P2 – Group 11 – Don’t Worry About It – NavBelt

Krithin Sitaram (krithin@) – Krithin conversed with people in contextual interviews, and wrote about contextual interviews descriptions and task descriptions.
Amy Zhou (amyzhou@) – Amy drew a storyboard, conversed with people in contextual interviews, and wrote about user descriptions and task descriptions.
Daniel Chyan (dchyan@) – Daniel drew a storyboard, wrote about the interface design, observed interviewees during contextual interviews, and wrote about task descriptions.
Jonathan Neilan (jneilan@) – Jonathan took notes during contextual interviews, and took pictures of the design sketches.
Thomas Truongchau (ttruongc@) – Thomas drew a storyboard, wrote about task descriptions, and took pictures of all the storyboards.

Essentially, each person addressed different problems when they arose.

Problem and solution overview
Smartphone map apps are useful but very demanding of the user’s visual attention, and still require the user to be able to read a map. Our proposed solution is to outfit a belt that the user will wear with a number of buzzers; this will interact with a user’s smartphone to determine the user’s location and bearing and vibrate the appropriate motor to indicate the direction the user should walk.

Description of users you observed in the contextual inquiry
Our first target user group includes travelers in an unfamiliar area who want to travel hands-free. Our rationale behind choosing this user group is because they tend to have their hands full and need a solution that will help them quickly move from place to place without referring to a map or phone.
Our second target user group includes people searching in Firestone library. Actual tourists are hard to find this time of year, so we chose students attempting to locate things in Firestone as an approximation. They have the problem of making their way around an unfamiliar environment. This allowed us to gather insight into how they use the same tools that people use when navigating a larger scale unfamiliar environment, like a city.

Persons observed in contextual interviews
At the transit center:
1. Two female adults, probably in their mid-20s, who were very outgoing and excited about traveling. They were primarily occupied with getting where they were going, but also wanted to have fun along the way! They were good target users because they were new to the area, having just arrived from the airport, and also had a distinct destination they wanted to get to; they also did not want to expose electronics to the rain, so they fit in the category of travelers who would have liked to have hands-free navigation.
2. Two women, probably in their early 20s, weighed down by shopping bags and a small child. They were fairly familiar with transit in general, but not with this particular transit center. Their top priority was not getting lost. They were good observation candidates because they were in a hurry but were having trouble using existing tools — they were uncertain whether they were on the right bus, and waited for several minutes at the wrong bus stop.

At Firestone:
1. Female student searching for a book in the B level, then looking for the way back to her desk. She does not know Firestone well, and was using a map of the library on her laptop to get around.
2. Male student searching for his friend in the C level of Firestone. He knew the general layout of that part of the library, but did not know precisely where his friend would be. It seemed time was less of a priority for him than convenience, because he was content wandering around a relatively large area instead of texting his friend to get a more precise location (e.g. call number range of an adjacent stack) and using a map to figure out directions to that location.
3. The official bookfinder on the B-level of Firestone provided some information about the way people came to her when they needed help finding a book. Although she was not part of our user group herself (since she was trained in finding her way around the library) she was a useful source because she could draw on her experience on the job and tell us about the behaviors of many more people than we could practically interview.

CI Interview Descriptions
We carried out interviews in two different settings. Firstly, we observed people attempting to find their way around using public transit who were waiting at the Santa Clara Transit Center, while it was dark and raining, immediately after a bus had arrived from the airport, thus carrying many people who had just arrived in the area. Secondly, we observed people in Firestone library as they attempted to find books or meet people at specific locations in the library. In addition to direct observations, we also interviewed a student employed as a ‘bookfinder’ in the library to get a better sense of the users we expected would need help finding their way around. We approached people who were walking near the book stacks or disgorged from the elevator; asked them what they were looking for, and followed them to their destination. One person recorded observations by hand while another talked to the participant to elicit explanations of their search process.

One common problem people faced was that even with a map of the location they were uncertain about their exact position, and even more so about their orientation. This is understandable because it’s very easy to get turned around, especially when they are constantly looking from side to side. Recognizable landmarks can help people identify where they are on a map, but it is harder to figure out their orientation from that. Another problem is that people are often overconfident in their ability to navigate a new area. For instance, at the transit center, one informant was sitting at a bus stop for quite some time, apparently very confident that this was the correct bus stop, only to run across the parking lot several minutes later and breathlessly exclaim “We were waiting at the wrong bus stop too!” The first student we interviewed in Firestone also told us that she knew the way back to her desk well (even though she admitted to being “bad with directions”), but nevertheless had to keep looking around as she passed each row in order to find it.

One Firestone interviewee revealed another potential problem; he was looking for a friend in the library but only knew which floor and which quadrant of the library his friend was in, and planned to wander around till the friend was found. This indicates that another task here is the mapping between the user’s actual goals and a physical location on the map; we expect however that this should be easier for most users of our system, since for example the transit passengers and the students in search of books in the library had very precise physical locations they needed to go to. Even when users are following a list of directions, the map itself sometimes has insufficient resolution to guide the user. For instance, at the transit center, all the bus stops were collectively labeled as a single location by Google Maps, with no information given as to the precise locations of the bus stops within that transit center.

Answers to 11 Task Analysis Questions
1. Who is going to use system?
Specific target group:
People who are exploring a new location and don’t want to look like a tourist.
2. What tasks do they now perform?
Identify a physical destination (e.g. particular location in library) that they need to go to to accomplish their goal (e.g. get a certain book).
Harder to define for some goals (‘looking for a friend in the library’)
Determine their own present location and orientation
E.g. Transit passengers try using GPS; inside library people look at maps and landmarks.
Identify a route from their location to their destination, and move along it.
As they proceed along the route, check that they have not deviated from it.
e.g. the transit passengers
3. What tasks are desired?
Identify a physical destination that they need to get to.
Receive information about next leg of route
Reassure themselves that they are on the the right path
4. How are the tasks learned?
Users download a maps application or already have one and figure it out. They usually do not need to consult a manual or other people.
Boy Scouts orienteering merit badge
Trial and error #strug bus
Watching fellow travelers
5. Where are the tasks performed?
Choosing a destination can happen at the user’s home, or wherever is convenient, but the remainder of the tasks will happen while travelling along the designated route.

6. What’s the relationship between user & data?
Because each person has a unique path, data will need to cater to the user. Privacy concerns are limited, because other people will necessarily be able to see the next few steps of the path you take if they are physically in the same location. However, broadcasting the user’s complete itinerary would be undesirable.
7. What other tools does the user have?
Google maps
Other travelers, information desks, bus drivers, locals…
Physical maps
8. How do users communicate with each other?
Occasionally, text messaging
9. How often are the tasks performed?
When the user is in an unfamiliar city, which may happen as often as once every few weeks or as rarely as on the order of years, depending on the user, the user will need to get directions several times a day.
10. What are the time constraints on the tasks?
Users sometimes have only a few minutes to get to a location in order to catch a bus, train, or plane, or have to get to their destination within a few minutes.
11. What happens when things go wrong?
In the case of system failure, users will be able to use preexisting tools and ask other people for directions.

Description of Three Tasks
1. Identify a physical destination that they need to get to.

Currently, this task is relatively easy to perform. On the web, existing tools include applications like Google Maps or Bing Maps. Users generally input a target destination and rely on the calculated path in order to get directions. However, the task becomes moderately difficult when consulting directions on the go. Users inconvenience themselves when they need to take out their phone, refer to the map and directions, and then readjust their route accordingly.
Our proposed system would make the task easier and less annoying for users who are physically walking. After the user identifies a physical destination, the navigation belt will help guide the user towards the target. Our system eliminates the inconvenience of constantly referring to a map by giving users tactile directional directions. This is discrete and inconspicuous.

2. Receive information about immediate next steps

Determine in what direction the user should be walking. This can be moderately difficult using current systems, because orientation is sometimes difficult to establish at the start of the route, and the distance to the next turn is usually not intuitive. For example, users of current mapping systems may have to walk in a circle in order to figure out a frame of reference to determine the correct direction because a user must orient the mobile phone. With our proposed system, the direction will be immediately obvious, because the orientation of the belt remains stable. Our proposed system will make this task relatively easier.

3. Reassure themselves that they are on the the right path

The user often wants to know whether they are still on the right track, or whether they missed a turn several blocks ago. The user attempts this task once in a while if they are confident, but if they are in a confusing area they might want this information very often or even continuously. Currently, checking whether the user is still on the right path is not very difficult but rather annoying, since it requires pulling out a map or phone every few minutes to gain very little information. With our proposed system, it would be extremely simple, because as long as the front panel is vibrating, the user knows that he or she is walking in the right direction.

Interface Design
The system provides users with the ability to orient themselves in a new environment and receive discreet directions through tactile feedback. A user can ask for directions and the system will vibrate in one of 8 directions to guide the user through a series of points towards a destination. Benefits of the system include discrete usage and providing an additional sense of direction beyond the current maps provided by Google and Microsoft. Reliance on a tactile system also reduces the demand on visual attention which allows users to focus more on his or her surroundings. The scope of functions will encompass orienting towards points of interest and providing directions to those points. No longer will users need to stare at a screen to find their way in unfamiliar locations or spin in a circle to find the correct orientation of directions.

Storyboard 1:

Storyboard 2:
Storyboard 3:

Design of NavBelt

Design of Mobile Application Interface


GROUP NAME: Deep Thought
GROUP MEMBERS: Vivian Qu, Neil Chatterjee, Harvest Zhang, Alan Thorne

All four group members conducted contextual interviews. All four worked on answering task analysis questions and interface design together, organizing a meeting and collaborating on a google docs.

Harvest, Alan, and Vivian drew sketches and final storyboards for the 3 defined tasks. Neil and Vivian compiled the blog post information to publish on the website.


VAHN (pronounce vain) is Microsoft Kinect project that allows on-the-fly, gesture-controlled, audio editing for musical performers and recorders. Skeleton data allows the manipulation of recording software that includes features such as overlaying audio, playback, EQ modulation, and editing. Suppose you want to know what your a cappella performance is going to sound like, or you’re creating a one man a cappella song — stand in one location, use gestures, sing, record and edit. Physically move to the next location (simulating multiple singers). Use gestures, sing, record, and edit. Move to another location, realize you don’t want a middle of a snippet, and use gestures to remove that snippet. Finish the third section, and finally overlay them together. VAHN provides a cheap solution for gesture-controlled audio recording and editing.


Our target users are amateur musicians with high level of skill and therefore need more music recording functionality, but who may not have much technical ability, and may lack familiarity with or access to complicated audio recording systems. This is a reasonable target user group because we imagine our system being a lightweight, simple tool which lowers the barrier to creating and enjoying music.

Interviewees were students who are deeply involved with playing and creating music. The majority consisted of students in a cappella groups and a member of Princeton University Orchestra ( PUO). Priorities included arranging music, improving their music skills, and the ability to experiment. In terms of technical skills, one was tech-savvy singer, two non-technical singer, one non-technical instrumentalists — all agreed they wanted a simpler way to record music and disliked the complicated interfaces of usual digital audio workstations where users are often limited by the fact that they don’t even know many functionalities exist.

CI Interview Descriptions

When conducting our interviews we followed this process:

  • We shared general idea of our project and asked why he would or wouldn’t use it.
  • Asked what the users would like to see in an interface (ideas without prompting).
  • Posed our ideas for interfaces to get their feedback, likes and dislikes.

