Vandermaelen Atlas (1827) • First atlas of the world with all maps on the same scale

With funding from the Rare Book Division, the Friends of the Library, and the Historic Maps Collection, in March 2009, the Library acquired a copy of the Philippe Vandermaelen, Atlas universel de géographie physique, politique, statistique et minéralogique . . . (Brussels, 1827), consisting of approximately 380 folio foldout sheets of maps and 40 pages of statistical tables. This is the first atlas to have been printed using lithography; it is also the first to show the whole world in maps using a uniform scale (about 26 miles to the inch).

The atlas was digitally photographed at high resolution in 2010, and is now available in two forms: in the Princeton University Digital Library [link] and on a stand-alone website, which includes a video showing a virtual rotating globe constructed from the Vandermaelen continental maps: the world as it was mapped in 1827 [link].

Bookplate of Sir Edward Bysshe

Anonymous armorial bookplate of Sir Edward Bysshe (1615-1679).
Arms: Bysshe and Clare, quarterly dimidiated, impaling Green. Sir Edward Bysshe, Garter King of Arms, married Margaret, daughter of John Green of Boyshall, co. Essex; died 1679. Motto: Prudens Simplicitas.

Egerton Castle, in his English Book-Plates (London, 1893; p. 52) categorizes this plate as of the Carolian style, dates it to 1655, and describes it as “an indented, cusped and slightly scrolled shield, encompassed by palms tied together, wreath-like, by ribbands that interlace with the motto scroll, the whole contained within a line frame.” He illustrates it on p. [49].

This exemplar (11 x 6 cm) is mounted on the recto of front free endpaper facing the titlepage of Sir William D’Avenant (1606-1668), Gondibert: an Heroick Poem, London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb for John Holden, and are to be sold at his Shop at the sign of the Anchor in the New-Exchange, 1651. Call number: RHT 17th-149

Monkey Island, Illustrated •1839

“This beautiful and romantic islet is situated in the most picturesque part of the Thames, between the Willows and Maidenhead Bridge; it is the favored resort of aquatic parties in the vicinity of Windsor, and is a delightful resting place for those bound to Cliefden, Henley, or Marlow – the woodland beauty of the scenery being unrivalled on the banks of ‘Thames winding stream’. The (third) Duke of Marlborough selected this sequestered spot for the enjoyment of Isaac Walton’s “gentle art”, and embellished it by the erection of two elegant buildings – a pavilion and a temple. The former is decorated by finely-executed paintings of monkeys, in various grotesque and humorous characters (which, with the pavilion, are represented by the drawings), and continue to prove an attraction to the curious…. it is asserted that the whole cost the Duke of Marlborough £12,000. It was purchased by H. Townly Ward, Esq., and is now the property of P.C. Bruce, Esq., of Taplow. The tout ensemble presents an imposing idea of aristocratic grandeur and magnificence.”

Preface to Monkey Island, Illustrated, by a series of Humorous Figures and a View of the Pavilion. From original sketched by M. Penley, drawn on the new patent zinc plates by T. Fairland. Dedicated to the Young Gentlemen of Eton College. Windsor: published by J.B. Brown … ca. 1839. This copy inscribed on front wrapper: “Robert H.J. Heygate from his brothers Frederick & William Heygate, March 28, 1839.” Call number: (Ex) Item 6473315

Trade label: Jacob Kops in Hamburgh bij der mueren.

All kinds of East Indian cottons and Dutch linen cambric, linen goods [or linen drapery], calico [or muslin] and white-linen tape for sale: in Hamburg by the wall, at Jacob Kops. [Woodcut prospect of Haarlem above this text.]

Allerhande ostindische Cattoennen und
hollandisch linwant Camertuch weijs-zweern [i.e. Weisswaren?]
Kattuen und weijslinnen-bant Zu Kauf: in
Hamburgh bij der mueren. bij Jacob Kops.

One of more than 536 trade labels, chiefly for the linen thread trade, pasted into three albums with title Houtsneden door Izaak van der Vinne [Woodcuts by Isaac van der Vinne (1665-1740)]. Call number: (Ex) NC1002.L3 V56f [This label: volume 2, leaf 19.]

Sixteen Humourous Designs • ca. 1840

“Thereupon Marcus Curtius, … mounted on a horse caparisoned with all possible splendour, he plunged fully armed into the gulf” Livy, The History of Rome, Book 7, Chapter 6, illustrated in Sixteen Humourous Designs, to Illustrate Virgil, Horace, and Livy. With Mottoes in Latin and English. For Private Circulation Only. [(England), n.p., n.d., c. 1840]. Call number: (Ex) 2009-0431Q

“One of the finest covers of the early Victorian period” – Ruari McLean

Recently added to the Robert F. Metzdorf Collection of Victorian Bookbindings :

Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies, (London: Longman & Co., 1846). Call number: ExMe 3864.9.349.13.

In his Victorian Publishers’ Book-Bindings in Paper, Ruari McLean captions this book “Gift Books From Longman … Cream paper on bevelled boards, printed in green and gold on upper, spine, and lower. Note the skillful introduction of the title into the circle round the illustration. One of the finest covers of the early Victorian period, probably designed by Owen Jones. …”[ p. 30 (London: Gordon Fraser, 1983)]. McLean illustrates the lower side of the cover on p. 13.

Original 18th century circulating library wrappers

George Buchanan (1506-1582). The History of Scotland, from the Earliest Accounts of that Nation, to the Reign of King James VI. translated from the Latin of George Buchanan. In two volumes. Edinburgh: Printed by A. Donaldson and J. Reid. for Alex. Donaldson, 1762. Call number: (EX) Item 6427104. ❧
Provenance: Lot 279, sold at Bloomsbury Auctions (London), 14 December 2011. Also, in 1991, these were sold at Bloomsbury, June 13, 1991, lot 362, to Simon Finch. ❧ The British Library holds A Catalogue of Hargrove’s Circulating Library at Harrogate (York: W. Blanchard, 1801).

Earliest engraving of Nassau Hall • 1760

“Aula Nassovica.” Copperplate engraving, 3.75 x 6.25 inches. Artist and engraver unknown. Illustration opposite p. 104 of New American Magazine, No. XXVII (March 1760), Woodbridge, in New Jersey: Printed and sold by James Parker. Sold also at the new printing-office in Beaver-Street New-York, and by Thomas Coombs, in Front-Street, Philadelphia. Call number: (Ex) 0901.525 ❧ Link to larger file.

Dutch linen trade labels – 18th century

Wrappers for skeins of ‘nun’s thread’ – a “finer thread, called ounce or nun’s thread, from its having formerly been made by nuns in France and Flanders” (A.J. Warden, The Linen Trade, Ancient and Modern (1867), p. 539). Three examples from more than 536 trade labels, chiefly for the linen thread trade (both export and domestic) pasted into three albums with title Houtsneden door Izaak van der Vinne [Woodcuts by Isaac van der Vinne (1665-1740)]. Call number: (Ex) NC1002.L3 V56f [These wrappers: volume 1, leaf 16.]

Ream wrapper • 18th century Dutch

Ream wrapper for ‘fine’ (fyn = fijn) grade paper made by Lubertus van Gerrevink. ❧ W.A. Churchill, Watermarks in paper in Holland, England, France, etc. in the XVII and XVIII centuries, (1935), p. 36 describes this as “Garden of Holland, lion alone” and dates his copy at 1749. This ream wrapper is one of more than 536 trade labels, chiefly for the linen thread trade, pasted into three albums with title Houtsneden door Izaak van der Vinne [Woodcuts by Isaac van der Vinne (1665-1740)]. Call number: (Ex) NC1002.L3 V56f [This wrapper: volume 3, leaf 8.]

Beatniffe’s Circulating Library, Norwich

Richard Beatniffe (Norwich, Norfolk) was active in the trade from 1763-1818 as bookseller, bookbinder, printer, music seller, and, during the 1770s, as owner of a circulating library. This label appears on the front pastedown of each volume of The History of Sir William Harrington Written Some Years since [by Thomas Hull] ; and Revised and Corrected by the late Mr. Richardson. London : Printed for J. Bell, at his extensive Circulating Library near Exeter-Exchange in the Strand, and C. Etherington at York, 1771. Call number: (Ex) 3792.95.3455 1771.  ❧ [Type area measures  7.3 cm wide by 12.6 cm tall. Leaf size varies but the norm is  9.7 cm wide by 16.5 cm tall.]  ❧ Earlier in 2012, the Library added a collection of 21 books from early English circulating libraries. Searching the phrase “Libraries, Subscription” in the main catalog returns records for these new additions together with more than 40 others already in the collections. Also searching the phrase “Library copies (Provenance)” returns more than 70 entries, many for books once in a circulating library.

