan Pan, Published: Friday, May 11th, 2012

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