We interviewed the users in their rooms or in public spaces such as coffee shops and dining halls. The process of recording music is generally isolated in a quiet spaces (usually with easy accessible software, such as those that come by default on computers), so the environment itself was not important for understanding the music-making and recording process.

Common suggestions included ease of operation, gesture control while recording, and a general expansion of features to incorporate as much functionality as possible as a recording studio. The “undo” functionality is very important for any music editing software, and needs to be intuitively integrated in the system. Editing should be able to happen in real time and be fine-tuned, so users can be precise how they edit the tracks and cut out segments on the fly. Overall, this should include all the features of high tech recording software, but maintains the simplicity of any kinect gesture software.

Suggestions from singers included the need for visual indication of loop position (like the start and finish of tracks), visual indications of beats/pulse, recommended auto-tune mode and various sound effects such as compressors and EQs. This product concept is extremely appealing to singers because other available software (Musescore, Sibelius, Finale, etc) all have electronically-generated MIDI files which doesn’t correspond to how parts will sound together in real life.

Feedback from a instrumentalist included the need to address handling of gestures — its weird to give gestures while playing an instrument. It would be useful to have different “modes” (switch from skeleton data input for kinect to depth perception data), allowing the musician to add notes. A timer countdown before recording starts would also be useful. Really like the concept of using spatial location to have different tracks.

Users also suggested that a video component would be valuable to the music-making process, especially if users could see multiple visual recordings at the same time.


1. What are unrealized design opportunities?

We would like people who can sing and play well (serious instrumentalists) to have an affordable pick-up-and-play recording and mixing system. Technology available is either too simplistic or too expensive and with complicated interfaces. Gesture-controls for the kinect are a new concept that can be integrated during performances or recordings. This allows people of all levels of technical skills to do a lot with the product without touching the computer.

2. What tasks do they now perform?

For music recording, our target user group uses freely available, bare-bones recording equipment instead of professional systems which are too expensive and complicated. For example, GarageBand is relatively easy to use, but still complicated for non-technical people and many often don’t recognize the power it has, and attribute undeserved limitations in sound quality because of lack of knowledge. Additionally, the editing and recording process takes many hours, at least 4 hours minimum to produce a do-it-yourself quality recording. Results are similarly for other digital audio workstations like ProTools, LogicPro, etc. Users may also use tools not intended for music recording (such as Photobooth on Mac computers) simply because they are easy and quick to use, though the quality is bad. There seems to exist a trade-off between time investment and quality with ease of use.

3. What tasks are desired?

Users would like to have a simple recording process that allows you to quickly and dynamically create music content alone or possibly collaboratively. This is allows them to improve their skills and quickly share the music, often useful in situations where others need to learn (such as new arrangements, where people would like to hear the balance of the overall blend). In particular, users want an easy interface allows musical people to take advantage of sound manipulation techniques and mixing/layering tracks without a technical tech background.

4. How are the tasks learned?

Trial-by-fire — trying to muddle through and figure out the functionalities. Our interviewees said they learned by asking people who already know how to do them, so they could never learn themselves how to make things work. There are no formal classes that they can take. Documentation online exists for these systems but they can sometimes be hard to understand — some say they don’t know where to start.

5. Where are the tasks performed?

Task performed in quiet environments (usually home, dorm room, practice room, recording spaces) and open areas. No influence of environment except for the impact on sound quality. It’s important to pay attention to how recording equipment is positioned. For example, a cappella groups sing in circular formations, which is hard to capture with a single one-directional mic, so a 360 degree mic is invaluable to capturing a recording that best matches a live performance. There is no effect due to bystanders, usually recording alone or with people who you are comfortable working with musically.

6. What’s the relationship between user & data?

Handling of data should be local, because recording music often results in catastrophic failure (the song sounds bad, the singer is off-key, etc) so you don’t want to broadcast bad recordings to others over the internet. The recordings should be private with the option to share with others. Not much of a privacy issue because the system is offline.

7. What other tools does the user have?

Laptop, home PC, cell phone, musical instruments, microphones, speakers. Microphones are extremely important to guarantee quality of sound, which might be useful to integrate into our system. There are mobile recording and mixing applications, but they are intended for casual interaction and have no ability to edit.

As mentioned before, currently available digital audio workspaces includes GarageBand, ProTools, LogicPro, and musicians even use PhotoBooth to record music.

8. How do users communicate with each other?

Not relevant for tasks related to music recording. Users often upload their recordings onto websites and youtube to share it with a larger audience.

9. How often are the tasks performed?

The tasks are performed whenever the urge to record and mix music occurs, which could be daily or once in long spans of time. Music recording is estimated to take a minimum of 4 hours, which become longer is significant editing time is taken into account. However, the time can be broken up into different chunks and worked on across an extended period of time. Therefore, it’s necessary to allow saving the workspace so users can later return to pick up where they left off.

10. What are the time constraints on the tasks?

No time constraints for the tasks, used whenever. If our device is used for live performance and collaborative music making, need minimal amounts of time to set up.

11. What happens when things go wrong?

Delete and start over again. Editing should be available on a very fine-grained scale and undos are very important.


  1. Single recording — If you wanted simple gesture based recording and editing, one voice role could easily be performed this way. This would involve the performer recording with the kinect. Afterwards or during recording, the performer could edit different sections using gestures. The performer would spend minimal time interfacing with the computer this way and more time focusing on the actual performance/recording.
  2. A capella recording (“intro version”) — combining multiple tracks into one recording. This would be the “intro version” of recording because the performer would use default settings for everything (autotune on, equalizers set, beatbox helper).
  3. Real-time mixing and recording — The performer could manipulate sound properties while recording, including dubstep, EQs, and other sound processing features. This would mean that the performer has full control over every aspect of recording, much like the functionalities available in complex recording systems but with an easier, simpler interface.


Text Description: 

The device focuses on real-time recording music with smooth playback and simple, intuitive interface allowing for many different functionalities for sound manipulation. It will allow easier and more intuitive forms of recording compared to digital audio workstations, and a more quality alternative to rock band. Users can separately record multiple tracks and combine them into one recording, adjusting sound levels on each track individually. Can add filters and change other sound properties. Body gestures would facilitate the recording and editing process. The main innovation is using spatial location of the person’s body to detect which “part” they are recording (for a capella, would correspond to soprano, alto, tenor, and bass voice parts). This would be easier for the user to understand the multiple track layering since they have to physically move to start a new track.



P2: Group Epple (# 16)

Names & Contribution
Saswathi Natta — Organized Interview form & Questions. Did one interview
Brian Hwang – Writing
Andrew Boik – Did one Interview. Writing
Kevin Lee – Did one Interview, Finalized document [editing, combining interview descriptions, task analysis, user group narrowing]

Problem & Solution Overview
People cannot remotely explore a space in a natural way. When people watch feed from a web chat, they have no way to move the camera or change the angle, they only have the view that the “cameraman” decides to give them when recording.  They may send signals to the camera through keyboard controls or maybe have verbally command the cameraman to change the viewing angle; however, these are terrible interfaces for controlling the view from a remote camera. The goal of our project is thus to create an interface to make controlling remote viewing of an environment in the web chat setting more intuitive.  We aim to improve the situation by replacing mouse, keyboard, and awkward verbal commands to the cameraman with Kinect-based head tracking used to pan around the environment.  The image of the environment based on the change in head angle will then be displayed on a mobile display, which is always kept in front of the user.  This essentially gives a user control over the web camera’s viewing angle through simply moving his head.

Description of users you observed in the contextual inquiry.
Our target user group are students at Princeton that web chat with others on a routine basis.  We choose this target group as our project aims to make the web chat experience more interactive through providing intuitive controls for the web camera viewing angle; thus, students who routinely webchat are the ideal target users.

Person X

  • Education: Masters Candidate at Princeton University
  • Likes: Being able to web chat anywhere through mobile interface and easily movable camera.
  • Dislikes: Web chatting with people that are off-screen.
  • Priorities: No interruptions in the web chat, which might arise from poor connection quality or having to wait for a person to get in front of the camera.  Good video/audio quality.
  • Why he is a good candidate: X is a foreign student from Taiwan.  He routinely web chats with his family who live in Taiwan.

Person Y

  • Education: Undergraduate at Princeton University
  • Likes: multitasking while Skyping
  • Dislikes: bad connection quality
  • Priorities: keeping in touch with parents
  • Why he is a good candidate: Y is from California and communicates with her family regularly.

Person Z

  • Education: Undergraduate at Princeton University studying Economics
  • Likes: being able to see her dogs back in india.She wants to be able to talk to her whole family at once and watch her dogs run around.
  • Dislikes: the connection issues on skype. Does not want camera to be able to rotate all the time for privacy issues
  • Priorities: time management, keeping in touch with family.
  • Why she is a good candidate: Z is from India and communicates with her family every 2 weeks via skype.

CI interview descriptions

We arranged to visit X’s office where he was going to web chat with his family for us to see.  He shares his office with 5 other people in a large room.  The office consists of six desks with computers and books on each.  He occupies one of the desks.  We arranged to visit person Y in her dorm room when she was going to communicate with his parents.  The interview was conducted in a standard issue dorm room where Y lives alone.  We interviewed Z in the student center, a public place, to talk both about how she webchats with her family but also about searching for friends remotely. Before each web chat contextual inquiry interview, we asked the participants some questions to gain some background context.  We learned that person X web chats with his family in Taiwan once a week. The web chats are just routine check ups between the family members that can last from 15 minutes, if not much has happened in the week, to an hour, if there is an important issue.  These web chats are usually on Friday nights or the weekend when he is least busy.  He always initiates the web chats because his family does not want to interrupt him. Person Y usually calls her parents who live in California  multiple times per week, with each session lasting from 20 minutes to an hour. Person Z webchats with her family from her dorm room, sitting at a desk. She talks to both her parents and her grandparents who live in the same house in addition to her dogs via skype. She expressed interest in being able to to talk to her family all at once with a rotating camera as well as being able to see her dogs as they run around with a rotating camera. Person Z also experienced the need to find a friend in a public location such as Frist and found that a being able to check remotely would be useful, though she felt that the camera might be an invasion of privacy if users did not want to be seen both in a home or in a public place.

After gaining context through questions, we then proceeded with the actual web chats.  X used Facetime on his iPhone to web chat with his family who were also using an iPhone. Y, on the other hand, used Skype on their laptops to web chat with their parents.  At the beginning of each web chat, we briefly introduced ourselves to the web chat partners and then allowed the web chat to flow naturally while observing as per the Master-Apprenticeship partnership model.  We briefly interrupted with questions every so often to learn more about habits and approaches to tasks.  We sometimes asked also asked questions to understand their likes/dislikes/priorities regarding the current web chat interface, the results of which are listed with the descriptions of the users.  We found that the theme of each web chat was largely just discussion of what recently happened.  Each interview also shared an interesting common theme where the participant would most of the time engage in a one on one conversation with one family member at a time.  We reason that this theme exists due to the limitations of the web camera technology.  The camera provides a fixed scope that is usually only enough to view one person through.  To engage in intimate conversation, both chat partners need to be looking directly at each other; thus, there is no room for natural, intimate conversation with more than one family member at a time.  To deal with this, our participants instead engage in intimate conversations with each family member individually.  Indeed, at one point Person X’s father was briefly off-screen while speaking to the Person X, creating a fairly awkward conversation situation.  Person X started off by speaking to his mother, then asked his mother to hand the iPhone to his father so he could speak with him.  Person Y similarly began speaking with her mother, and later the father swapped seats in front of the camera with the mother when it was his turn.  Thus, a common task that was observed across each interview was where the participant requested to speak with another member through verbal communication.  The task was then fully accomplished by the web chat partners on the other side complying with the request by ending the conversation and handing off the camera or swapping locations with another chat partner.  We reason this common task exists because there is no natural way for the participants to actually control the web camera viewing angle to focus on another person.  Instead they must break the conversation and verbally express a request to switch web chat partners.  This request can then only be completed through moving around of partners on the other side of the web chat due to the limitations of the web chat interface.