Presentation to Johann Martin, Freiherr von und zu Aichelburg

Stamped in silver on front cover: “Dem Wolgebornen Herrn, Herrn Johann Martin Freyherrn von und zu Aichelberg, Herrn auf Zassenegg, und Rodenhoffen, einer löbl. Laa. alda deren Lands-Vochten, und Landshauptman[n]ischen Verhören Beysitzern, &c Meinem gnädigen Herrn, Herrn zu einem glückseeligen Neuen Jahr 1732”

Larger image

[Almanach und Progosticon] [n.p., 1731?]
Text includes table of chronology, almanack, bloodletting table, prognosticon, and “Natur-und-Kunst Curiositäten Calendar.” Call number: (Ex)AY851.N37
[Transcription courtesy of Mark Farrell, senior cataloguer]

Bookplate of Johann Christian Georg Bodenschatz (1717-1797)

Bookplate of Johann Christian Georg Bodenschatz (1717-1797), German Protestant theologian. Dated both by engraving and in ink “An: 1738.” In his copy of three works by Johannes Leusden (1624-1699) bound together: Philologus Hebræus : continens quæstiones Hebraicas, quæ circa Vetus Testamentum Hebræum fere moveri solent Ultrajecti [Utrecht] : Ex officinâ Francisci Halma, 1686. [with] Philologus Hebræo-Græcus generalis : continens quæstiones Hebr[a]eo-Gr[a]ecas, quæ circa Novum Test. Græcum fere moveri solent Lugduni Batavorum [Leyden] : Apud Jordanum Luchtmans, 1685 [with] Philologus Hebraeo-mixtus : unà cum spicilegio philologico, continente decem quæstionum & positionum præcipuè philologico-Hebraicarum & Judaicarum centurias Ultrajecti [Utrecht] : Ex officinâ Francisci Halma … , 1682.
Call number (EX) 2005-0401N. The book’s owner immediately prior to Bodenschatz was Gustav Georg Zeltner (1672-1738). Both front and back endpapers have early handwritten extensive notes in Hebrew and Latin.

Rat-Catcher warns Book-pirates • 1768

N.B. If any Persons shall Reprint this Book, or offer to Pirate it, they will be Prosecuted according to law, it being entered in Stationers-Hall. ❧
The Universal Directory for Taking Alive and Destroying Rats, and All Other Kinds of Four-footed and Winged Vermin, In a Method Hitherto Unattempted: Calculated for the Use of the Gentleman, the Farmer, and the Warrener. By Robert Smith, Rat-Catcher to the Princess Amelia. London: printed for the author, 1768. Call number: (Ex)SB993.S64 ❧

Prize binding • 1826

Stamped in gilt on front cover: “Ecole Royale Gratuite de Dessin Année 1826 Premier Prix Annuel Remporté par Antoine Louis Huet.”
❧ Gaspard Monge (1746-1818). Géométrie descriptive: 4. éd., augm. d’une théorie des ombres et de la perspective, extraite des papiers de l’auteur par M. Brisson.
(Paris: V. Courcier, 1820). Call number: (Ex) QA501 .M74 1820.

Concert in Vauxhall Gardens • ca. 1800

Larger image here

Leaf preceding title-page of New and complete instructions for the hautboy : containing the easiest & most improv’d rules for learners to play : to which is added a favorite collection of airs, marches, minuets, duets, &c. also the favorite rondo performed at Vauxhall by Mr. Fischer. London : Printed & sold at A. Bland & Wellers Music Warehouse … , [1800?] Call number (EX) MT362 .N38 1800q ❧ Scene depicts a concert in Vauxhall Gardens, London. The plate also served as an advertisement for A. Bland & Weller, Piano Forte Makers, No. 23 Oxford Street.

First map depicting only New Jersey to be printed and published in America • 1784

Larger image here

“State of New Jersey” map (58.5 x 28.5 cm) facing verso of final printed leaf of The Petitions and Memorials of the Proprietors of West and East-Jersey, to the Legislature of New-Jersey New-York: Printed by Shepard Kollock, no. 156, Water-Street., [1784] Call number: Ex 1174.271.2 c.1. Copy with ownership signatures of John Rutherfurd (1760-1840), who compiled the text of Petitions and Memorials.
❧ Joseph J. Felcone in his New Jersey Books 1698-1800 (1992) covers the publishing history of this book (entry 22). He states “It is the first map depicting only New Jersey to be printed and published in America.” Alas, the identity of the mapmaker is not known, but there is evidence to suggest it was John Hills. As of 1991, the original copper plate survived and owned by Howard Sereda of Edison, NJ.

The Mysterious Mother

Horace Walpole (1717-1797). The Mysterious Mother: a tragedy by the Hon. Horace Walpole (Late Lord Orford); with the Author’s Postscript. London : Printed by A. Macpherson, Russell Court, for Ann Lemoine, White-Rose Court, Coleman Street, and J. Roe, No. 90, Houndsditch, [1802]. Call number: TC023, box 163. ❧ Only other copies recorded are those at the National Library of Wales. ❧ Provenance: ThX copy has the autograph signature of E. Nason–possibly Edwin F. Nason–a New York publisher in the latter half of the 19th century. Nason identifies this copy on the t.p. as ”rare,” one that he ”ordered from London 1860.” At the bottom of the t.p., Nason notes: ”this the only copy I have seen in this country.” The latter note, in addition to an internal note about the writing of The Mysterious Mother, are both signed ”E.N.” ❧ Internal notations in ink and pencil signal that this book was accessioned by a library in 1892 and had come from Samuel Putnam Avery. This evidence plus the genre of the publication suggest that this book was once part of the Brander Matthews Dramatic Museum, dispersed by the Columbia University Library, and from which Princeton received parts in 1971. ❧ (This impartment from rare book cataloger Scott Carlisle.)

14,000 and counting: “Bound in the Vellum manner”

On front paste-down of An account of the constitution and present state of Great Britain, published in London by John Newbery

“The Purchasers of Books bound in the Vellum manner are desired to observe that they are sewed much better than the Books which are bound in Leather; open easier at the Back, and are not so liable to warp in being read. If by any Accident the Covers should be stained or rubbed they may be new covered for a Penny, an advantage that can not be remedied in Leather ; so that this method of Binding is not only cheaper but it is
presumed will be found more useful.
    The only Motive for trying this Experiment was to adopt a Substitute for Leather which was greatly enhanced in its Price, either by an increased Consumption, or of Monopoly; how far that purpose will be answered, must be submitted to the Determination of the Reader.
    In the course of five Years, upwards of Fourteen Thousand Volumes have been sold bound in this Manner, and not One Hundred of them have been returned to be new covered; a sufficient Proof of its Utility and the Approbation of the Public.

       St. Paul’s Churchyard, Sept. 22, 1774.

An account of the constitution and present state of Great Britain, together with a view of its trade, policy, and interest, respecting other nations & of the principal curiosities of Great Britain and Ireland. London, Printed for Newbery and Carnan [177-?]. Call number (EX) DA620 .A5 1770z ❧

Palace of Wisdom • ca. 1680

“Tabula VII” of a suite of 17th century engravings graphically representing contemporary science and philosophy. In addition to both historic and allegorical figures there are a number of renderings of scientific instruments: barometers, thermometers, clocks, scales, hygrometers and chemical apparatuses.
Palatium sapientiae. Parisiis: Apud Stephanum Gantrel Via Jacobea sub signo Sti. Mauri, [ca. 1680]. 26 plates including engraved title-page. Call number: (EX) 2011-0248Q

Title labels

“Several alternative schemes for labeling fore-edges were devised by seventeenth century librarians, including the pasting on of paper tabs or labels, attached to either the boards or one of the leaves, carrying shelf numbers or titles.” – David Pearson, English Bookbinding Styles, 1450-1800: A Handbook (London, 2005), p. 107.

Castle Forbes Library

Books from this library were sold in London on 21st July 1993. See: Sotheby’s (Firm) The Library of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Granard:extracted from Castle Forbes, County Longford … (London, 1993).

