“The day Hannah Arendt listened to Fidel Castro at Princeton” An article in the Spanish newspaper “El País” by Professor Rafael Rojas:

Los archivos de la Universidad de Princeton guardan una historia que ayuda a comprender la deriva totalitaria de la Revolución Cubana y la difícil lectura que hizo Occidente de ese fenómeno latinoamericano y caribeño. En abril de 1959, el primer ministro de la nueva Cuba, Fidel Castro, y su delegación se desviaron de su itinerario de Washington a Nueva York en una primera visita a Estados Unidos, organizada por la American Society of Newspapers Editors, y pasaron un par de días en la Universidad de Princeton.

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Princeton’s João Biehl explores consequences of Brazil’s constitutional right to health

In 2010, Edgar Lemos, a retired bus driver in Porto Alegre, Brazil, sued his government for failing to provide medication to treat his neurological disorder. It was his privilege to do so: Brazil and more than 100 other nations grant the right to health, which in Brazil has given rise to numerous lawsuits against the government for access to medicines of all kinds.

Princeton University anthropology professor João Biehl has documented the emergence of right-to-health litigation in that country over the past decade. Through visits to courtrooms and clinics to meet patients and record their stories, combined with rigorous evaluation of medical and legal data, Biehl, a native of Brazil, and his research team have created a detailed picture of who sues for treatment and why in this country of about 200 million people and an economy on the rise.

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Roots of Brazil – A very important edition of a very important Brazilian essay

Sérgio Buarque de Holanda’s Roots of Brazil is one of the iconic books on Brazilian history, society, and culture. Originally published in 1936, it appears here for the first time in an English language translation with a foreword, “Why Read Roots of Brazil Today?” by Pedro Meira Monteiro, one of the world’s leading experts on Buarque de Holanda.

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Jeremy Adelman interviewed by Veja magazine in Brazil

Universidades de todos os cantos do mundo estão engajadas no processo de internacionalização. Enviar estudantes ao exterior e atrair jovens estrangeiros é motivo de preocupação também no Brasil, que ainda amarga índices tímidos em relação a emergentes como China e Índia. Nos Estados Unidos, o destino mais procurado por universitários, existem 724.000 estrangeiros no ensino superior: quase 158.000 são chineses e cerca de 104.000 são indianos, enquanto os brasileiros representam menos de 9.000, de acordo com o Institute of International Education. O Brasil também é pouco atrativo. A Grã-Bretanha, por exemplo, abriga 32.683 estudantes americanos, ante os 3.099 conterrâneos de Barack Obama que estão por aqui. Ficamos atrás de nações como República Checa e até Costa Rica na preferência dos americanos. A despeito dos números tímidos, o Brasil é atrativo para instituições de ponta. A avaliação é de Jaremy Adelman, diretor do conselho para a internancionalização da Universidade Princeton, nos Estados Unidos, e historiador especialista em América Latina. “O Brasil precisa se libertar desse complexo de inferioridade, desse estereótipo de que está sempre na periferia do mundo”, diz. “O fato de não figurar entre os mais bem colocados [nos rankings internacionais] não significa que aqui não existam centros de excelência ou estudantes e profissionais excepcionais.” Adelman esteve no Brasil a convite da Fundação Estudar, que oferece bolsas de estudo a brasileiros no país e no exterior, e conversou com o site de VEJA. Confira a entrevista a seguir.

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Bruno Carvalho writes about his freshman seminar, “Soccer and Latin America: History, Politics, and Popular Culture”

As an undergraduate, I had a Classics professor who sometimes spoke of the humanities’ task as the search for the strange in the familiar, and the familiar in the strange. The idea stuck with me, and in my own classes I have attempted to create an environment in which students re-evaluate their preconceived notions, and simultaneously establish connections to what may seem remote or exotic. Since most of my courses revolve around the cultural histories of cities, normally this is a rather safe exercise. How might a 19th-century urban dweller find our sartorial habits unusual? How might we draw parallels between Brasília’s development and that of more traditional capitals?

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Edward Telles broadens study of race and inequality

Telles teaching

In discussing the differences in how various cultures deal with race, Telles often uses the United States as a point of reference for his students. In using a range of contexts, Telles is able to broaden the conversation about racial identity and race relations. Photo by John Jameson.

By spanning the social sciences and the Americas in his research, Professor Edward Telles has helped increase understanding of how race and inequality interact.

Telles, a professor of sociology and a PLAS associated faculty member, studies immigration, race relations and social demography, focusing on race and inequality across Latin America and on Mexican Americans’ assimilation in the United States. Before coming to Princeton, he worked on these issues for nearly 20 years at the University of California-Los Angeles and in the field in Latin America, primarily in Brazil.

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O Globo interviews Princeton faculty about the growing international interest in Brazilian literature and culture

In an interview Pedro Meira Monteiro (Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures) talks about the growing interest in Brazilian studies at Princeton and mentions Lilia Schwarcz (PLAS Visiting Professor in 2010 and current Global Scholar in History), and Silviano Santiago (Visiting Lecturer of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures).

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Ricardo Emilio Piglia transfers to Emeritus Status

The following was published in the 2011 Princeton University Emeritus Booklet.

It is very difficult to imagine Latin American literature at Princeton without Ricardo Piglia.  He is not only an admired novelist but also an inspiring teacher and the author of brilliant essays on major Argentine writers and on the art of fiction.  Piglia has been associated with Princeton for almost 25 years since his appointment as a fellow in the Council of the Humanities in 1987. During the 1990s he taught at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and returned to Princeton on several occasion as a visiting professor.  He also taught at Harvard University and at the University of California-Davis.  In 2001 he accepted a position in the newly created Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures at Princeton and since then has been the Walter S. Carpenter Professor of Language, Literature, and Civilization of Spain.

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White House appoints Marta Tienda to advisory commission

President Barack Obama has appointed Marta Tienda, Princeton’s Maurice P. During Professor in Demographic Studies, a professor of sociology and public affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and PLAS associated faculty member to the President’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics. Tienda was sworn in on May 26. The commission is tasked with advising Obama and U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on how to improve educational opportunities and outcomes for Hispanics.

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