An interesting difference that we found across the interviews is that Person X largely told his father the same things that he told his mother regarding events that happened in the past week.  However, the subjects of the conversations between Person Y and her two parents differed.  We reason that this was observed because of differences in relationships with the participants and the other chat members.  Person Y feels uncomfortable discussing certain topics with her father while being able to discuss them with her mother and vice versa.  Person X, however, is equally comfortable about talking with his parents about all matters.  Person Y also multitasked by surfing the web while chatting with her parents while Person X did not.  This difference could have arised because of a difference in technological capabilities, as iPhone is a single-foreground-application device while laptops are not.  Person X, however, had a laptop in front of him but did not surf the web with it.  We reason that this is because Person X is more engaged in the web chat sessions partly because he web chats only once a week with his family while Person Y web chats multiple times a week. For person Z regarding webchat, she also talked to her parents one at a time and found that she could not communicate with her dogs at all because they would not stay in front of the camera for a very long time. Regarding finding friends in a public location, Person Z would text a friend to ask where they were before leaving her room to meet them. She would also just walk around the building until she found them, or just sit in one location and wait for the friend to find her. This took considerable time if the friend was late or texted that they were in one location but had moved. A simple application to survey a distant room would have helped with this coordination problem.

Answers to 11 task analysis questions
1. Who is going to use system?
People who want to web chat or remotely work with others through similar means such as video conferencing will use our system.  People who want to search a distant location for a person through a web camera can also use the system.  Our user also needs to physically be able to hold the mobile viewing screen.
Background Skills:
Users will need to know how to use a computer enough to operate a web chat application, how to use a web camera, and how to intuitively turn their head to look in a different direction.

2. What tasks do they now perform?
Users currently control web chat camera viewing through:
-telling the cameraman, the guy on the other end of the web chat, to move the camera to change the view onto somewhere/someone else as with Person X.
-telling the guy on the other end of the web chat to swap seats with another guy as with Person Y.
-ask who is talking when there are off-screen speakers.

3. What tasks are desired?
Instead, we would like to provide a means of web chat control through:

  • Controlling web chat camera to look for a speaker/person if he is not in view.
  • Controlling web chat camera intuitively just by turning head instead of clicking arrows, pressing keys, or giving verbal commands.

4. How are the tasks learned?

Tasks of camera control are learned through observation, trial and error, verbal communication, and perhaps looking at documentation.

5. Where are the tasks performed?
At the houses/offices of two parties that are separated by a large distance.
Meetings where video conferencing is needed.

6. What’s the relationship between user & data?
User views data as video/audio information from web camera.

7. What other tools does the user have?
Smartphone, tablet, web camera, kinect, laptop, speakers, microphone.

8. How do users communicate with each other?
They use web chat over the internet through web cameras and laptops.

9. How often are the tasks performed?
-Video conferencing is weekly for industry teams.
-People missing their friends/family will web chat weekly.

10. What are the time constraints on the tasks?
A session of chat or a meeting generally will last for around one hour.

11. What happens when things go wrong?
Confusion ensues when speakers are out of view of web camera.  This often causes requests for the speaker to repeat what was just said and readjustment of camera angle or swapping of seats in front of the camera.  This is awkward and breaks the flow of the conversation.  Instead of facing this problem constantly, our interview participants have one on one individual conversations with their web chat partners.

Think about the tasks that users will perform with your system. Describe at least 3 tasks in moderate detail:
– task 1 : Web chat while breaking the restriction of having to sit in front of the computer

  • – Allow users to walk around while their chat partner intuitively controls the camera view to keep them in view and continue the conversation
  • -Eliminate problems of off-screen speakers.
  • – current difficulty rating: difficult
  • – difficulty rating with our system: easy

– task 2 : Be able to search a distant location for a person through a web camera.

  • – Allow user to quickly scan a person’s room for the person.
  • – Can also scan other locations for the person provided that a web camera is present.
  • – current difficulty rating: difficult – impossible if you’re not actually there
  • – difficult rating with our system: easy


– task 3 : Web chat with more than one person on the other side of the web camera.

  • – Make web chat more than just a one on one experience. Support multiple chat partners through allowing the user to intuitively change camera view to switch between chat partners without breaking the flow of the conversation.
  • – current difficulty rating: difficult
  • – difficult rating with our system: moderate

Interface Design
Text Description:
With our system, users will be able to remotely control a camera using head motion which is observed by a Kinect and mapped to the camera to change the view in a corresponding direction. The user will keep a mobile screen in front of them so as to always view the video feed from the camera.  This provides a more natural method of control than other webcam systems and allows a greater amount of flexibility in camera angles, as well as an overall more enjoyable experience.  Our system thus offers the sole functionality of camera control through intuitive head movement.  Current systems either require using a physical device as a controller or awkward verbal commands to control a remote camera angle while our system allows users to simply turn their heads to the turn the camera, similar to how a person would turn their head in real life to view anything that is not in their vision. The system will essentially function like a movable window into a remote location.


Task 1 – Able to move around while video chatting

Task 2: Searching for a friend in a public place

Task 3: Talking to multiple people at once


View user would have of the mobile screen and Kinect in the background to sense user rotation

Example of user using the mobile screen as a window into a remote location


Group 4: Raymond Zhong (task analysis, descriptions, and interface design), Farhan Abrol (design and two interviews), Dale Markowitz (overall design), Collin Stedman (one interview and interview writeups)


We’re addressing the difficulty of acquiring and maintaining habits and routines. Our solution involves embedding sensors in everyday objects that detect and report when they are used, either on the object itself (e.g. through color) or to a central server. Thus a user can receive notifications and reminders and observe feedback on how well they are completing their resolutions. Our solution takes advantage of the decreasing cost and power consumption of microcontrollers, and can potentially become a more general habit-tracking platform or a way to more effectively embed human-computer interaction into our daily lives.


Our product is intended for use by individuals who are looking to develop new habits, hoping to reinforce old habits, or trying to decrease the current amount of stress that they feel as a result of habit maintenance. The high-stress, crunched-time environment of Princeton makes it difficult for students to keep track of their progress in acquiring habits. Furthermore, many students would benefit from and attempt to achieve aquisition of habits, and thus think Princeton students would be prime candidates for this product. Lastly, since Princeton students are easy to come by, we have access to plenty of data and test users we know well, which is clearly of practical benefit to our group. They share motivations and demographic characteristics with other affluent technology users who are plausible early adopters of a product coming out of an HCI class.

We started by focusing on athletes. Our first user was an athlete on a varsity team at Princeton, currently on his off season and trying to maintain his regimen without regular practice. We observed him in his room after a workout session, which is the ideal time to take supplements. He hoped to keep track of how often he worked out, what he does before and after his workouts, as well as track his eating habits and how often he takes supplements. His priorities seemed closely tied to his teammates and maintaining a strict routine, with little room for disruption or experimentation. We thought, considering how especially busy the lives of varsity athletes are at Princeton that he would be a candidate we could particularly help with our product, as it could keep track of all of the abovementioned tasks.

The second potential user we observed was a female student who needed to remember to take birth control medication at the right time intervals. She expressed frustration with her inability to remember to take the medication appropriately. Her preferences were for a product that fit into her schedule and did not feel invasive, which would operate in a predictable way.

Interviewee three was a sophomore student and athlete at Princeton. We met with her at breakfast in one of the residential colleges. While her needs were similar to both of the other two students interviewed, she was notably more on top of her routine. However, she mentioned the stress that she felt as a result of maintaining her habits, work, and assignments, due dates, etc. We observed that her priorities were more ambitious and work-oriented, and she would use a tool if it promised to be useful and effective.


Collin interviewed one student in the morning on a week day before class. It is difficult for users to talk about tacit knowledge, so Collin thought it would be a good idea to conduct an interview about daily routine when most students are carrying out their morning routines, and more cognizant of what it is. He observed people in his residential college dining hall and along the walkways heading to class. His process was to ask his respondent to describe her daily routine, learn some specifics, and then ask about how that routine could break down. Farhan, on the other hand, observed and talked to students in their rooms. He also tried to catch people at points during the day when they were engaging in some part of a daily routine. In fact, one of his interviews began entirely without planning when he noticed his acquaintance taking medication. His other interview was with an athlete who had just come back from the gym. Finding himself in a position to observe respondent behavior directly, Farhan was more direct in interviews; he asked his respondents to talk about why they were doing the things they were doing at the time of the interview.


The two athlete respondents both mentioned having difficulties maintaining their (impressive) workout routines in the face of academics and extracurricular activities. One mentioned having this same problem even during the summer, attributing his gym irregularity to laziness. The other student athlete, in turn, mentioned finding it hard to motivate herself to go back to the gym despite her guilty feelings. Both athletes also alluded to the importance of consistent meals; one made sure to get breakfast every single day, and the other mentioned feeling limited by sources of food, relying frequently upon supplements. Coincidentally, our group noticed a similarity between the male athlete’s need to take consistent supplements and one female respondent’s need to take birth control at consistent, carefully timed intervals. Both of these respondents admitted to having difficulties taking their respective supplements at the correct times. We think these similarities all point to the universal difficulty of developing new routines in demanding environments such as Princeton. When people find themselves pressed for time, they find it difficult to keep consistent schedules. This difficultly, in turn, causes people to exhibit “spottiness” in their routines, ultimately leading to frustration or resignation with the corresponding element of the routine.

One interviewee was notably different from the other two in terms of the consistency of her routine. Initially, our team thought that we might have to exclude her from our target audience of people who are looking to develop new routines or reinforce spotty routines. However, we realized that this respondent found her routine so essential that it was actually a source of stress in her life. We found that people like this respondent still (barely) fall within the realm of our audience, as our product could certain improve the quality of their lives by making maintaining existing routines less stressful.

Task Analysis

Who is going to use the system?

Our users are a cross-section of several groups: people who would like to acquire new habits, people who need to maintain health or medical regimens, and (marginally) people who are interested in self-tracking. For this project, we are most interested in the intersection of the first two groups: Princeton students who are acquiring or maintaining fitness- and health-related habits. This includes athletes with diet/fitness requirements and students acquiring or maintaining habits such as taking vitamins, using birth control, or working out.

What tasks do they now perform?

Many athletes organize with their teammates to go to the gym or track together, especially during the off-season. Since they often room with each other, it’s easy for them to coordinate and help each other stay on track in their workouts. For serious athletes, maintaining workout and diet habits is not as hard as remembering to take supplements, especially when their schedule changes.