Left: Bookplate of Castle Forbes Library • Right: Anonymous armorial bookplate of
George Forbes, 6th Earl of Grannard (1760-1837) [Arms. Forbes impaling Rawdon. In 1779, he married Selina Frances, daughter of John 1st Earl of Moira] Franks 10892.

Crest of George Forbes, 6th Earl of Grannard (1760-1837). For further details see
British Armorial Bindings: • Other marks of ownership for this library are illustrated in the sale catalogue. ❧ ❧ Sources of these examples: Gay, Sophie, 1776-1852. Laure d’Estell par Mme. ***. Paris: Ch. Pougens, an X (1802). Call number (EX) PQ2260.G25 L38 • Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee for privileges, on the Earl of Berkeley’s pedigree, in the year 1799. (London) 1811. Call number (Ex) Item 6375489q.

The Heldenrüstkammer of Archduke Ferdinand II in Schloss Ambras

“A catalogue of the Heldenrüstkammer of Archduke Ferdinand II in Schloss Ambras, the first collection of armour formed for historical reasons in the first purpose-built museum North of the Alps.” The work illustrates 125 suits of armor, one per plate. Its full title runs to 133 words. What follows is a rendering of just the first portion of the full title: “Most true images of the most august emperors, the most serene kings and archdukes, of the most illustrious princes, as well as earls, barons, nobles, and other eminent men, who were either the commanding leaders in war or within their realms performed admirably…[together with] succinct descriptions [of their achievements].” (Sometimes this work is referred to as the “Armamentarium Heroicum,” Latinizing the German for “Heroes Armory.”)
❧ This tour-de-force of Baroque illustration was complied by Jakob Schrenk von Notzing with plates believed to be by the engraver Dominicus Custos. The book was published in Innsbruck in 1601. This date in the Princeton copy has been revised by means of a handstamp to read “M.DC.XIX.” The Library’s copy is bound in contemporary calf and is stamped with the name and arms of its first owner: Hector Le Breton, seigneur de la Doineterie, who held public offices during the reigns of Henri IV, Louis XIII, and Louis XIV. In 1615 he succeeded his cousin as roi d’armes de France.
❧ Call number; (Ex) D106 .S3f. Purchased in 1983 from Robin Halwas (antiquarian bookseller, London; his catalogue 3, number 79).
❧ Cf. Elisabeth Scheicher, “Historiography and Display: The Heldenrustkammer of Archduke Ferdinand II in Schloss Ambras.” Journal of the History of Collections 2 (1990): 69-79.

17th century armorial binding and contemporary slip case

Figure 1
❧ The figures explained: Armorial binding covering
Ogier Ghislin de Busbecq, Legationis Turcicae epistolae quatuor.
Frankfurt, A. Wechels Erben, C. de Marne et J. Aubry 1595. Call number (Ex) 1789.229.13.

J. Basil Oldham in Shrewsbury School Library Bindings (Oxford, 1943) notes the following regarding one such book bound for Ramiro de Guzmán, Duque de Medina de las Torres (ca. 1600-1668): On both covers there is a “narrow border formed by a simple conventional foliage roll, with a foliage ornament in each angle; in centre, an heraldic stamp 96×75 mm; a shield, surrounded with the following letters in circles CGDDMMAHPPMIGPCLA, and surmounted by a coronet under which is a scroll bearing the letters FEI. On the upper cover: arms: two coats impaled: Dexter (arms of Felipe Ramirez de Guzman, Duke of Medina de las Torres, Marquis of Torrel): Two caldrons checky with snakes issuing therefrom, flanked in saltire by ten ermine-tails (5 and 5), within a bordure gobony of Castile and Leon; Sinister (arms of Anna Caraffa, Duchess of Sabbioneta, Mondragone and Trajetto, Princess of Stigliano): Quarterly of six (two in chief and four in base): 1. Per fesse (a) three bars (Caraffa) and (b) a band counter-embattled between six stars (Aldobrandini); 2. a cross patty between four eagles crowned, and over all an escutcheon quarterly of three bars and a lion rampant (Gonzaga); 3. four pallets (Aragon); 4. per fesse a castle (Castile) and a lion (Leon); 5. four pallets flanked in saltire by two eagles crowned (Sicily); 6. a column ensigned by a crown (Colonna). On the lower cover: arms (unidentified): Upon a terrace in base, a plant growing between reeds or tufts of grass; in chief an arched band inscribed REVOLUTA FOECUNDANT, with, beneath it, and ranged in the same manner, three rows of stars.”
Ramiro de Guzmán’s arms impale those of his second wife, “Anna Caraffa, daughter of Antonio Caraffa, Duke of Mondragone, and Elena Aldobrandini. He had previously married Marie de Guzman, daughter of Gaspar de Guzman, Count of Olivares, Philip IV’s minister, to whose titles, through his marriage, he succeeded on Olivares’ death in 1645, for which reason he used the acrologic inscription round the shields which Olivares had used as an adjunct to his armorial insignia. The letters (C and G being transposed towards the end) stand for: ‘Comitatui grandatum ducatum ducatum marchionatum marchionatum arcis hispalensis perpetuam praefecturam magnam Indiarum chancellariatum primam Guzmanorum lineam addidit.’ The letters FEI stand for: ‘Fortuna etiam invidente.’
As the owner of the book would not be likely to use the boastful inscription of his father-in-law until he had, by the latter’s death, succeeded to his titles, the book was probably not bound till after 1645, and in Spain, not Naples, because by that time the owner had ceased to be Viceroy of Naples. A larger variant of these heraldic stamps is found on some books.” (p. 120-121; Shrewsbury School Library example illustrated on plate XXVI)
❧ Figure 2 • Two inscriptions on titlepage:
Alongside right margin, “[Guil.] Godophin” [See a comparable example at the University of Pennsylvania.] This is the signature of English diplomat, Sir William Godophin (1634?-1696) •
At bottom:”Ex libris bibliothecae Domus S[anct]ae. M[ari]ae M[ontium] Piorum Operariorum” From the library of the Congreation of the Pii Operarii, a group of religious founded at Naples in 1602.For comparable provenances, see exemplars at Cambridge University Libraryand at
Universitats de Catalunya.]
❧ Figure 3 • A remarkable survival • 17th / 18th century slip case custom made for this book. Why would such a case have been made? Perhaps to protect the book during travel — Busbecq’s Turkish Letters provided important detailed information about the Ottoman state and were highly prized (and still are.)

Figure 2 (above) ❧ Figure 3 (below)

Grace Talbot Cavendish

Lady Grace was the youngest daughter of George Talbot, 6th Earl of Shrewsbury. Recent scholarship gives 1562 as her birth year and ‘after 1625’ for her death. She was married in 1567 (sic!) to Henry Cavendish, eldest son of Bess of Hardwick and Sir William Cavendish. It was Bess who proposed the marriage as precondition to her taking the Earl as her fourth husband. ❧ This copy was also once owned by Richard Heber. It is listed as item 336 in A Catalogue of Heber’s Collection of Early English Poetry (London, 1834).
❧ George Chapman, 1559?-1634.Andromeda liberata. Or the nuptials of Perseus and Andromeda. London, : printed for Laurence L’Isle …, 1614..
Call number (EX) 3672.6.312.

P.T. Barnum receives The Philosopher’s Stone

❧ Upper cover is folded toward the front, in order to be used for mail­ing this copy to a recip­i­ent; it has been addressed in ink: ”P. T. Bar­num Esqr. Amer­i­can Museum New York”; below the address are the words ”By Steam Liv­er­pool June 1.” (the year ‘‘1850’’ is writ­ten in graphite beside the num­ber 1).
In the cor­ner of the folded sheet is the book­sellers’ label of T.H. Lacy, used as the return address. At an unknown time, someone removed the postage stamp at right.

In addi­tion, this copy has two marks of own­er­ship on the t.p.: the ink stamp of the William Sey­mour The­atre Col­lec­tion and a note in graphite, which reads: ”Very good of the kind, but not of our class.” It is not known whether the note was writ­ten by Bar­num him­self.

