“The day Hannah Arendt listened to Fidel Castro at Princeton” An article in the Spanish newspaper “El País” by Professor Rafael Rojas:

Los archivos de la Universidad de Princeton guardan una historia que ayuda a comprender la deriva totalitaria de la Revolución Cubana y la difícil lectura que hizo Occidente de ese fenómeno latinoamericano y caribeño. En abril de 1959, el primer ministro de la nueva Cuba, Fidel Castro, y su delegación se desviaron de su itinerario de Washington a Nueva York en una primera visita a Estados Unidos, organizada por la American Society of Newspapers Editors, y pasaron un par de días en la Universidad de Princeton.

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Alvaro Enrigue, 2012-13 PLAS fellow, awarded the Herralde Prize, the most prestigious recognition, for his most recent novel

Un partido de tenis en la Roma de 1599, como sucedáneo de un duelo de honor, entre Caravaggio y Quevedo, con una pelota hecha, como todas las mejores de entonces, con pelo humano. Bajo ese sorprendente escenario –sólo parcialmente imaginado—y en los tres sets que dura el juego ubica el escritor Álvaro Enrigue (México, 1969) Muerte súbita, con la que ha obtenido los 18.000 euros de un 31º premio Herralde de novela que ha registrado la participación más alta de la historia del galardón: 476 originales.

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Giancarlo Mazzanti at the MoMa

Giancarlo Mazzanti, who is spending the fall semester teaching at PLAS, is featured in the exhibition “9+1 Ways of Being Political” which just opened at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMa) in New York. The exhibit will be on view until March 2013:


Earlier in the summer Giancarlo’s work was featured in a New York Times article on Colombia:

New York Times: Past Its Golden Moment, Bogotá Clings to Hope

Giancarlo will be giving a talk about his work on November 6th at 12:00pm in 219 Burr Hall.

Ambassador Ricardo Luna, PLAS visiting fellow

Ambassador Ricardo Luna is spending the spring semester as a visiting fellow in the Program in Latin American Studies. A career diplomat with over twenty years of experience as Peruvian ambassador, he has served as Peruvian ambassador to the United States, the United Kingdom, and the United Nations. Before coming to Princeton, Ambassador Luna has taught at Harvard, Brown, Columbia, and the Fletcher School.

Ricardo Luna

Paulo Fontes, 2006-07 PLAS visiting fellow, wins the Thomas E. Skidmore Prize

Paulo Fontes, the author of Um nordeste em São Paulo: trabalhadores migrantes em São Miguel Paulista (1945-66), (Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2009) is the winner of the first Thomas E. Skidmore Prize, sponsored by the National Archive, Rio de Janeiro and the Brazilian Studies Association. The $5,000 prize is to support the translation of the book so that it can be published in English. The prize, endowed through a generous donation of the Skidmore family, recognizes historical works on twentieth-century Brazilian history. The first prize competition considered books covering the period 1930-64 that had been published in Portuguese between 2004 and 2010.

Three additional works received Honorable Mention: Regina Horta Duarte, A biologia militante: o Museu Nacional, especialização científica, divulgação do conhecimento e práticas políticas no Brasil – 1926-1945 (Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2010); Jorge Ferreira, O imaginário trabalhista: getulismo, PTB e cultura política popular 1945-1964 (Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2005); and Antonio Luigi Negro, Linhas de montagem: industrialismo nacional-desenvolvimentista e a sindicalização dos trabalhadores (São Paulo: Boitempo, 2004).

The Prize Committee was composed of James N. Green, (Chair), Ângela Maria Casto Gomes, Luís Edmundo de Souza Moraes, Maria Helena Capelato, and Vitor Manoel Marques da Fonseca. The next Skidmore Prize will be awarded in 2013 and will consider works published in Portuguese between 2006 and 2012 covering the period 1964-85.

O Globo interviews Princeton faculty about the growing international interest in Brazilian literature and culture

In an interview Pedro Meira Monteiro (Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures) talks about the growing interest in Brazilian studies at Princeton and mentions Lilia Schwarcz (PLAS Visiting Professor in 2010 and current Global Scholar in History), and Silviano Santiago (Visiting Lecturer of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Cultures).

Read the full article (Portugues)

Read the full article(English)


“Prize in Hand, He Keeps His Eye on Teaching”

Five days after the Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa won the Nobel Prize in Literature, he walked into a Princeton classroom where 25 students awaited their weekly seminar on the magical realism of the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges.

And then, said one astounded undergraduate, he pretended nothing had happened.

“Thank you very, very much,” he said, smiling broadly, according to students who were there and had presented him with a card and a spread of baked goods. “We’ll eat this during the break. But for now, let’s start class.”

Continue reading this article in the New York Times

Mario Vargas Llosa reflects on receiving the news of his Nobel literature prize


Ese día, como todos los días desde que, hace tres semanas, llegamos a Nueva York, me levanté a las cinco de la mañana y, procurando no despertar a Patricia, me fui a la salita a leer. Era noche cerrada todavía y las luces de los rascacielos del contorno tenían la apariencia inquietante de una gigantesca bandada de cocuyos invadiendo la ciudad.

Read the full article in El País

Mario Vargas Llosa, PLAS Distinguished Visitor, wins Nobel Prize in Literature

Acclaimed Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, who is spending this semester as the 2010 Distinguished Visitor in Princeton University’s Program in Latin American Studies, has been awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in literature. He also is a visiting lecturer in Princeton’s Program in Creative Writing and the Lewis Center for the Arts.

New York Times article | Princeton University article