Girls using birth control almost always set reminders on their phone to take the pill at a certain time. Often, they get reminders to take the pill from their partners. Their pillboxes are designed to dispense one pill every day, and placebos on days when active pills are not necessary.

Pill boxes are a common device used to maintain medication schedules. In a few rare cases, people also use applications like Medisafe to track their medicine usage.

What tasks are desired?

  • Setting up objects (installing sensors, defining a schedule/expectations)
  • Recording object usage (through sensor triggers or check-ins)
  • Monitoring object usage (through mobile dashboard, push notifications, or direct feedback)
  • Resetting object usage (removing sensors, removing object from software)

How are the tasks learned?

People usually get habit tracking ideas from friends, media, or blogs like Lifehacker. The Seinfeld calendar, where people cross out days on a wall calendar, is a popular way to track habits spread almost entirely by word of mouth and television.

For our system, setting up objects can rely on a simple walkthrough, on a mobile app, website, or labeled on the sensor. Recording, monitoring, and resetting should be intuitive. Recording object usage should happen automatically, when an object is moved or used, and monitoring and resetting should use common affordances in mobile apps (swipe right to delete on iOS, etc.).

Where are the tasks performed?

Most tasks will be performed at home, either in an apartment or dorm room or around the house. Some tasks could be performed on the computer or mobile device, such as using an eBook reader or reaching Inbox Zero in one’s email.

What’s the relationship between user & data?

We will track the activity of objects. For containers, a one-shot sensor will record when the container is opened, and those dates and times will be recorded and displayed on a calendar as well as a list. For objects that are actively used, such as books, durations will be recorded and displayed as well as usage date/times.

What other tools does the user have?

Other tool include habit tracking products like Beeminder and Lift and Quantified Self products like Fitbit and Tictrac. People also commonly keep track of their habits on calendars or agendas, using pen and paper.

How do users communicate with each other?

Users don’t have to communicate with each other. If they would like to, they can share a task with someone else, which allows them to see the sensor data for that specific task, and opt in to receiving notifications for when the habit lapses. This could be done inside our application or outside of it (through emails and a link to a web dashboard).

How often are the tasks performed?

Tasks that are tracked could be performed anywhere from daily to monthly. They should be performed on either a regular schedule, or an irregular schedule in which the time between two tasks should never exceed a maximum. The user can check up on the status of their tasks as often or as little as they want; we will send them notifications when their habits lapse.

What are the time constraints on the tasks?

A few seconds. Checking up on the status of one’s tasks should be possible to do as quickly as possible — at a glance in the ideal case. Tracking tasks should also be frictionless: either using the object will naturally trigger its sensor, or in the worst case briefly holding a phone up to an RF tag attached to the object should trigger a one-shot task.

What happens when things go wrong?

Replacing the batteries on sensors should be done as rarely as possible. Battery life of months to years should be achievable. Since powered sensors will be Internet-connected, the user should be able to get notifications when the sensor has low battery or is offline. This should also handle the case where the sensor loses Internet connectivity.

The user can also decide to stop tracking a habit. In that case, it is up to us to make disabling tracking for a given task simple.

Task Descriptions

Reminders to read a textbook (previously medium, now easy): A flex sensor tapes to the spine of the book and wraps around the cover; when they open the book, a beep sounds and the sensor tracks when the book is open or moved. The user sets a minimum number of days that must go by without having opened the book, for example 1 week, and an interval at which they want to be notified. After leaving the book closed for long enough, they will receive push notifications on their phone or by email at the indicated interval. An indicator on the sensor can also change color, indicating how long ago a book was used. At the end of a semester, they remove the sensor from the book and remove the task from our system. (This is something that students typically do not track because it involves significant friction beyond opening the book; solutions include tracking one’s work on Google Calendar and putting reading as a recurring task on to-do lists.)

Reminders to take supplements after exercise (previously hard, now easy-medium): An accelerometer is strapped to a whey protein bottle; when it is moved, a long beep sounds. The user, an athlete who already has a regular workout schedule, has the option of pressing an “X” button to clear the current update, in case they have accidentally disturbed the bottle. They set up their supplements schedule to be the same as their workout schedule. When the miss taking a supplement, they receive a notification within hours, and they can choose to skip that time or check in later. When their schedule changes or they go on vacation, they can turn off the task for a given amount of time, disabling tracking and notifications. (This used to be hard because of the difficulty of handling exceptions like traveling, breaks, and injury.)

Reminders to practice a musical instrument without schedule (previously hard, now easy-medium): An accelerometer is attached to an instrument or its case; when the instrument is moved, the sensor emits a long beep. In the event of a false alarm (perhaps a guitar was nudged on its stand by mistake), the owner of the instrument may choose to cancel this detected usage by pressing an “X” button on the sensor. Otherwise, the sensor saves a report of instrument usage, by measuring when the instrument stops moving, and then sends a report to the central server via Wi-Fi. The user does not have a schedule for practicing, but will receive reminders when they do not practice for a preset number of days. While it used to be difficult to remind oneself to practice without establishing a schedule, our system solves that problem and makes spontaneous practice easier. We can also easily handle schedule changes and holidays by turning off tracking for the particular task for a certain number of days or weeks.

Full List

  • Home: laundry basket, watering cans, garden equipment
  • Home: car maintenance, home maintenance, etc.
  • Exercise: use of bikes/skateboards/etc., gym equipment, bike helmets
  • Exercise: nutritional supplements
  • Practice: skills, musical instruments, etc.
  • Medical: pill boxes
  • Medical: pill bottles
  • Medical: contact lenses/solution
  • Food: freshness of groceries
  • Food: freshness of take-out boxes
  • Books: notebooks
  • Books: textbooks
  • Books: long-term reading, Bible, etc.
  • Check-ins at specific locations
  • Check-ins using NFC for specific items

Interface Design

We embed sensors in everyday objects that track when they are used. These sensors indicate how long ago the object was used, both on a dashboard and possibly on the object itself. The dashboard allows one to track when and how long an object is used over time, going back over weeks or months. In addition to aggregating data, the system can send notifications to the user’s mobile devices, either through push notifications or through email. The user can customize when they want to be notified, deciding to ignore or defer a reminder, or turn off notifications for a given amount of time. Finally, the user can gain a top-down view of many of the things they do in their daily life, either as a calendar or a dashboard displaying the current status of their habits. Unlike existing systems, which are primarily software-based, our system eliminates the friction of entering data into a phone or computer, and can provide feedback on the object itself (e.g. through a color changing skin or indicator light).


Right-click and select “Open in New Tab” to view sketches at full size.

Left: Deciding to acquire a new habit.
Middle: Installing a sensor.
Right: Setting up a new task.

Items provide feedback on when they have been used.

Left: Being notified after missing a task.
Middle: Completing the task anyway.
Right: Reviewing status of tasks and regularity of habits.


Workflow GUI

Left: Setting up a new task.
Middle: Task setup screen.
Right: Task successfully added!

Dashboard GUI

Left: A list of all tasks.
Middle: A single task’s progress.
Right: A calendar of success rates.

Group #6 Team GARP

Gene – writeup
Alice – interviewed physical trainer, runner, some writeup
Rodrigo – got fitted for shoes at a running store, editing
Phil – some writeup, storyboards, sketches, & interface design
All – interviewed running store employees, interviewed sports doctor

Problem and solution overview:

Runners frequently get injuries. Some of these injuries could be fixed or prevented by proper gait and form. The problem is how to test a persons running form and gait. Current tools for gait analysis do not provide a holistic picture of the user’s gait. Insole pressure sensors fail to account for other biomechanical factors, such as leg length differences and posture. We will build a system that integrates pressure sensors, gyros, accelerometers, and flex sensors to measure leg and foot position. By combining foot pressure and attitude information with joint positions of the lower body, our system will capture the necessary information as one package.

Description of users you observed:

Our target group is high-end amateur runners, and the support system of running store employees and physical trainers who cater to them. The popularity of upmarket running stores that employ video gait analysis show the size of the market and the desire for such systems.

User 1: Sports physician
This physician holds a biology degree, and has completed training in internal and sports medicine. She has worked as a consultant for the NCAA, and as a team physician for US National teams. Her priorities are a holistic view of sports health, minimizing injuries and their effects, and recommending appropriate strength training and/or orthotics. We chose a sports physician, because we believe that our system could be used by physicians trying to help runners with their injuries.

User 2: Avid amateur runner
This undergraduate student ran on his varsity team in high school, and continues to run 6 times a week. Injuries have kept him from running on a team in college. His priorities are staying healthy while running at a highly competitive level. We chose him because he belonged to our target group of people who are actually running and going to either have people use our technology for him or even potentially use it himself.

User 3: Running company manager
This person ran on a varsity college team, and continues to run avidly. He also manages a running company. His priorities are providing an enjoyable customer experience and selling shoes. He was a good candidate to interview because we think that a company like his might be interested in using our sensor system to help with picking out the correct shoes for clients.

User 4: Customer 1
This customer had plantar fasciitis, and needed a new pair of shoes. His priority was buying a pair of the same shoes he had.

User 5: Customer 2
This customer wanted to purchase orthotics for her shoes. Her priority was comfort.

CI interview descriptions:

When possible, we visited the interviewee in his or her usage environment. Both the sports physician and the running company manager emphasized the difficulty and importance of considering the whole picture when trying to improve running health. They consider foot positioning and pressure, joint position, body type and proportions, and stature, as well as type and environment of activity. We also repeatedly encountered the opinion that comfort promotes good health. The running company manager disagreed with a commonly advocated theory: that reducing cushioning causes improper gaits to become more painful. The manager advocated strength training as a means of improving gait, and argued for shoes that make the runner comfortable. The sports physician also strongly advocated for strength training.

Both the physician and the running company manager indicated that gait can be related to injuries. They both said that the first thing the look at is the person’s foot to get a sense of the structure of the foot itself. From there, the two diverge. The physician engages more with the person’s body. She checks for issues of flexibility, muscle imbalance and asymmetry. The running company manager was clearly aware that those were factors, but he chooses to ask clients to run on a treadmill, which he videotapes and then plays back in slow motion to see how the client is running. The avid runner said that he can tell a little bit about his pronation by looking at the bottom of his shoes. For the most part, he bases things more on how he feels than through quantifiable information. He has gone in for professional gait and form consultation before.

To interview the sports physician (user 1), we visited her workplace. Unfortunately, due to patient privacy concerns, we were unable to observe her at work with a patient. Still, we asked her to go into detail about how she would work with a hypothetical patient in order to accomplish a successful contextual interview.

To interview the avid runner (user 2), we chose not to run along, because we did not think we could keep pace. If the runner slowed his pace to match ours, the situation would be artificial. However, we asked him to illustrate various elements of technique, and how he currently assesses his running style.

To interview the running company manager and customers 1 & 2 (users 3-5), we visited the running company. We observed the running company staff at work with customers. Also, Rodrigo got fitted for a pair of shoes, including slow motion video analysis on a treadmill.