Taylor, Tom, 1817-1880.
The philosopher’s stone : an entirely new and original satirical and politico-economical Whitsun morality, extremely serious and very comical / by the author of Diogenes, The vicar of Wakefield, &c., &c.
London : T.H. Lacy, 17, Wellington Street, Strand, [between 1849 and 1857]
Call number (THX) TC023 Box 156a

Series: Lacy’s acting edition ; 14
Notes: Libretto only.
T.H. Lacy was located at 17 Wellington Street, Strand from 1849 until 1857. In 1857 he moved to larger premises at 89 Strand. Cf. Oxford dictionary of national biography.
“First produced at the New Strand Theatre, Monday, May 20th, 1850”–T.p. verso.
Includes titles of airs (popular and borrowed) to be sung.
Includes cast list.

Text supplied by rare book cataloger, Scott Carlisle.

Armorial Bookplate: William Trumbull, Esqr.

Armorial bookplate of William Trumbull, Esqr. [Franks 29899].
❧ Bookplate of  William Trumbull (1708-1760), son of Sir William Trumbull (1639-1716) Secretary of State and bibliophile.

The Trumbull books were consigned to auction by the 8th Marquess of Downshire (d. 2004; obit.). The dispersal of the Trumbull books, extracted from Easthampstead estate, near Bracknell, was distributed across six sales, during 1990 and 1991, as follows:
❧ 1. Atlases, travel and natural history … : days of sale: Thursday 21st June 1990 …, Friday 22nd June 1990 …; Sotheby’s …, 34-35 New Bond Street, London. … the Property of the Most Honourable the Marquess of Downshire: Lots scattered throughout. Cf. lots 356, 360-63, 365-67. ❧ ❧ 2. English Literature and History: Including Books from the Library of the … Marquess of Downshire, Thursday 19th July 1990 .. Sotheby’s …, 34-35 New Bond Street, London. Lots 29-36, 47-50, 358-60, 381-95 [30 lots]. ❧ ❧ 3. Books and maps : Sotheby’s London [sale held during four days] 22nd-23rd October 5th – 6th November 1990. On the fourth day of sale: Tuesday 6th November 1990 lots 965-1232 were sold. These included “The Property of the Most Honourable the Marquess of Downshire Various Subjects including Science and Medicine,” Lots 910-964 [54 lots]. ❧ ❧ 4. Continental and Russian books and manuscripts, science and medicine … : day of sale: Tuesday 20th November 1990 …; Sotheby’s …, 34-35 New Bond Street, London. … the Property of the Most Honourable the Marquess of Downshire: Lots 223-227, 329-332 [9 lots]. ❧ ❧ 5. English literature and history … : Thursday 13th December 1990 …; Sotheby’s …, 34-35 New Bond Street, London. … the Property of the Most Honourable the Marquess of Downshire: Lots scattered throughout, e.g. 353. ❧ ❧ 6. Printed books and maps: 5. and 19. February 1991. Sotheby’s … London. …. the Property of the Most Honourable the Marquess of Downshire: Lots 687-762 [75 lots].

Bookplate in: John Kersey, Title: The Elements of that Mathematical Art Commonly called Algebra, Expounded in Four Books. London, Printed by W. Godbid, for T. Passinger and B. Hurlock, 1673-1674. Call number (Ex) QA33 .K4 1674q. (Sotheby’s, London, Feb. 19, 1991, lot 727).

Bookstamp: Bibliothèque de Tsarskoe Selo

In 1938, the Library purchased from New York bookseller Maurice Sloog “more than 600 volumes of early nineteenth century fiction … from the Imperial Library at Tsarskoe-Selo. Most of the books have the stamp of the Imperial Library, and some bear the bookplate of Alexander III. Another plate with the words “Bibliothèque de Tsarkoe-Selo” indicates that the books came from that section of the private library of Nicholas II which was housed in the Alexander Palace.” Further particulars given in the following article, here quoted above: Albert E. McVitty, Jr. ’32 “Books from Tsarskoe-Selo, Nineteenth Century French Novels, Bearing Imperial Bookplates, Now at Princeton” in the Princeton Alumni Weekly XXXVIII, 27 (April 15, 1938), pp. 1-2. ❧ News of the accession also published in The New York Times, May 10, 1938 [link to article]

❧ Example above on half title of Bantysh-Kamenskīĭ, D. N. (Dmitrīĭ Nikolaevich), 1788-1850. Siècle de Pierre-le-Grand; ou, Actions et hauts faits des capitaines et des ministres qui se sont illustrés sous le règne de cet empereur; tr. du russe … par un officier russe, avec des remarques explicatives du traducteur … A Moscou, S. Selivanovsky, 1822. Call number (EX) 1627.168.144 vol. 1.

Trade custom of pre-dating

“The Rule in general observed among Printers is, that when a Book happens not to be ready for publication before November, the date of the ensuing year is used.” — John Nichols, Literary Anecdotes (London, 1812) iii, p. 249n. According to Philip Gaskell, Nichols is describing 18th century practice. Evidently the custom dated somewhat earlier as per this example.

Narcissus Luttrell corrected the imprint date in his copy of Francis Manning’s Panegyrick (London: Printed for J. Weld, 1698.) Call number: (Ex)3598.999q vol. 64, no. 4.

Another example: Inscribed on title page ‘Angelsey. The guift (sic) of the author. Dec. 19, 1674.’ of  Winston Churchill, Divi Britannici: being a remark upon the lives of all the kings of this isle, from the year of the world 2855. unto the year of grace 1660. London, Printed by T. Roycroft, to be sold by F. Eglesfield, 1675 (Ex DA130.C56q). The recipient was Arthur Annesley, Earl of Anglesey (1614-1686)

Bookplate of an “Anglus Americanus”

Pasted onto the inside front board of Jethro Tull (1674-1741), The Horse-Hoing Husbandry: or, An essay on the principles of tillage and vegetation. Wherein is shewn a method of introducing a sort of vineyard-culture into the corn-fields, in order to increase their product, and diminish the common expence; by the use of instruments described in cuts. By I. T. London, Printed for the author, 1733.
Call number (EX) S603 .T92 1733q. ❧

This plate is dated in manuscript at the corners “1740”. Another example is known dated “1743”.

There has been some confusion as to which Dudley Woodbridge owned this plate. Was it Dudley Woodbridge, born 1677, Harvard class of 1696, died 1720, who served as Director General of the Royal Assiento Company of England? Or was it the plate of his son, the Reverend Dudley Woodbridge, who served as Rector of St. Philips, Barbados,
born 1706, matriculated Magdalen College, Oxford 1723, and his will dated 15 March 1747/8 and proved 14 February 1749/50?

The dispositive evidence may be the use of the epithet “Anglus Americanus”. The only other recorded use on this epithet on a bookplate is that of Jeremiah Dummer (1681–1739). According to Calhoun Winton, “Jeremiah Dummer: The ‘First American?'”
William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 26 (1969): 105-8, Dummer made a point of announcing his American origins to the English and other Europeans he encountered during his many years overseas. In his will, dated 7th June, 1738 Dummer left to “Dudley Woodbridge of
Barbadoes, £50, for the pleasure I had in his company when in England.”

Of the two, father and son, only the son, the Rev. Dudley Woodbridge was alive in 1738. Clearly he was well acquainted with another “Anglus Americanus” and evidently wanted to show his communal association.

Example of Dummer bookplate from Charles Dexter Allen, American Book-Plates (London, 1895).

Cypher of Comte Henri Siméon (1803-1874)

Comte Henri Siméon had a distinguished public career during the Second Republic and the Second Empire. He also devoted years to translating Horace; his work published during his final years. He had a notable library, about which see Leon Techener, “Le Comte Siméon,” Bulletin du bibliophile(1874) p.245-246. Twenty five of his books are found in the Library’s Horace collection. They include editions and translations published between 1650 and 1872. Some have presentation inscriptions, including one from Paul Lacroix (“le bibliophile Jacob.”) All are bound and marked distinctively: the bindings are signed “Petit succr de Simier” and have Siméon’s cypher consisting of the initial H and S in “majuscules fleuronnées” surmounted by a “couronne de comte.” Correspondence documenting the Horace collection shows that a number of Siméon’s books were acquired from Maggs Brothers ca. 1912.

