Today’s update is a bit meta. The feed from now displays in the WordPress administrative dashboard for sites on the network.
We try to avoid mass email communication to users in the WordPress network, so these news updates are the primary method of communicating outages, upgrades, tutorials and new features.
It is possible to hide this dashboard widget by clicking the corresponding checkbox in the Screen Options setting up top.
A recent addition to the Jetpack “mega-plugin” is a feature that users have enjoyed for over a year  — the ability for Facebook, Twitter, and users to authenticate in the comment form and use that identity to leave a comment. Native users (in our case, Princeton netID users) can still use that identity to comment.
Active users, may remember this comment system’s code name, Highlander Comments. There can be only more than one?
Other comment plugins offer multiple authentication options, namely Disqus and IntenseDebate; however, those systems store the comments on external servers, and the JavaScript to load those comments can be a bit slow. The Jetpack Comments feature just builds off of the native WordPress comment system.
Jetpack Comments activation button
We will be enabling Jetpack Comments for all new sites on our network. Administrators for existing sites will have to go into the Jetpack area of the WordPress admin interface and click the blue "Activate" button. If the default WordPress comment system is preferred, site admins can deactivate that feature on the same admin page.
Early Tuesday morning, I deployed the WordPress 3.4.1 update. Users should not notice any changes to normal workflow. There may be a few blue and white pop-ups in the admin interface that call attention to new features. In the admin toolbar, if you hover over the WordPress logo in the top left corner, you should see an “About WordPress” link that lists all of the new features. In this post I will demo a couple of the new features.
First, take a look at the Caption for the metal house number photo in this post. At long last, authors can use basic HTML tags in image captions. Now you can italicize titles, insert a line break, or add a linked attribution for shared images.
The next new feature is Twitter Embeds. They work just like oEmbeds for videos. Just paste a raw (unlinked) tweet URL on its own line in a post or page. The published entry displays a stylish box with the tweet, the Twitter avatar, and some action links for the tweet. For an example, check out the meta tweet below:
We've upgraded the WordPress system to 3.4.1. Read about what's new:
— PrincetonWebServices (@PrincetonWDS) July 24, 2012
With Custom Headers, you no longer have to settle for the same height banner image on every page. You can still use the “PUWS Options” in our Princeton-customized themes, but that height value just acts as a suggested height. When you upload a banner image, the system will ask you if you want to crop the image to that suggested height or use the image's original height. Please note that this will not work well for tall images.
Live Theme Previews allow you to try out a new look for your site before making those changes live. Not all custom theme settings are available with the live previews and the Customizer sidebar. Surprisingly, any custom CSS saved under the “Edit CSS” Appearance page should display in the Live Preview.
The next feature update for WordPress is version 3.5, set for release December 5. Barring any development delays, we should be deploying this version (or a subsequent bug fix release) to the network soon after the holidays.
(Not the real Guest Account Provisioning service logo)
(Definitely not the real logo for the Guest Account Provisioning service)
Users logging into sites in our WordPress network over the past year may have noticed a message which stated that accounts created via the Guest Account Provisioning service were not supported. This was because the usernames for these accounts take the form of an email address.
We recently switched authentication plugins (and added two more related plugins), finally allowing these Guest Account Provisioning service users to authenticate to sites on this WordPress network just like other Princeton netID users. Site admins can assign roles to these users as they would to any other netID.
Ever since this WordPress network launched, users may have gotten mixed content warnings when using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) to access site pages and admin pages.
These warnings have messages like “This page has insecure content” and confusing buttons like “Don't load (recommended),” “Load anyway,” or “Aren’t you sure you don’t want to not display the nonsecure items?”
Thanks to a plugin called “WordPress HTTPS” and a few extra configuration lines added to our reverse proxy servers and WordPress config files, these mixed content warnings should be gone for good. Also the in-browser icons that indicate a properly-loaded HTTPS page should now appear instead of the broken lock or missing icons.
We are now automatically redirecting all admin pages (/wp-admin) on all network sites to HTTPS, including the login screen.
Another benefit of the WordPress HTTPS plugin is that it adds an ability for content authors to force a page or post to be secure via an option on the “Add New” screen.
This is just a quick note that we will be deploying WordPress 3.4.1 and Jetpack 1.5 early next week. We took a month to test that everything still worked and to give the plugin authors time to release compatibility updates.
A few of the new features in version 3.4.x include a theme customizer with live theme previews, flexible heights for header images, fancy Twitter embeds just by pasting the tweet URL, and basic HTML support in image captions (credit links, italics).
Jetpack 1.5 includes a new “Carousel” view for image galleries and the Jetpack Comments from version 1.4, which I will explain in a post next week.
I also promise an entire week of posts to highlight some of the new features that we have added to the network over the past couple of months.
Our network is once again running the latest version of WordPress. The upgrade (knock on wood) was uneventful and painless as is per usual with WordPress. The revised Admin Toolbar and the new blue and white Pointer Tips are the first thing that will jump out at blog admins and editors.
Pointer Tips could prove to be useful, even for veteran users; the evolution of the WordPress interface and the addition of new features has sped up considerably over the past year. When a user dismisses Pointer Tips, they stay hidden (their status changes in the database for that user).
The new JavaScript-based, drag-and-drop Media Uploader is a welcome change over the past Flash-based version.
If you are logged in, check out the rest of the new features on the "About WordPress" page under the WordPress icon on the left side of the Admin Toolbar. Feel free to leave a comment after this post if you like any of the new features, or if something really annoys you about the interface.
On Saturday, February 4, 2012, between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM, there will be a partial outage of our WordPress service for up to nine hours as OIT's Enterprise Servers and Storage group moves the central file servers to the University's new data center.
This should only affect items in the upload folders. There will be a read-only copy of the upload folders during this outage, so all sites should display as normal, and it will still be possible to create and edit any content stored in the database, such as pages and posts.
It will not be possible to upload new files during the outage, and any attempts to do so will result in an error message.
We will update this post with further information about the outage should anything change.
Update: We have planned the WordPress 3.3.1 upgrade for the morning of Tuesday, January 24, so that the students finishing up fall semester coursework on the system are not distracted by the new interface.
WordPress 3.3 saw its final release on Monday, December 12. WordPress upgrades are usually somewhat painless, but we will be delaying the upgrade of our multisite network for a few weeks. This will give us time to test compatibility with the 75+ third-party plugins on the network. We will also update our quickstart guide. Look for the update after the holidays, the first week of January.
In the meantime, WPCandy has a great rundown of the new features, "Everything we know about the newly released WordPress 3.3." Check out the new admin bar (now called the Toolbar), welcome screen, flyout Dashboard menus, feature pointers, and the brand new drag-and-drop media uploader.
Also, if you first log into with your Princeton netID, the WordPress 3 Essential Training course has added a chapter to the Introduction, “Differences in the WordPress 3.3 interface.”
New sites on our WordPress network are already "live" on production servers; however, there are a few items that you should review and some settings that you should change to make your site ready for visitors.
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