Task Analysis questions:
1. Who is going to use the system?
We envision two main groups of users: relatively high-end runners (who do significant amounts of running regularly), and those who work to support them (running store employees, physical trainers, and sports doctors). Those in the second group will be utilizing the system for the benefit of the first group, but members of the first group who are especially concerned with their gait could also purchase and use their own unit.
2. What tasks do they now perform?
Currently, runners mainly analyze their gait and manner of running mostly when purchasing shoes or after injuries. As we learned from our interview with a frequent runner, he had his gait analyzed after being injured. In order to analyze gait in a running store, they currently use a slow-motion camera and muscle receptors. Also, the runner we spoke with mentioned that he occasionally pays attention to his form while running to make sure he is moving efficiently.
3. What tasks are desired?
One desired task is a way of analytically determining the mechanics of an individual’s gait and movement – either to fit orthotics or to adjust the runner’s technique. Additionally, it is desired for a runner to be able to determine (while running) how their form has changed with fatigue and environment (running differently on different surfaces, for example).
4. How are the tasks learned?
Runners often go to running stores or personal trainers to learn more about gait and proper running technique. Specialty running shoes are typically tested and viewed at running stores, where analysis of gait occurs. After injuries, athletic trainers and sports doctors also might assess one’s gait, having the user run on a treadmill in a training room to observe their form.
5. Where are the tasks performed?
The tasks are performed in three distinct areas: on a run (wherever the run is happening), in a running store, and in a training room or doctor’s office. The tasks performed in the first location tend to be less analytic and more subjective, while the other two locations tend to perform tasks with specialized observation of the runner.
6. What’s the relationship between user & data?
The running user has very little access to data – they are entirely dependent on their own perception of their form while running. This perception can be rather inaccurate, especially if the runner is fatigued. In a running store or training room, the runner’s support user (either a trainer, sport doctor, or store employee) is analyzing the data of the runner’s gait and technique, and then presenting it in a manageable format to the runner, possibly with a recommendation of shoe type or technique modifications.
7. What other tools does the user have?
The runner will often have an electronic device with them, such as an iPod or mobile phone, which may also have GPS capabilities. This presents a useful opportunity for live updates of gait and technique information. In a running store, there is likely to be a treadmill, video cameras, and a computer for accessing information. Thus, the type of tools available to the user is highly dependent on the setting.
8. How do users communicate with each other?
The runner communicates with other support users when buying shoes or after an injury, which are both times in which they feel there is potential for serious modifications to technique and gait. In these situations, they often try to offer information from their experiences running, and the areas where they feel pain or discomfort to the expert, who then gathers data from observation and makes a recommendation of a type of running shoe or a technique change.
9. How often are the tasks performed?
The task of observing one’s technique while running happens at irregular time intervals; according to the runner we spoke to, he thinks about it especially frequently when he becomes fatigued during a run. He runs 6 times a week, and would reevaluate his form several times on each run. Also from our discussions with him and the running store employee, we found that running shoes are typically replaced every 400 miles or so. If the shoe is working properly, the task of getting an expert opinion isn’t performed and a similar shoe is purchased. If the user has developed an injury or some discomfort, however, they then perform the task of consulting an expert.
10. What are the time constraints on the tasks?
While running, the user does not have much time or focus to devote to evaluating gait while still moving normally. Feedback on technique should be relatively immediate in this environment, since it is much less relevant to the user how they were running several minutes ago. Especially if the user begins to feel discomfort during the run, live feedback is needed. In the setting of a running store or training room, the time constraint is limited by the customer/user’s comfort. In the running store, the typical interactions we viewed were on the order of 20-30 minutes for purchasing new shoes and evaluating gait.
11. What happens when things go wrong?
If a runner isn’t sure about their technique, and think it might lead to an injury, they will usually stop running or at least shorten their run. In a running store, the employee mentioned that the ideal way to test a user would be to have them run for at least 30 minutes and then test them in a fatigued state. He said that viewing someone when they are fully rested (and aware that they are being observed) can be problematic and can sometimes lead to errors. The store had a 15 day trial policy for their shoes so that users could return if the analysis turned out to be incorrect.

Description of three tasks:

Task 1:
While running, assess gait and technique. Currently this is done by mentally taking check of body position. Thinking about one’s body is simple, but getting accurate results is very difficult. With our proposed system this will involve the initial setup of placing the sensor in your shoe and connecting any other necessary equipment, and selecting the settings that you wish to have during the run. Ideally once the person is on the run this task will involve no more than pushing a button on the watch/iphone to get feedback. We could either have the system provide automatic updates, alerting the runner while they are running that they are pronating or striking too hard on their heels, or it could be manual and the user could push a button to get feedback in their current gait.

Task 2:
After an injury, evaluate what elements of gait can be changed in order to prevent recurrence. Currently this is a very difficult task. An official gait analysis that is done by specialty places involves a lot of money, stop motion analysis, and electrical equipment. More frequently people figure out what is hurting, examine the person’s body type and peculiarities, and does a number of exercises to test flexibility and musculature, from that they can approximate what might be wrong with the current gait. Ideally with our system this would be a simple to moderate level of difficulty. There will still be a fair amount of sensors that will need to be attached to the person’s body and shoe, as well as some analysis of what the data is showing. Once set up, our system will display what is happening to the persons weight on their feet as they run as well as displaying other characteristics of the persons running technique. Ideally our display will be clear and intuitive enough that the analysis should not be too difficult.

Task 3:
When buying running shoes, determining what sort of shoe is most compatible with your running style. This is currently a moderate level task. This involves doing an initial examination of the person’s foot and leg structure, as well as measuring for size. After that it involves trying on a variety of shows and running with them on a treadmill. More shoes are tried until one both feels comfortable enough to the runner and the form looks decent when the person is videotaped running and is played back in slow motion. Our solution might be about the same level of difficulty, but will hopefully be more precise. Mutiple shoes will likely need to be tried on and the user will still need to run on a treadmill. Sensors will need to be attached as well but this will not be too difficult. The analysis will be far more precise than just viewing the person’s feet and will ideally lead to better fittings, and potentially allow for quicker selection of the correct shoe.

Description of User Interface:

We envision our system working on both desktop and mobile interfaces in order to properly serve all of the tasks we are considering, Individual runners would benefit most from a mobile interface which could be operated from a phone, since it would enable them to get live updates. This is a major departure from existing systems, which either require the user to be in a lab or do not provide feedback in real-time. For the users who will use it to support runners, however, we feel that a desktop interface would be useful, because it would be easy to navigate. These support users would require more information than a runner who is using the device for live feedback – medical diagnoses and shoe selection are more sensitive to information. For the live interface, the functions would be to track the distance and pace of the runner, while also giving them advice on form. While the first two functions are commonly available, the third is not currently offered to consumers. In the desktop interface, the doctor or store employee would be able to view animated pressure heat maps of the user’s feet, as well as gyroscopic information of how the foot is moving through the air. Current analysis by film accomplishes these tasks, but in a much less precise way. Furthermore, the user could take the device and go for a typical run on their usual surface, gaining more realistic data for the support user. The main improvement offered by the system would be the ability to gain precise data in a more realistic setting for the runner.


Sketches of the screen

P2 – Dohan Yucht Cheong Saha

Group # 21

Group Members & Contributions

  • Shubhro Saha — Blog Post, Interviews
  • Andrew Cheong — Blog Post, Interviews
  • Miles Yucht — Blog Post
  • David Dohan — Blog Post

Problem & Solution Overview


The problem we aim to solve is that of computer user authentication: verifying credentials when logging into a database, a web application, or a touch-screen cash register, for example. The prevailing solution has been to prompt users for a username/password combination. But such a solution, while dominant, is limited to keyboard-based human-machine interaction. As interfaces gradually migrate to touch-screen and voice-based interactions, the keyboard is becoming less important as an input device. From an accessibility point of view, some individuals find learning to type on a keyboard extremely difficult. Security-wise, passwords can be cracked by brute force input methods. Our solution is to authenticate by means of a combination of hand gestures performed in a “black box”, detected by LEAP motion. This solution is more difficult to hack by algorithmic methods because it requires a human hand, and is more natural and potentially a faster method of authenticating than typing into a keyboard.


Description of Contextual Inquiry Users


Our target user group would be composed of individuals are are required to sign in and out of accounts on a regular basis. Usually, signing in and out requires the user to type in their username or swipe a card to verify their id and then they follow that up with typing in a password or a providing a user PIN number. The student uses her laptop for many different reasons such as academic studies or social purposes. Being at a university, the student tends to carry her laptop around in public. While she expressed irritability for complex passwords for internet accounts that she visits less frequently,  she appears to be content with her current passwords. She expressed concern for public acceptance of carrying a box for verification or to provide hand gestures at a computer. This provides insight into why HandShake might be appropriate for stationary computers. For a cashier, they use an id card to swipe into a cash register. Her primary concern was to ensure the security of the register and that only people allowed can access the register. She expressed concern about keeping track of her id card since it is so valuable for her work. HandShake removes the necessity of maintaining a physical key/card while ensuring the security by identifying one’s hand as well as the gestures.  Even from a librarian standpoint, who must access the library network frequently when checking in/out books as well as including new resources to the library, they must provide long passwords to authenticate themselves each time. Handshake helps remove the necessity to memorize long passwords and eases the tasks in hand for the librarian.


Contextual Inquiry Interview Descriptions

Procedure. In pairs, we scouted out interviewees in their “natural habitats”. Generally, we asked them all the following questions to understand their experiences and openness to the idea of alternative authentication schemes:


  1. On a day-to-day basis, how often do you login into a computer system?
  2. Do you find keyboards logins annoying?
  3. Do you find it annoying that passwords require so many special characters?
  4. Would you consider an alternative approach to logging in?
  5. In the ideal world, how would YOU like to login to such a system
  6. Would you appreciate coming up to the computer system and it logging in for you automatically?
  7. Go into talking about our product being a derivative of that
  8. Do you see problems in using our product?
  9. Would you feel comfortable using the product?
  10. Would you find a handshake easier to remember than a text password?

Common themes. Most of our interviewees found text passwords in the status quo to be frustrating when they require a set number of letters and symbols. They all value speed of authentication, and were all willing to consider alternative methods like HandShake. However, some common concerns included uniqueness of the handshakes generated.

Student: The most common purpose for the student to sign in or out of an account is when she uses her laptop and when signing into internet accounts such as Facebook. She estimates that she signs into her laptop approximately three times a day and signs into a total of three different internet accounts. When asked about current day username/password approach and the complexities of special characters, numbers, and cases, she did mention that it annoying especially when she signs up for accounts that she enters less frequently and often forgets the password. She also explained that she would be totally open and willing to try a simpler technique to signing into an account. When describing the hand gesture approach, she initially expressed concern about the unusualness to make gestures at one’s computer but was comforted that the individual would do these gestures inside a box thus providing more security as well as not being out of place. While transportability and use of HandShake while on the go proves to be a problem for a student, she believes that this could be very appropriate for stationary desktop accounts such as home computers.

Cashier : She has her own ID card that she can use to swipe into her cash register. She does it at least three times a day during her 8-hour daily shift. Her manager gave permissions for her to access that register and no other registers in Frist. She feels “50-50” about the responsibility of having to carry a card. While she understands the security protocol, she sometimes worries about losing it and being “written up” for a replacement. When asked about her openness to alternative authentication schemes, she gave a positive response. With regards to gesturing to a cash register to authenticate, she was OK with it as long as the hand could be recognized specifically. Specifically regarding the idea of HandShake, she liked the idea as long as the system identifies individuals reliably. Reliability seems to be a dominant theme. When asked about other concerns regarding HandShake, she stated she said she had none and that she would find hand gestures easier.