Bookplate designed by Ze’ev Raban

Bookplate designed by Ze’ev Raban. “From the books of Batya and Shlomo Greenberg.” On front pastedown of Rebecca Gratz (1781-1869). Letters …,edited, with an introduction and notes, by Rabbi David Philipson. (Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1929). Leonard L. Milberg Collection of Jewish American Writers, given in honor of President Harold T. Shapiro. [Call number (Ex) F158.9.J5 G7 Milberg JAmW.] ❧ This bookplate is also illustrated on page 14 of Not for myself alone : celebrating Jewish-American writers, October 21, 2001-April 21, 2002 : from the Leonard L. Milberg ’53 Collection of Jewish-American Writers. [Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Library, 2002]. ❧

Armorial bookplate dated 1739: Francis Massy, Esq. of Rixton, Lancashire

“Francis Massy, lord of the manors of Rixton and Glazebrook, born 1703, and who died unmarried 28 September 1748, when the family became extinct. By his will, dated 27 February, he left his estate and effects to his kinsman George Meynell of Yorkshire.” – Remains Historical & Literary Connected with the Palatine Counties of
Lancaster and Chester.
Published By The Chetham Society. Vol. CX. (1882), p. 224.
❧ Bookplate signed “I. Skinner, Bath, sculpt.” Jacob Skinner was active between 1732 and 1753.
❧ The Massy bookplate is on the front pastedown of Gabriel Harvey’s copy of Livy (Basle, 1555). Call number (Ex) PA6452 .A2 1555q. A complete digital scan of this remarkable annotated book is available here, however, the scanning project did not include full coverage of this piece of ownership evidence.

Binder’s ticket: Padeloup. Relieur du Roy.

❧ “Relié par Padeloup Relieur du Roy, place de Sorbonne à Paris” pasted at foot of title page of Représentation des fêtes données par la ville de Strasbourg pour la convalescence du Roi à l’arrivée et pendant le séjour de Sa Majesté en cette ville
Paris: imprimë par Laurent Aubert, [1745]. ❧ Call number: (Ex) 1509.171.761e. ❧ Bound in mottled calf, with royal arms in gold at center of front and back covers, arms of Strasbourg in corners of covers, inner and outer dentelle, marbled end papers, gilt edges.

Crest of Sir Andrew Fountaine (1676-1753)

His library sold at Sotheby’s, June 11, 1902. ❧ Crest and spine at right:
Cotton, Charles, 1630-1687.
Scarronnides: or, Virgile travestie. A mock-poem. In imitation of the fourth book of Virgils Aeneis in English, burlesque … London, Printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome … 1665. (VRG) 2945.312 Eng664.

In addition to the above, another Virgil from the Fountaine library was purchased by Junius Spencer Morgan. This has Fountaine’s crest stamped on the front cover. JSM obtained this Virgil from Quartich, who put in his date of acquisition ’16.VI.1902.’
The nyne fyrst bookes of the Eneidos of Virgil conuerted into Englishe vearse by Thomas Phaer… London : Printed by R. Hall, for N. Englande, 1562. (VRG) 2945.311 Eng562.

For further details, see British Armorial Bindings,

Ex Libris Adr. Jos. Havé

❧ Ownership stamping of Adrien-Joseph Havé (1740-1817) on spine of: Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry, baron d’, 1723-1789. La contagion sacrée; ou, Histoire naturelle de la superstition. Ouvrage tr. de l’anglois. … Londres, 1768. (Ex) BF1410.xH6.
For details on Havé, see entry above from Jadart (H.) Les Bibliophiles Remois, leurs Ex-Libris et fers de reliure (1894).

Formerly owned by Sir Hans Sloane

Earlier today researchers with the Sloane Printed Books Project confirmed that the Princeton copy of G. Lockhart, Memoirs concerning the Affairs of Scotland (London, 1714; call number RCPXR 14825.592.11) is from his library. The project’s website explains a number of ways to recognizing his books, cf. “Identifying Sloane’s books.” The bookstamps “Mvsevm Britiannivm” and “British Museum Sale Duplicate 1787” are one instance of evidence (verso of title page showing through.) However, key evidence is that Sloane’s manuscript catalogue lists this work (vol. 5 f 232 r) as “a 2015.” At the foot of the title page the “a” and the “2” are visible. ❧ Other embossements and markings signal Princeton’s accession of this book in the 19th century. ❧

Monogram binding stamp: ER with coronet: Comte Roger du Nord (1803-1881)

Roger, Édouard Léon, comte Roger du Nord, 1803-1881, diplomat, senator. His books auctioned: Catalogue des livres rares et précieux composant la bibliothèque de feu M. le comte Roger (du Nord) (Paris: Ch. Porquet, 1884) ❧ At far right, exemplar printed on front cover of 1884 catalogue. ❧ Princeton holds lot 419: Cicero. Epistolae ad familiares [Venice]: Nicolaus Jenson, 1471. At center, detail from front cover, gilt on red morocco. [Lot number 32 is in the Chapin Library, Williams College].

Supralibros of Jeanne Baptiste d’Albert de Luynes, comtesse de Verrue (1670-1736)

Her arms stamped on the covers of: François Parfaict (1698-1753) Histoire du théâtre françois depuis son origine jusqu’à présent. Avec la vie des plus célébres poëtes dramatiques, des extraits exacts, & un catalogue raisonné de leurs piéces, accompagnés de notes historiques & critiques. Paris, A. Morin [etc.] 1734-49. Call number: (THX) PQ500 .P3 (vol. 1-2)
❧ For further details on this collector see Ernest Quentin-Bauchart, Les femmes bibliophiles de France (XVIe, XVIIe, & XVIIIe siècles)(Paris, 1886), T. 1, p. 411-428.

Minerva presents prize books

Detail of stamp on covers of an 18th century Dutch prize book: an award from the Latin school of the city of Amersfoort.
❧ Pliny, the Younger. Epistolarum. Libros decem, cum notis selectis; Jo. Mariae Catanaei, Jac. Schegkii [et al], Recensuerunt suisque animadversionibus illustrarunt Gottlieb Cortius et Paullus Daniel Longolius... Amstelaedami, apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1734. Call number: RCPXR 2905.311.234. For further particulars see J. Spoelder, Prijsboeken op de latijnse school, (Amsterdam, 2000), especially page p. 479.

Booklabels of James Toovey († 1893)

❧ Oval book label printed in gilt: Burnham Abbey Bucks; monogram within ‘IT’ with a cross, on front paste-down of Virgil. Opera.
Rome : In domo Petri de Maximo [Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz], 28 Feb. 1469.
Junius Morgan Collection (VRG) 2945.1469q
❧ Circular book label printed in gilt with monogram ‘IT’ with a cross, surrounded by wreath and scroll with motto “Inter Folia Fructus.” On front paste down of Constitutions des treize États-Unis de l’Amérique.
A Philadelphia et se trouve a Paris, : P. D. Pierres, imprimeur. ; Pissot, pere & fils, Libraires, 1783. Call number (EX) 7583.01.267.11 copy 1. This copy presented by Junius Morgan, accessioned 10 May 1897.
❧ ❧
For more on Toovey see W. Roberts, The Book-Hunter in London (1895), page 253 ff

Two Ducal Supralibros

❧ Initial B surmounted by ducal coronet: stamp of Henry Scott, 3rd Duke of Buccleuch (1746 – 1812) together with arms of Christopher Monck, 2nd Duke of Albermarle (1650 – 1688). On the front and back covers of Charles Sorel (1582?-1674) The comical history of Francion, wherein the variety of vices that abuse the ages are satyrically limn’d in their native colours: interwoven with many pleasant events, and moral lessons, as well fitted for the entertainment of the gravest head as the lightest heart. By Monsieur de Moulines, sieur de Parc, a Lorain gentleman [pseud.] … Done into English by a person of honor. London, Printed for Francis Leach, 1655. Call number: EXOV 3292.5.394.5 ❧

For further details, see British Armorial Bindings, for Monck, and for Scott, see

Kelliegram Binding

Twenty five folio volumes bound by Kelly & Sons, London, stamped “Kelliegram Binding.” This term distinguished a production notable for covers with elaborate, pictorial inlaid color leather. ❧ [Further examples.] ❧
B.F. Stevens’s Facsimiles of manuscripts in European archives relating to America, 1773-1783 : with descriptions, editorial notes, collations, references and translations. London : Photographed and printed by Malby & Sons, 1889-1898. “Issued only to subscribers at 4 Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross, London. “The facsimiles are almost wholly of unpublished manuscripts …” — v. 25, p. xv. Limited edition of 200 sets; the photographic negatives were destroyed. Gift of John H. Scheide. Call number (Ex)2009-0375q

John Boyle, 5th Earl of Orrery (1707–1762)

