Brianna Eastridge ’12 writes to PLAS about her studies abroad

Dear Program in Latin American Studies,

As a rising junior in the anthropology department, I was able to do an internship in Rio de Janeiro with the Fulbright Commission/Education USA because of PLAS’ gracious funding towards my expenses to travel there. This internship completely changed my mind about study abroad and widened the scope of my intellectual interests at Princeton. I want to personally thank the PLAS for giving me this opportunity and allowing me to have this wonderful experience.

I chose this particular internship because I have always been interested in education and education policy, especially associated with underprivileged students in urban environments. I am also getting a certificate in the Latin American Studies department and my academic interests have included many topics in Latin America. This particular internship seemed to fit not only my academic interests but also many passions I have for my future goals. The Fulbright Commission serves as a type of college counseling for Brazilian students who wish to study in the U.S. As an intern for them, I had many projects assigned to me ranging from basic office work to researching educational programs and providing advice from my experience from attending a university in the U.S.

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Mario Vargas Llosa reflects on receiving the news of his Nobel literature prize


Ese día, como todos los días desde que, hace tres semanas, llegamos a Nueva York, me levanté a las cinco de la mañana y, procurando no despertar a Patricia, me fui a la salita a leer. Era noche cerrada todavía y las luces de los rascacielos del contorno tenían la apariencia inquietante de una gigantesca bandada de cocuyos invadiendo la ciudad.

Read the full article in El País

Lecture by Mario Vargas Llosa

Mario Vargas Llosa, PLAS Distinguished Visitor and winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in literature, will give a lecture on Monday, October 11 at 7:30pm in Richardson Auditorium at Princeton University.  The lecture, Breve discurso sobre la cultura, is free and open to the public.

Mario Vargas Llosa, PLAS Distinguished Visitor, wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Acclaimed Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, who is spending this semester as the 2010 Distinguished Visitor in Princeton University’s Program in Latin American Studies, has been awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in literature. He also is a visiting lecturer in Princeton’s Program in Creative Writing and the Lewis Center for the Arts.

New York Times article | Princeton University article