Librarian. We spoke to biological sciences librarian. She purchases science materials, speaks to students one-on-one and primarily to support research and learning. In this effort, she does find herself having to login to resources often, but anything that the library owns or the university subscribes to are automatically authenticated based on access through the Princeton University network. She finds it annoying to find passwords of a longer length, as they are harder to remember. She would definitely consider alternative methods of authentication. Anything not requiring numbers or symbols is great– she loves using a phrase in her textual passwords. When presented with the idea of HandShake, she was open to the idea, but had concerns about the uniqueness of passwords created. From her perspective, there’s “only so many gestures you can make”.

Answers to 11 Task Analysis Questions


  1. Who is going to use system?

    • HandShake would be used by individuals who are required to sign in and out of accounts frequently such as librarians, cashiers, as well as student to access public computer accounts.

  2. What tasks do they now perform?

    • Most if not all forms of signing and out require individuals to enter a username and password pair and the system would verify accordingly.

  3. What tasks are desired?

    • We want to device an approach that allows users of this product to sign in and out with less time, less effort, and more security. After identifying that the user is the correct user (either through facial recognition or selecting an option) HandShake allows the user to present different hand gestures inside a blackbox as his/her password. This requires no typing of a password, clicking, just simple hand motions. Hand gestures are so primal and innate that humans had such gestures since way back when. This innate behavior may facilitate a common practice such as signing in and out of an account.

  4. How are the tasks learned?

    • When HandShake is adopted, rather than simply presenting the username and password text file, they can be prompted to identify themselves by either selecting from a list of ids and prompted to insert their hand inside HandShake and provide the necessary gestures to verify themselves. A simple tutorial can be provided for first time users and the tutorial will no longer appear for users who are comfortable with the tasks.

  5. Where are the tasks performed?

    • The tasks are performed in front of systems where authentication is required. This depends on the user, but for our focused cases: a librarian might authenticate at a computer to access a database, a cashier would authenticate at a register, and a student would authenticate at a computer cluster terminal.

  6. What’s the relationship between user & data?

    • Anyone with potential access to the system should be able to submit a handshake (ie, they have a valid username). The username can be selected by tapping on-screen (works well for a list of recent users on the same computer) or facial recognition can identify the individual when he/she approaches HandShake, and issue a handshake prompt to authenticate.

    • The data the users access after authenticating is outside the scope of our problem. We’re concerned up to the point of successful authentication. Indeed, much of the data and privileges obtained after authentication may be sensitive and/or personal.

  7. What other tools does the user have?

    • Users usually have cell phones and PCs. The PC is probably what is going to be authenticated into. The cell phone would be a useful tool in the handshake reset verification process (see below.)

  8. How do users communicate with each other?

    • In the authentication process, users usually do not communicate with one another.

  9. How often are the tasks performed?

    • Users might perform the same tasks multiple times a day, depending on how often he/she authenticates with the systems concerned. For example, a cashier needs to authenticate with his/her employee credentials every time he/she changes registers. On the other hand, a student logs into Facebook much less frequently because the system leaves the user authenticated for some period by default.

  10. What are the time constraints on the tasks?

    • Usually, users are authenticating a system to obtain privileged access to data and actions. Authentication should take no more than 10 seconds– ideally, performing a handshake is faster than typing in a username and password

  11. What happens when things go wrong?

    • If the user forgets his/her handshake, the system provides a means of “resetting” the handshake after authenticating a different way (Mother’s maiden name, text message confirmation, etc.)

    • If the correct handshake is performed, but the system does not recognize it, the user should reset their handshake to a clearer one.

Description of Three Tasks


The three tasks users might perform are the following (in ascending order of difficulty):


Current method for first two tasks: users currently authenticate by typing a username/password combination. The current difficulty level of this varies widely by individual and application device. For example, new computer users find difficulty typing into a keyboard, so authentication takes some time. On the other hand, most mobile phone users could probably relate to the annoying experience of authenticating into mobile apps and web sites with a tiny keyboard.


  1. User Profile Selection / Handshake Authentication — In this scheme, most applicable to students at a university computer cluster, the user approaches the system and selects the user profile he/she wishes to authenticate into. This can happen in one of two different ways: (a) the profile is automatically detected by facial recognition, or (b) the profile is selected from a list of possible/recent users on the screen. Then, the user proceeds to perform his/her secret handshake sequence in a “black box” of sorts that contains a LEAP motion detector. If the handshake is correct, the system will login. Otherwise, the user will be given another try. We anticipate that performing a secret handshake will be easier and faster for users, especially for new computer users and individuals on mobile devices.

  2. Card Swipe / Handshake Authentication — As an alternative to user profile selection from the screen, some contexts might find it appropriate to select user profiles by swiping an identification card. This is especially true and supermarkets and convenience stores where users already have such cards to perform common authentication tasks around the store. As a means of confirming the cardholder’s identity, the user can proceed to perform a secret handshake as described in Task #1 above. From the cashier’s perspective, we anticipate the authentication process will be faster with a handshake– time is of the essence when serving other customers in this context.

  3. Handshake Reset — In this task, the user reset his/her secret handshake sequence for one of usually two reasons: (1) they forgot their previous handshake or (2) they seem to remember the handshake, but the system is not recognizing it correctly. For both of these cases, the user must proceed to reset the handshake by verifying their identity through other means. For example, the user might receive a text message containing a secret code they should type into the system. Or, the user will be asked for personal information previously set during the user creation process (mother’s maiden name). A combination of these secondary authentication schemes would be the best solution. Though seemingly cumbersome, we want this reset process to be as robust as possible. These procedures are something users are already familiar with from using other web applications.

Interface Design

Text Description of System Functionality
When the user uses the system, it will be able detect the identity of the user who approached the system by facial recognition. Then, it will confirm this identity by presenting the propose the identity, offering the user to change it, and asking the user to enter his/her handshake. If the handshake is correct, the system authenticates. Otherwise, the user can try another handshake for a limited number of times. This idea differs from existing systems because, for many people, a hand gesture can be easier to remember, and it’s also more secure than existing text passwords because it cannot be broken by brute-force algorithms. Other security systems have different modes of verification such as inserting a physical key, using biometrics, or providing a password of some sorts. By allowing a sequence of hand gestures, it combines the concept of a physical key as well as incorporating one’s biometrics. Physical keys are often difficult to manage because one must always carry it around, while it can be safely assumed that most people will have hands. Password have become difficult to manage with increasing safety precautions requiring more complex passwords with special characters, both cases, and numbers.

Three Storyboard for Our User Tasks

Sketches of System Itself


P2 – Team X

Group 10:  “Team X”

Osman Khwaja (okhwaja)
Junjun Chen (junjunc)
Igor Zabukovec (iz)

Group Members:

We all observed dance rehearsals together, and afterwards met and discussed what features we’d want our project to have. Alejandro did some more in depth interviews of dancers, Junjun and Osman took care of the storyboarding part, Igor sketched out a user interface.

Problem and Solution Overview

We are addressing the problem of a dancer having to go back and forth to whatever device they are using to play music while practicing or choreographing, which results in inefficiency. Our system will recognized user-defined gestures to start or stop the music, to loop a section of the music, and to speed it up or down, so that they can control these parameters remotely, while retaining complete control over their movement.

Users Observed in Contextual Inquiry

Our target user group is dancers who practice or choreograph using previously recorded music. Obviously, if dancers do not use recorded music, then they do not need to control it. Furthermore, we did not feel the need to limit our system to specific styles of dance, because it can apply to all dance where recorded music is used. We conducted contextual inquiry on three different dancers. Dancers 1 and 2 are seniors in the Comparative Literature department and both are pursuing Certificates in Dance. They both do contemporary styles of dance and Dancer 2 also works as a choreographer. Dancer 1 is interested in the relationship between dance, theatre and music.  Dancer 3 is a graduate student in political economy who danced professionally for several years before going to college, primarily hip hop and some contemporary, and continues to dance for her own enjoyment. All three seem very interested in improvised dance and contemporary choreography, and as described they have different levels of commitment to dance.

Interview Descriptions

We observed Dancer 2 in rehearsals in New South Dance Studios for a thesis production, Dancer 3 practicing and improvising to music by herself, and Dancer 1 practicing for a dance sequence in a play. We watched these rehearsals taking place, asked the dancers how they felt that their movements connected to the music that they were using, watched how often they felt the need to change how the music was playing, and watched how they undertook that task. We interviewed them about their general practice routine, with a variety of questions that aimed to have them propose ways in which they thought it could be improved. We then described our design idea to them and asked them more specifically what they thought of it and how they thought it might fit into their practice and choreographing routines.

A lot of what we observed and were told by the dancers was fairly unexpected. Although it was clear that starting/stopping music was necessary, overall it seemed that they used those moments to rest or think more carefully about their moves, or to discuss what they were doing with someone else if they were not dancing alone. Furthermore, when asking them they said they felt that this was only somewhat annoying, and that it was a natural and important part of their practice routine. It seemed obvious to us that, although the system might improve efficiency, this wasn’t something crucial for dancers and therefore would not necessarily interesting them enough in order to have them adopt a new system.

When we explicitly discussed the system with them, all three of the dancers agreed that it would be a useful and interesting system to use. However, they seemed to be interested in using it in different ways. Dancer 1 thought that it would be most interesting as an actual performance tool, something with which a dancer would interact with in a live setting, rather than a practice setting. Dancer 2 thought it would a good tool for practicing but did not think it would be interesting for choreographing, as she prefers to choreograph without music, and then see how the music will fit with the dance (this is the same that we observed when watching her rehearsal: it was clear that the music was added afterward, and it didn’t seem like our system would be particularly applicable in that case). Like Dancer 1, she thought it would be most interesting when applied to a live setting, which would allow for dancers to interact with a computer playing recorded sound in a similar way that they could interact with live musicians. Dancer 3 suggested that it would be good both as a both a practice and choreographing tool, and thought that it could even be extended to be used to edit music on the fly when trying to develop both the dance and musical aspects of a performance.

In conclusion, these observations led us to see our project’s development in the following way: we will start from a practical perspective, where a dancer can use the system to practice, and the system will accomplish the very specific tasks that we will describe later. However, we hope that this will be the basis of what can then become an interactive system which can be introduced into improvised dance performances, allowing dancers to interact with the music on the fly, something that they seemed to think would be even more valuable than the improvement of the practice routine that we have in mind as a starting point.