Bound in vellum stained green

A Collection of the State Letters of the Rt. Hon. Roger Boyle, the first earl of Orrery (Dublin, Printed by and for G. Faulkner, 1743). Call number (Ex) 1473.16.691.
❧ With his badge: “O” surmounted by an earl’s coronet stamped on spine:

For further details, see British Armorial Bindings,

❧ Inscribed on front free endpaper: “Orrery. Leicester Fields. Feb: 8th 1750-51”

❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧

Call number (PTT) 2865.321.241.
A nonce volume bound for John Boyle, Earl of Orrery, for his literary endeavors.
Bound in calf with spine title “Orrery’s Odes of Horace & Co.” Signed on front free endpaper “Orrery. Caledon: October 17th, 1746.”
❧ Bound together in this volume are interleaved copies of his First Ode (ESTC T35560), Pyrrah (ESTC T46133), and Poem to the Memory of Edward Sheffield (ESTC T42559) as well as 23 blank leaves at front and 23 blank leaves at back. Some of the interleaves have his autograph comments on the facing text. Moreover, on pp. 2-8 of front blanks: his two autograph poems: 1) “Translation of a Copy of Verses in Mr Waller’s Poems, entitled On my Lady Isabella playing on the Lute” (in Latin with Waller’s poem in English on the facing page) and 2) “Lusus Pilae amatorius. Petronii Afranii” with “Imitated. 1727” on the facing page. On p. 1 of back blanks: his autograph poem (English): “To Mr Rysbrack. On his Buste of **********”.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧

Ange Goudar (1720-1791).
Pensées diverses. A Londres, chez Mr. P. Vaillant in the Strand. Chez Mr. W. Meyer in Mays-Buildings. Chez Mrs. Nutt at the Royal-Exchange. Chez Mr. Jollife in St. James-Street. Chez Mr. G. Jones in Ludgate-Street, 1750. ESTC T109290. Call number: Ex 3255.5417.371

Bookplates ❧ In A Collection of the State Letters

His bookplate dating to 1751 or later;
John succeeded his father as fifth earl of Orrery in 1731 and his kinsman as fifth earl of Cork in 1751.

❧ ❧ In The Workes of Benjamin Jonson. (London, 1616) Call number (EX) 3806.1616q

His bookplate with arms of Boyle impaling Hamilton to commemorate his marriage in 1738 to Margaret, the only daughter of John Hamilton, Esq., of Caledon, co. Tyrone. and his initials “I.O.” to left of coronet. ❧ For further details about his bookplates see: Journal of the Ex Libris Society vol. 7 p.57 for “Notes on some Boyle bookplates” at

❧ His sale: Catalogue of the valuable and extensive library and collection of autograph letters of the Rt. Hon. The Earl of Cork and Orrery removed from Marston, Frome which will be sold by auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods at their great rooms 8 King Street, St. James’s Square on Tuesday, November 21, 1905 and two following days at one o’clock precisely. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons. [1905]. 736 lots, mostly itemized.

Garter arms of George Granville William Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of Sutherland

Quarterly in eight
Musæum regalis societatis: or, A catalogue and description of the natural and artificial rarities belonging to the Royal Society and preserved at Gresham Colledge. Made by Nehemiah Grew … Whereunto is subjoyned the comparative anatomy of stomachs and guts. By the same author.
London, Printed for Tho. Malthus … 1685.
Call number: (EX) 8001.793.41.1685q

A fillip: bookplate on the verso of the title page
of Musæum regalis societatis
John Gordon, 16th Earl of Sutherland (1661–1733)

Martial. Venice: Aldus, 1501. Call number: Kane Special 1501 Martial

❧ For other examples see (Quarterly in eight) and (Quarterly).

See also, British Armorial Bindings,

Supralibros of Jean de la Rochefoucauld, abbé de Marmoutiers (d. 1583).

Paolo Emili(d. 1529).
De rebvs gestis francorvm libri X. Anoldi Ferroni… De rebvs gestis Gallorum libri IX ad historiam Pauli Aemylii additi, Chronicon I. Tilii de regibvs francoribii, a Pharamundo usque ad Henricum II. Paris: apud Vascosanum, 1555. Call number: (Ex) 1508.324.
Also on the front pastedown:
18th century armorial bookplate: “Du Comte Antoine Facipecora Pavesi Sus-Intendant génèral des Eaux dans la Ville, et Duché de Mantoue.” See:
Jacopo Gelli, 3500 ex libris italiani (Milan, 1908), p. 156.

Bound by Sangorski & Sutcliffe

Omar Khayyam.
Rubiayat … tr. into English verse by Edward FitzGerald, with an introduction by A.C. Benson … Reproduced from a ms. written and illuminated by F. Sangorski & G. Sutcliffe.
[Bushey, Engraved and printed by André & Sleigh, 1910]
Call number (EX) 2472.379.6.13q
Bound in full vellum with elaborate gold tooling and jewelled clasps; the front cover in color with a peacock as the central motive. In clamshell box.

Herr Heinrich Haag the Elastic-Skin Man

Herr Heinrich Haag the Elastic-Skin Man. New York: N.Y. Popular Publishing Company, [ca. 1880]. Call number (Ex) Item 6221469

[title page transcribed] Life and Adventures of Herr Heinrich Haag the Elastic-Skin Man. Being a clear and concise account of the history of this remarkable personage, his birth and early life, how his skin made him famous, his travels throughout Germany, how became a puzzle to the doctors, his exhibitions before the crowned heads and notabilities of Europe, and who is pronounced by all th leading physicians and surgeons of Europe and America to be the most wonderful phenomenon that medical research and science has ever discovered. New York Popular Publishing Co. Main office, 37 Bond St. Coloring, printing and engraving dep’ts, 18 Rose St. A.J. Dick, E.J. Stecher, proprietors.

Fencing illustrated in 1675: “To avail themselves of the true skill”

Marco Orozco, engraver. “En
el mapa, que mira esta plana se delinean todas las formas
especulativas, que dan luz a la practica, para valerse de la
verdadera destreza con todo genero de armas, y contra
todas naciones.” Large engraved plate bound before f. 69 in
Perez de Mendoza
y Quixada, Miguel. Resumen de la
vera destreza de las armas en treinta y ocho

Madrid: Francisco Sanz, 1675.
Call number (Ex) Item 5785695

Edward Irenaeus Stevenson. His Book.

Bookplate of
Edward Irenaeus Prime-Stevenson (1858-1942) ❧ Signed at lower left: EIS del[ineavit]. 1891. ❧ Inscribed on open book: φρονιμος οι όφεις = wise as serpents (cf. Matthew 10:16). Apple in the mouth of the snake inscribed “eritis sicut deus” (“You shall be as god” cf. Genesis 3:5)

On pastedown: Armorial bookplate of Syston Park Library, that of Thorold, John, Sir, 9th bart., 1734-1815 and his son John Hayford Thorold, 10th bart., 1773-1831 of Syston Park, Grantham, Lincs. Also visible is lower portion of the booklabel of Grenville Kane (1854-1943)

In: Marcus Junianus Justinus, Pompei Trogi externae historiae in compendium ab Iustino redactae. Venice: Aldus Manutius and Andreas Torresanus, de Asula soc., January 1522. Call number: (ExKa) Special 1522 Justinus ❧This copy sold at auction of books from the Syston Park Library by Sotheby (London), 12 Dec. 1884, lot 1077, to Sabin, for 18 shillings.

Manuscript subscription list made by Thomas Meade for a 1795 English pamphlet on the French Revolution


This gallery contains 5 photos.

Henry Goudemetz (1749-1826?). Judgment and Execution of Louis XVI. King of France; with a List of the Members of the National Convention, Who voted for and against his Death; and the Names of Many of the Most Considerable Sufferers In … Continue reading

Pictorial Embellishments for the New Year

Large, readable digital file of this single sheet advertisement is also available.

Benjamin Henry Day was publisher of Brother Jonathan from 1852 to 1862. Publication dates of the “cheap books for sale” suggests that this advertisement was issued early during Day’s tenure as publisher.

The Library has recently built up a collection of 15 issues published in this newspaper’s lavishly illustrated extra “Pictorial Jubilee.” New York, 1851-1861. Usually issued twice yearly: July 4 as well as Christmas and New Year’s. A typical opened issue measures 29 x 42 inches. Call number for the advertisement and the collection of fifteen: (Ex) Flat files A floor. ‘Brother Jonathan’

Supralibros of Marco Antonio Foscarini, doge of Venice, 1695/?6-1763

Arms of
Marco Antonio Foscarini, doge of Venice, 1695/?6-1763. Noted historian and bibliographer.
“He left a rich and very select library of books and manuscripts, which was sold after the fall of Venice in 1799. The Emperor of Austria purchased the collection of manuscripts for 10,800 livres, and they are now in the imperial library at Vienna. A catalogue of the historical part of the collection, consisting of nearly 400 manuscripts, which were among the materials by the aid of which Foscarini compiled his history of Venetian literature, is given at tho end of [his]Storia Arcana (published post-humously, Florence, 1843)” [C.Knight, Biography:or, Third division of “The English encyclopedia” (London, 1867), II, col. 961-962].

Erizzo, Sebastiano. Espositione di m. Sebastiano Erizzo nelle tre canzoni di m. Francesco Petrarca, chiamate le tre sorelle. Nuouamente mandata in luce da m. Lodouico Dolce.(Venice: Andrea Arriuabene, 1561.) Call number (Ex)3134.66. ❧ Another example of a Foscarini armorial binding is in the Graphic Arts Collection:
Barozzi, Pietro. De modo bene moriendi. (Venice: in Aedibus Io. Antonii & Fratrum de Sabio, 1531). Call number (GAX) 2004-3555N

Claude Crespigny of the South Sea House

Claude Crespigny of the South Sea House
[This post first published in December 2011. Revised May 2013]
❧ Armorial bookplate, signature, crest, cipher, inscription. ❧
Sir Claude Champion de Crespigny (1706-1782). At death, he left his library to his great nephew, Hugh Reveley (1772-1851) whose signature is in pencil on recto of the free endpaper. ❧ On spine is Crespigny’s cipher (interlaced C’s) and crest (On a chapeau, gules, turned up, ermine, a enhit arm erect, holding a broad sword, proper). ❧ Inscribed on pastedown: “This book was given me by the Hon.ble John Spencer Esq.r A.o 1745.”
❧ Johann Heinrich Cohausen (1665-1750). Hermippus redivivus : or, The sage’s triumph over old age and the grave. Wherein, a method is laid down for prolonging the life and vigour of man. Including a commentary upon an antient inscription, in which this great secret is revealed; supported by numerous authorities. The whole interspersed with a great variety of remarkable, and well attested relations. London : Printed for J. Nourse, 1744. Call number: (Ex)3437.93.345.6

Thomas Frewen, of Lincoln’s Inn, in the County of Middlesex, Esqr., 1711.

Bookplate: Thomas Frewen, of Lincoln’s Inn, in the County of Middlesex, Esqr., 1711.
Citation: Franks 11412. [(Arms. Frewen quartering Scott,
Longhurst and Wolverstone.]
❧ This is Thomas Frewen (1687-1738), according to ESTC T132060, copy held at Ham House.
Source of this bookplate: Call number (Ex)3826.36.333.14q. [Fables of Aesop, London, 1699]

Francis Henry Egerton, 8th Earl of Bridgewater (b. 1756, d. 1829)

Bookplate and bookstamp of
Francis Henry Egerton, 8th Earl of Bridgewater (b. 1756, d. 1829). More than 40 of his books in the Library, many including with a presentation inscription from the work’s author. Evidently this plate (“The Honourable Francis Henry Egerton, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, &c, &c, &c”) dates from his years in Paris, after 1802. A number of books also carry the red stamp ‘Ashridge Library,’ perhaps indicating that these came to England and were kept at Ashridge House, the Egerton family seat in Hertfordshire. To find these 40+ books, search in the main catalogue: “Bridgewater, Francis Henry Egerton, Earl of, 1756-1829, former owner.”

1752 Irish prize binding

Prize bookplate from Trinity College, Dublin to William Stopford, presented by Brabazon Disney, at the beginning of Michaelmas Term, 1752. Armorial stamp of Trinity College, Dublin, on front and back covers.

According to William B. Todd in “Note 571 Academic Prize Books” (Book Collector 49:3 (Autumn, 2000) p. 442-444, William Stopford in the same year was also awarded as a prize book: Juvenal & Persius, Dublin, 1746. (Illustrated in Prof. Todd’s 1961 catalogue Prize Books)

Terence. Comoediæ. (Dublin: Typographia Academiæ, 1745)
Call number (Ex) Item 6201299

Three 18th century Irish bindings attributed to Joseph Leathley’s binder

Adjacent at right is entry 49 in J. McDonnell and P. Healy, Gold-tooled Bookbindings Commissioned by Trinity College Dublin in the Eighteenth Century (Leixlip, 1987); there illustrated in black and white.
Horace [ed. J. Hawkey] Dublin, 1745. Call number (PTT) 2865.1745 c.1. [John Boyle, Earl of Orrery (1707-1762), former owner.]
Horace [ed. J. Hawkey] Dublin, 1745. Call number (PTT) 2865.1745 c.3. [Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield (1694-1773) former owner.] Juvenal [ed. J. Hawkey] Dublin, 1746. Call number (ExV) 2873.1746

Early 18th century cottage-roof style

Early 18th century cottage-roof style binding covering Horace, Carminum libri quinque [edited by George Wade] (London: William Bowyer, 1731). According to the ESTC, Bowyer’s records show 24 copies printed in quarto, and 250 in octavo. This is one of the 24 quartos. A small capital ‘D’ in iron gall ink is at center of the verso of the titlepage. Bookplate of George John Warren Vernon, 5th Baron Vernon (1803-1866) on front pastedown.. Acquired by donor Robert W. Patterson from Maggs before 1921. Call number (PTT) 2865.321.231.

Marcas de Fuego ❧ Convento de San Cosme y San Damián de Puebla (Mexico)

According to the Catálogo Colectivo de Marcas de Fuego, these are “marcas de fuego” of the Convento de San Cosme y San Damián de Puebla (Mexico; Mercidarian Order)
See and
for details.

Call number (Ex) 5959.612q
Maldonado, Angel, bp., 1660-1728.
Oraciones evangelicas … dadas à la estampa por d. Balthasar de Montoya Maldonado … En Mexico, Por los herederos de J.J. Guillena Carrascoso, 1721.

Acknowledgement to Madison C. Bush, Class of 2014, for making this identification.

Stamped with the arms of Graf Hans Günther von Schwarzburg-Sondershausen (1532-1586)

Arms surrounded with inscription:

❧ Edges gauffered and gilt. Clasps.

❧ Call number (Ex)BX8069.K57 1584q ❧ Timotheus Kirchner, Gründliche warhafftige Historia von der Augspurgischen Confession (Leipzig: Defner, 1584.)

For another example see:
Wappeneinband aus dem Besitz des Grafen
Hans Günther von
Schwarzburg-Sondershausen. Nach 1566

Constanter 1658

“Constanter 1658” the ex libris of Constantine Huygens (1596-1687) on the title page of Willem Piso, De Indiae utriusque re naturali et medica, libri quatuordecim (Amsterdam: L. and D. Elzevir, 1658) Call number (Ex) 8607.723q.

  For more details on the library of Constantine Huygens, see:

See further particulars about Constantine Huygen’s copy of the First Folio A.J. West’s article published in Foliomania! (Washington, DC: Folger Shakespeare Libary, 2011.)

Other copies of his books at Princeton:❧
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626.
Resuscitatio, or, Bringing into publick light severall pieces of the works, civil, historical, philosophical & theological, hitherto sleeping; of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon, baron of Verulam, Viscount Saint Alban. According to the best corrected coppies. Together with his lordships life. By William Rowley …
London, Printed by Sarah Griffin for W. Lee, 1657.
RHT copy has inscription on t.p.: Constanter 1660. (Ownership inscription of Sir Contantijn Huygens, 1596-1687) RHT copy with the autograph of Jas. Rigg on front flyleaf, and with the armorial bookplate of Downfield [seat of the Rigg family; Franks catalogue no. 25049]. (18th cent) There are no markings for 19th cent owners. 20th cent markings are as follows: dealer’s code for Ximenes Rare Books, NYC, [book listed in their Occasional List No. 69 (1984)] and then RHT booklabel. Call number
(RHT) 17th-701.
Gayton, Edmund, 1608-1666. Pleasant notes upon Don Quixot. London, Printed by W. Hunt, 1654.Call number (EXOV) 3170.686
Ex copy has inscription on t.p.: Constanter London Aug. 1663. (Ownership inscription of Sir Contantijn Huygens, 1596-1687). This copy was auctioned in the sale of March 15, 1688.
Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674. The Worlds Olio
London, J. Martin and J. Allestrye, 1655. Call number (RHT) 17th-753. RHT copy has inscription on t.p.: “Constanter” and the following record of presentation from the author “Antverpiae 17 jul. 1655 dono March. Newcastle mariti autoris.” Huygen’s journal for 17 July 1655 states “Saluto marchionem NEW CASTEL.” This copy was auctioned in the sale of March 15, 1688.
Imperiali, Giovanni, 1596?-1670. Musaeum historicum et physicum. Venetiis, Apud Juntas, 1640. Call number (EX) In process. Acquired October 2012.
Ex copy has inscription on t.p.: Constanter 1650. (Ownership inscription of Sir Contantijn Huygens, 1596-1687).