Task Analysis Questions

  1. Who is going to use system?
    Dancers and people who are trying to teach dancers who are trying to practice or choreograph their dance to a recorded song.
  2. What tasks do they now perform?
    Currently, dancers use some sort of jukebox/stereo/computer to play their recording. They start the song from the beginning or some relevant point and then get into position. The music plays at its normal pace and they dance. When they mess up, they have to head over to the computer and start it again. This process repeats
  3. What tasks are desired?
    Dancers want to be able to play a relevant part of music that they’re trying to learn and practice until they mess up. If they do, they want an easy way to go back and restart the music from that point. Additionally, if the music or moves are too fast to learn at the normal pace, they could use some way to slow down the music.
  4. How are the tasks learned?
    The process of creating a methodology of learning how to dance basically comes down to one’s personal experience trying to learn dances. There isn’t a formalized approach that all dancers adhere to.
  5. Where are the tasks performed?
    Normally performed in a dance studio
  6. What’s the relationship between user & data?
    There isn’t necessarily user data created by the process of learning to dance. Optionally, one can create a video of the dance and watch it, but that’s not always necessary because dance studios usually have mirrors
  7. What other tools does the user have?
    Normally the user has a stereo, iPod, computer, or something that can play music and allows them to start and restart it
  8. How do users communicate with each other?
    There isn’t a relevant user to user interaction that needs to be addressed
  9. How often are the tasks performed?
    Normally, Dancers practice dances with a show upcoming. Often, they also just do it for fun. Dancers practice as often as necessary to learn the dance.
  10. What are the time constraints on the tasks?
    Dancers normally have a limited amount of time to learn a dance (before a show or something) so they want to have the most efficient practice.
  11. What happens when things go wrong? (Pretty sure this question is not relevant)
    It is rarely the case that there is some sort of problem with the music playing that causes the dance practice to come to a halt. I guess if something happens, then they have to reboot, find a new way to play music, or just reschedule the dance practice. I don’t think this question is very relevant to our specific inquiry

 Description of three tasks

  1. (Easy) The user would be able to stop and start the music. Currently, the user would have to either: have someone else control the music, walk over to a computer or other sound system and push start/stop (with a delay to get into back into position), or control the music with a remote (which they would have to carry with them, hindering their movements). With our system, there would be gesture and voice commands for pause and play. Ideally, the system would also know to pause the music when the user stops dancing, and start when the user starts. This would make this task incredibly easy with the proposed system, as user would not have to think about the task at all.
  2. (Medium) The user would be able to repeat sections of the music. When practicing anything, repetition is key, and dancers often have to repeat sections of a dance to learn it. Currently, to go back to a section, the user would need to press buttons to skip to the proper section, or if the music isn’t divided into sections, they may have to fast forward or backward to seek to the proper place in the song. It is difficult to stop the music, seek to the right place, and then start it. With our proposed system, the dancer would be able to set “breakpoints” in the music with gestures while running through it, and then go back to that point later. This would make the process much easier.
  3. (Hard) The speed of the music would change to follow the dancer.  Currently, there is no way to do this on the spot. Either the speed has to be changed beforehand, with some software, or the dancer has to follow the music (perhaps stopping and rewinding a section many times until they can follow that tempo). With our system, the speed of the music would changed based on the dancer. This would give dancers who are just learning the choreography an easier, and perhaps less frustrating, way of practicing with music, and it would give a dancer who knows the choreography more freedom of expression. It would be very easy to do on our system, as it could happen automatically (the user would indicate beforehand whether they want this to happen).

Interface Design


Our system would provide a way for dancers to interact with music without having to think about it. The system would provide defined gesture and voice commands for the user to use to stop, start, and repeat a section of music, but additionally, system would also try to automatically follow the dancer’s intentions without additional gestures (the music will stop when the dancer stops moving, etc). The system would also allow the user to set the pace of the music, by following the dancer’s steps. All the user would have to do is tell the system to enter this “follow” mode, and the rest would be automatic. This allows the user to basically focus on their practice without having to think about the technology. There are existing systems for interacting with music, including keys on a computer, remotes, and even voice commands, but what makes our idea different it would be more “intelligent” and responsive, making the routine more fluid and efficent. Some others systems similar to ours are those which use the connect to interact with music. One example is a system that translates a user’s moves into music (http://www.mendeley.com/catalog/creating-musical-expression-using-kinect/). Our system would be different in that it focuses on practicing: the user group and aim is different.



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GROUP NAME: Do you even lift?

All of us observed people in Dillion Gym. We worked collaboratively on a google doc as we sat together in the same room so we overlapped on basically every task.

Adam Suczewski: Final story board sketches, interface sketch descriptions, 3 task descriptions, interface text description, compiled blog…
Andrew Callahan: Drew final interface sketches, wrote problem overview, contextual inquiry, task analysis, rewrote many parts to improve coherence…
Matt Drabick: Drafted story boards and interface sketches, interviewed people in Dillion gym, task analysis questions, interview transcripts…
Peter Grabowski: Interviews in Dillion gym, task analysis questions, storyboard idea compilation…


Many people lift weights to build fitness and good health. Some lifts are difficult to do correctly, and errors in form can make those lifts ineffective and dangerous. Some people are able to address this by lifting with an experienced partner or personal trainer, but many gym-goers do not have anyone knowledgeable to watch their form and suffer from errors as a result. We aim to solve this problem by having a computer with a kinect watch trainees as they perform lifts, and point out errors in form and potential fixes.


Our target user group is the gym-goer with an interest in lifting or learning how to lift. This seems like a valid choice, as we envision our system serving as an instructional tool for lifters of all skill levels.

We started out our contextual inquiry by going to the weight room in Dillon Gym and watching students lift weights, paying attention to how they and their friends monitored their form. Most people were all at the gym for personal gains (i.e. they were not compelled to be there by a team). These personal gains varied among people but included goals like losing weight or building muscle mass. People ranged in apparent expertise from beginners to very advanced, and were in groups of 1-3 (i.e. some were alone). More details about users are given below in the CI Interview Descriptions.


We conducted interviews with acquaintances that we encountered while lifting at Dillon Gym. We asked a short list of questions about their history in weightlifting, whether they went alone or in groups, and how they went about keeping their form correct. We found that people sometimes lifted on their own, or sometimes with friends. People find going with friends useful for motivation, for getting feedback on form, and for spotting in certain exercises. However, this comes with the downside of having to change weights more frequently and of finding a mutually agreeable time to meet.

People lifting with friends will sometimes get feedback on their form from the partner, depending on their relative expertise at the lift (as well as how vocal the partner is). This will usually come in the form of the friend giving cues in the middle of a set (“keep the back in!”) or more detailed feedback after the set is over, often with friend attempting to demonstrate with their body what the problem was and how it should look instead. Trainees lifting by themselves do not get this feedback, and self-report ignoring minor problems in form, and noticing more severe problems when they sense discomfort/pain.

The biggest difference we noticed was that people who lifted alone were much less likely to be concerned about form than those that went in groups. It might be that people lift in groups because they want to be careful about their form, and people who are less concerned just lift alone. It could also be that not having friends around nagging you about subtle problems leads people to just let subtle problems persist.

We also interviewed people in Dillon who do not lift but use the machines and cardio equipment. We were interested in asking these people why it is that they do not lift. We found that the main reasons were that they do not know how to lift, they are afraid of getting too big (particularly girls), or they found free weights intimidating. Most people said that they would lift if they had someone to teach them.


1. Who is going to use system?
People lifting weights will use the system. Lifters of all experience levels can use the system to provide cues and feedback while lifting, and people new to a specific lift could receive a full guided tutorial from the system on that lift. Lifters encountering the system will range from eagerly seeking and heeding the advice of the system to ignoring and even being annoyed by cues from the system (preferring their conception of how the lift should be executed). We need to strike a balance in presenting crucial information to lifters while noticing when they want the system to stay out of the way.

2. What tasks do they now perform?
Users can be split into two groups – those who lift alone and those who lift in pairs/groups or with a dedicated trainer. Users who are alone do not receive any feedback on their form, and will either ignore their form, or look at themselves in a mirror when available to check their form. Lifters in a group will sometimes receive cues from their friends when their form is flawed. However, having a partner is no guarantee of useful feedback – partners are observed and self-report sometimes being too inexperienced, distracted, or misinformed to help.

3. What tasks are desired?
We would like trainees to be able to confidently achieve good form and know when they’ve made mistakes, even if they’re lifting alone. We would also like these users to be able to track their performance over time in detail, including being able to watch video of them doing a set from any point in the past.

4. How are the tasks learned?
Currently, our potential user receives instructions from a knowledgeable trainer, who will demonstrate a lift and then provide feedback about how their form was. Personal trainers are often very expensive, so users sometimes have friends teach them lifts. The friends might not have perfect form or be very critical of the user, so bad habits can develop from the beginning. Our system display will provide instructions for the user. Users will follow the prompts from the system to select the exercise they want to perform. The system will give accurate feedback and keep track of it between sessions. Lifters often learn to keep track of lifts in a notebook or on a website from others.

5. Where are the tasks performed?
The lifts we are focusing on are usually performed in a school, team, or commercial gym. Lifts are performed in various dedicated stations in the gym, and are usually done with few interruptions. We could have a system at each station dedicated to the lift, or place one or more systems on a movable cart that the user could position. Lifts can also be done in the home, if the user has the right equipment. Our system will be an addition to their home gym set-up.

6. What’s the relationship between user & data?
The system will collect data from the user’s lifts, including their repetitions, weights, date and time of workout, as well as any flaws in the users form. The system (if the user elects to pay for an account) will upload it to a companion site, and provide a detailed record of their history and flaws, as well as allowing the user to watch a wireframe.
Privacy may be a user concern, although information about users weight-lifting habits is certainly less sensitive than their health (HIPAA) or education (FERPA) data. Of course, there are always exceptions (such as professional weightlifters, who may want to keep their training data private), but a simple username/password system with basic encryption should provide more than enough security for online access. A more basic approach might be to have users log into the kiosk by holding their gym card up to the camera (combined with face matching). Users can share their data with other users at their discretion.

7. What other tools does the user have?
Users currently have few options available to them for acquiring reliable, high quality feedback on their weightlifting form. Methods include watching themselves in a mirror (although the very process of twisting their head to watch may negatively affect form). Users can also ask peers for feedback, although as mentioned above, users may be hesitant to ask strangers for help. Finally users think about their own body mechanics, although this method is far from accurate. The user can also take notes about their lifts and keep track of that as well as their reps and weights. Several applications make that easy, such Fitocracy, which has additional space for the user to enter notes relevant to the workout, although Fitocracy does not monitor your form.

8. How do users communicate with each other?
Many users go alone, in which case it’s unlikely they communicate with anyone else. From time to time, one user may ask another to spot them during a set, but it’s very rare for one user to ask a stranger to provide feedback on their form. If users go with a partner, they’ll occasionally provide spoken feedback to one another, either during or after a set. However, this feedback is of unknown quality. Users may also engage with trainers, whom they pay to provide feedback. In this case, the trainer provides frequent spoken feedback of high quality after every set, but the service is very expensive.

9. How often are the tasks performed?
As often as the user goes to the gym to lift. This could be anywhere from once a week to every day. Our “Just Lift” mode addresses those users who are in a rush, and allows them to get and out of the gym quickly, while still identifying major flaws and providing feedback. Our “Teach Me” mode provides more feedback to those users who need it, whether they use the system more infrequently or have more time to spend at the gym. Users can switch between each mode seamlessly, allowing them to pick the one that best suits that day’s needs. Users might look back over old workouts every month or two months in order to decide how to adjust their workouts or to make a whole new workout plan. This process might take a 15 to 20 minutes or as much as a few hours depending on how focused the user is on lifts.