Daniel Russell (ca. 1642-1679) bequeaths a book to Thomas Shepard (1658-1685)

Inscription on front free end paper: ‘Tho: Shepard’s booke being part of the 10th legacy of my H[onore]d Friend Mr D[aniel] Russell who died of the small pox in Charlestown after his acceptance of a call to join with myself in the work of the ministry there. 15. 3o. 1679.’ In a different hand: ‘The Price of this Book is 13 shillings.’
Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626.
Sylva sylvarum; London, 1670.
Call number (Exov) 3614.389
Also has additional inscriptions on second and third front free end paper: ‘Daniel Russell, His Book, 1675.’ ‘Daniel Russell, His Book, No 303, 22.2.1675.’

To all lovers of angling

To all lovers of angling: Gregory, fishing-tackle maker, at the Dial and Fish, opposite St. Clement’s Church in the Strand, London, makes and sells all sorts of multiplying and stop wheels
[London? : s.n., 1773?]
Notes: Broadside advertisement, 28 cm tall
Princeton copy dated by hand on verso: April ye 7th 1773.
Call number: (ExKi) SH453 .G73 1773

Higher resolution image available at

Girl who reads sensation story papers

Title: The girl who reads sensation story papers : [broadside sheet]
Published/Created: [s.l., circa 1891]
Description: 1 sheet : ill. ; 37 x 23 cm.
Notes: First line: How charming the girl who endlessly glories.
Provenance: Written in blue pencil: “No harm inteded [sic].” Accompanied by envelope addressed to Miss M. C. Mershon, Princeton, N.J. with postmark 1891.
Source of acquisition: Purchase; J. Howard Woolmer, 2005.
Subject(s): Sensationalism in journalism –United States.
Youth –Books and reading –United States.
Form/Genre: Broadsides, Story papers
Call number: (Ex) Broadside 382

Published ca. 1891.
Higher resolution image available here

Bookplate of Cha: Read of New Jersey, Esq.

Bookplate on front pastedown of
Lilly, John, 18th cent.
Modern entries: being a collection of select pleadings in the Courts of King’s Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer. Declarations, Pleas in Abatement and in the Bar, Replications, Rejoinders, etc. Demurrers, issues, verdicts, judgments, forms of making up records of Nisi prius, and entring of judgments, etc. in most actions. Many of them drawn or persued by Mr. Broderick … and other learned Counsel. As also special assignments of Errors, and Writs and Proceedings thereupon, both in the said Courts and in Parliament. With the method of suing to and reversing outlawries by Writ of Error or otherwise. To which is added a collection of writs in most cases now in practice, by John Lilly.
[ London] In the Savoy: Printed by Henry Lintot, 1741. Call number: (Ex) 7891.586q

“Read, Charles, lawyer, jurist, founder, was born Feb. 1, 1715. in Philadelphia, Pa. His father, of the same name, was mayor of Philadelphia in 1725, sheriff of the county in 1729-31, collector of excise in 1725 34, About 1760 he became an associate justice of the supreme court of New Jersey, which office, as well as that of collector, he held till the revolution, acting for a time as chief justice in 1764, He was several times mayor of Burlington. He was chosen colonel of a regiment of militia in 1776. He was one of the founders of the American Philosophical Society. He died about 1780 in North Carolina.” – Herringshaw’s National Library of American Biography (1914), p. 560.

Ellen Gordon Craig – bookplate

Bookpate with initials ‘N C’. This is Ellen Gordon Craig (1904-75), always known as Nelly, Edward Gordon Craig’s daughter by Elena Meo. This bookplate is the work of her brother, Edward Anthony Craig (1905-1998) whose working name was Edward Carrick. Cf. John Blatchly, “Bookplates and Devices by the Later Craigs,” The Bookplate Journal, New Series, Voll. 1, No. 2, September 2003, p. 75 ff. Note exemplar 11 on p. 78.
Petrarca, Francesco. Le Rime di Francesco Petrarca. Firenze, g. Terni, 1854. Call number: Ex 2012-0032S. Front paste down inscribed in pencil ‘N. Gordon Craig [19]38’.

Arms of Jean-Alexandre van den Broecke, fl. 1646

Arm on covers of Gesta Dei per Francos, siue Orientalivm expeditionvm, et regni Francorvm hierosolimitani historia a variis, sed illius æui scriptoribus, litteris commendata: nunc primùm aut editis, aut ad libros veteres emendatis. Auctores præfatio ad lectorem exhibet. Orientalis historiae tomus primus [et secundus] Hanoviæ, typis Wechelianis, apud heredes I. Aubrii, 1611. Call number: (Ex) 14084.388q
cf. Armorial belge du bibliophile (1930), v.3, p. 680-681.
   Arms also appear on copy of J. A. de Thou, Historiarum sui temporis (Geneva, 1620-26)

The Country Book-club 1788

Illustrated titlepage:
Shillito, Charles.
The country book-club. A poem.
London, 1788.
Illustration on t.-p. etched by Thomas Rowlandson.
Call number: (GA) Rowlandson 1788
Call number: (RCPXR) 3930.12.327
Excerpt: “The rural bookseller of aspect pale, And bent with age, comes
tott’ring down the vale… Who but has heard his tale, so often told, Of famous men,
whose names he once enroll’d. How those illustrious members spoke and thought,
What ale they tippled, and what books they bought.”

Blue morocco 18th century English gold tooled binding with green silk ties and gold thread tassels.

Blue morocco 18th century English gold tooled binding with green silk ties and gold thread tassels.•
In Chancery. Breviate. John Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, esqrs; plaintiffs: Charles Calvert esq; Lord Baltimore in the kingdom of Ireland, defendant : for the plaintiffs
[London, 1742] • Call number (Ex) 1212.675f • Quartich catalogue entry tipped into this book.

Trotter family library copy • armorial bookplate with motto: In promptu

Trotter family library copy • armorial bookplate with motto: In promptu
Inscribed: ‘I bought this book from Jo[h]n Vallange meerly for ye Style w[hi]ch being affected pedantical & Latinized was it would seem the mode in these times wherein it was writt.’ This is evidently by John Trotter, d. 1718, whose similar inscriptions of provenance appear on a number of books he purchased between the 1690s and 1707.
Baron, Robert, b. 1630.
Erotopaignion, or, The Cyprian academy.
London, Printed by W. W. and are to be sold by J. Hardesty, T. Huntington, and T. Jackson, 1647.
Call number: (Ex) 3620.64.332

Riviere binding

Bound by Riviere & Son.
Goodall, Charles, 1671-1689. Poems and translations, written upon several occasions, and to several persons. By a late scholar of Eaton … London: Printed for Henry Bonwicke … 1689.Call number: Ex 3756.53.1689. Gift of Robert W. Patterson. Accessioned June 11, 1907. Priced in pencil on front free endpaper  10/10/-  (that is, 10 guineas).

Author prohibitus • Bale

Fore-edge of:
Bale, John, 1495-1563.
Illustrium Maioris Britanniae scriptorum, hoc est, Angliae, Cambriae, ac Scotiæ summariu[m], in quasdam centurias diuisum, cum diuersitate doctrinaru[m] atq[ue] annoru[m] recta supputatione per omnes ætates a Iapheto sanctissimi Noah filio, ad annum domini. M.D.XLVIII. Autore Ioanne Balaeo SudouolcaGippeswici [Ipswich]: per Joannem Overton, 31 July 1548.
With this is bound Contarini, G.P. Historia de bello nuper Venetis à Selimo II. Turcarum Imperatore illato : liber unus Basileae: Perna, 1573.
Call number: (Ex) 3616.7.349


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