10. What are the time constraints on the tasks?
As long as the user wants to spend at the gym. There are no set time constraints across all users, but each individual user may have their own constraints depending on their schedule. An average session at the gym is about 90 minutes, although this could range anywhere from 30-120 minutes depending on the user. Frequent constraints seen among users are needing to get to work/class on time (if lifting beforehand), or not wanting to get home too late (if lifting in the evening). As a result, the same task could be hurried or possibly wait, depending on the individual users time frame. There’s no timing relationship between tasks — users pick one of the available tasks, and complete it in their preferred order.

11. What happens when things go wrong?
Serious injuries across the entire body are some of the more grave potential problems, but bad form can also lead to reduced performance in lift. The only backup system would be a spotter that can “rescue” the lifter if they cannot complete the lift by helping them drop the weight safely. This is especially important in a bench press, where user can stand above and take some of the weight off the lifter. In an squat, the lifter is more responsible for being able to drop the weight and step away if it is necessary.


Our first task is to provide users feedback in their lifting form. We will do this by capturing their lifts with a kinect, processing the data associated with their movements, and outputting the result. We expect this to be moderately difficult, but we are confident that we will be able to figure the kinect out and build an accurate, useful device.

Our second task is to track users between sessions. The idea here is that users will be able to log in by holding their id card up to the kinect camera. The system will then associate that user’s data with that user so it can track lifting history. Users who log in will likewise be able to log in to a web interface at home and view their lifting data. We expect this to be challenging but believe that getting the core functionality down should not be a problem. It may be hard to develop our entire system and then build a web interface on top of it, but it should not be a problem to incorporate some sort user recognition/history into the system.

Our third task is to create a full guided tutorial for new lifters. Here, we plan to show the user pictures, videos, and text descriptions of the exercise We will then encourage the user to try the lift themselves while we monitor there movements with the kinect and provide realtime feedback. After implementing the first task, we don not forsee too much difficulty with this one. It seems to only involve creating instructional content as well as creating a user experience better suited to a first time lifter.

Details of the implementations of these 3 tasks are described below.  


Text Description:

Our system is an implementation of the 3 tasks stated above. Using a touch screen display, users will choose to either get feedback on their lifts or learn how to lift. Likewise, they will choose whether or not we will keep their data for future access by choosing whether or not to log in. Once they have selected what they want to do, they will either perform their lifts, or follow our tutorial on how to lift. This is the core functionality and the scope of the system. The benefit of this system is that we intend for it give the kind of advice people typically get from a personal trainer. By providing users with this advice, we can help them maximize their health by maximizing their workouts and helping them avoid injuries associated with bad form. There do not seem to be an similar automated systems in existence. While our system may not initially have the credibility of a human trainer, it has the advantage that it is always available to an person using the piece of equipment it is integrated with, gives objective feedback, and tracks user progress.

Story Boards:

1) Monday? More Like Squat Day!
2) Squats! All Right!
3) ?How’d I Do?
4) Monitor: Good… but you look like you’re leaning back a bit
5) Ahhhh. Thanks.
6) I’ll nail it in the next set. (Next set starts in 1:29).

1) Bob Here!
2) Kinect: Woah! You’re leaning back!
3) Later… What did I do today? Oh yeah! I had sploppy curls.
4) Better do my stretches!
5)Kinect: Hey Bob! Watch out for lean back on those curls today! Bob: Gosh! Thanks!
6) Kinect: Great Bob!

1) I want to lift but I don’t know how 🙁
2) Monitor: Learn to Lift!
Guy: !?What could it be?!
3) Woah! It’s teaching me!
4)1 month later… I feel so fit! So healthy!



We envision our system consisting of a kinect, a computer for processing, and a touch screen display. Our touch screen display will be the only component with which users physically interact. If we do not have a touch screen computer for our prototype, we wil substitute an ordinary laptop computer.

This is our proposed startup page. From this page, users can select the exercise which they are about to perform. They also have the option to click the “What is This?” button which will give them information about the system.
After selecting an exercise, users can enter either “Quick Lift” mode or “Teach Me” mode. In “Quick Lift, “our system will watch users lift weights and then provide technical feedback about their form at the end of each set. In “Teach Me” mode, the system will give the user instructions on how to perform the lift the selected. This page of the display will also have a live camera to show users that the system is interactive.

In the top right corner of the display too, users can see that they have the option to log in. If they log in, we will track their progress so that they can view it in our web interface and so the system can remember their common mistakes for future workouts.
In “Quick Lift” mode, users have the option of receiving audio cues from our system (like “Good Job!” or “Keep your back straight!”). Users will then start performing the exercise (either receiving audio cues or not). Once they are finished with a set, we will show a screen like the one below. On the screen we will show users our analysis of each repetition in their previous set of exercises. We will highlight their worst mistakes and will allow them to see a video of themselves in action. This screen will also allow to see their result from previous sets. Likewise, if a user was logged in, this information would be saved so that they could later reference it on a web interface.

If a user selects “Teach Me”, they are taken to a screen like the one below. This screen gives a text description, photos, and a video of the exercise. After reading the page, the user can press the “Got it!” button. The system will then encourage the user to try the exercise themselves using the unweighted bar. After the user successfully performs the exercise a number of times, the system will prompt the user to try that exercise in “Quick Lift” mode.

P2 Grupo Naidy

Group Number: 1

Group Mates: Kuni Nagakura, Avneesh Sarwate, Yaared Al-Maheiri, Joe Turchiano, John Subosits. All group members were involved with the interviews and design. Avneesh and John worked on the task analysis questions, Kuni worked on the sketches and storyboard, and Yaared and Joe answered the Contextual Inquiry.

Problem and Solution Overview:

Servers and restaurant staff tend to be over tasked at busy times, which leads to unhappy customers, overworked staff, and decrease in revenue. Our solution a system that passively gathers low-level information (ex. Status of food, drinks, etc.), and displays it in a way that allows the restaurant staff to make high level decisions more quickly and effectively.

Description of Users in Contextual Inquiry:

As our system affects both patrons and servers in restaurants, we decided to focus primarily on the servers for the majority of our interviews. We made this decision because putting more control in the hands of the patrons may exacerbate the issue of overworked waiters. Focusing on the servers, we concluded, would not only decrease their workload and reduce any inefficiency, but it would also improve the quality of service for the patrons. Thus, our target user group for our system is servers and restaurant staff (waiters, bus boys, managers, etc.). We observed and interviewed four different users from this target group. Our first user was a middle-aged waitress at Zorba’s Restaurant, who served us while we ate lunch. When we interviewed her, she had no major complaints and seemed satisfied with her job. Our second user was a young waiter at Zorba’s Restaurant, who had just gotten off his shift. He emphasized the teamwork that is necessary in an effective waiting staff and complained about large parties that demand all available staff. Our third user was a Princeton student who has waitressed for numerous summers at an upscale Country Club.  Our final user was a young manager at Triumph. As a manager, she focuses on efficiency and customer satisfaction of the whole restaurant, not simply specific sections or tables.

Contextual Inquiry Interview Descriptions:

We prepared a set of questions before each interview. The first set of interviews/observations was performed while our group sat down to eat lunch at Zorba’s Restaurant on Nassau St. We spent most of our meal observing and taking down notes on the movement/activities of the waiting staff. Afterwards, we interviewed two waiters—one that was directly serving us, and another who had just gotten off his shift. We asked them both about the range of tasks that they perform and how they perform it on a daily basis. The interview with the student was performed in an informal setting, and we asked her to recount her past summer experiences as a waitress. We met with a manager at Triumph at around 5:00 before the bar got too busy. She was still on her shift but was able to answer our questions for a couple minutes.

Most of the people we spoke to agreed that time management and balance, especially during busy hours, was the key to good service. Teamwork and covering for each other’s tasks also seemed to be a prominent component of making it work.  It seemed that the tasks themselves were not especially difficult, but during peak hours, the sheer number of simple tasks to be completed and the difficulty of organizing those tasks led to poor service. Most of our interviewees mentioned that a key part of the job was balancing the ability to provide for patrons as soon as possible but without being overbearing. We found that in all three settings, there was a clear division of labor in place between management, service, and bus boys, but there was usually some degree of overlap between the positions.

In each interview, we did pick up a few pieces of unique information that other interviews did not provide. Our first two interviews took place at Zorba’s Restaurant on Nassau Street, a small family restaurant. We interviewed both the waitress who served us and another waiter on staff at the time. These two emphasized the need to always be keeping an eye on every table they were staffing; in retrospect this sort of tactic is probably only possible at a smaller restaurant like Zorba’s. Otherwise, they seemed to have very little to complain about.  Next, we interviewed a student waitress in an informal setting. She, by virtue of having worked at a country club, had a different experience from the rest. The focus of her customers tended to be on alcoholic beverages (especially wine), and her major problems arose from trying to coordinate bringing out food for one table while having to refill drinks at another. She also mentioned that it was difficult to determine when to take food or drinks away when different people at the same table ate and drank at different paces. She also mentioned that, because the country club was divided into several segments, she was not always able to check on all tables as she moved around the floor. She also mentioned that not letting food get cold while refilling drinks was another big issues that she often faced. The final interview was with a manager at Triumph Bar, also on Nassau Street. Our questions for her were therefore more geared toward a management perspective rather than that of small-scale waiting. Since Triumph is a large establishment with multiple levels and a bar, the manager stressed that coordination and division of labor was especially important to her success. We found that the Triumph staff had been using a service called Digital Dining – which didn’t work especially well and actually turned into a bottleneck-point when waiters had to manually input orders to the service after first writing them up.

11 Task Analysis Questions:

1. Who is going to use system?

Servers, managers, and kitchen staff at large/busy sit down restaurants would be
the target users of our system. Servers would be the primary users, and would
benefit most using it during “rush” periods where many parties come in, or during
times where particularly large parties unexpectedly come in. The kitchen staff
would use the system to provide information to the servers to make their work
more efficient.
2. What tasks do they now perform?

Servers must (roughly in order of increasing difficulty) refill drinks, clear plates,
refill condiments/coffee/napkin dispensers, bring food from the kitchen in a
timely manner, take and send orders to the kitchen, bring the bill at the right time,
determine what order to perform the previous tasks.
3. What tasks are desired?

Waiters want an efficient way to transfer orders from waiter to kitchen and would
like to know when food is ready in the kitchen. They would also like to know when
tables are “antsy” and impatient. They would like a way that helps them minimize
mistakes in taking down and delivering orders. They’d also like to know when
customers’ drinks are low.
4. How are the tasks learned?

Waiters either learn tasks by serving as a busboy first, or shadowing another waiter
for a day. More experienced waiters are given more tables to handle, while less
experienced waiters are given fewer tables.
5. Where are the tasks performed?

The tasks occur mainly on the restaurant floor and the “waiter’s area” where the
waiters pick up food from the kitchen or congregate for other tasks.
6. What’s the relationship between user & data?

Users must be attentive in collecting data themselves and must make real time/
online decisions on how to act. There is a lack of quantitative data – the only well-
specified type of data is orders and check amounts; everything else must be guessed
or estimated. The sharing of data between servers and kitchen is fairly structured
(notes passed about what orders to cook), and there is some sharing of data
between servers to help each other out, but this is incidental and always verbal.
7. What other tools does the user have?

Paper and notepad are used to remember orders, which are often written in
shorthand. Some (very few) use mobile devices for this instead. There are
sometimes computer-scheduling systems, but not often. At Triumph, “Digital
Dining” is used, a system that supposedly helps waiters perform some of the
previously mentioned activities (but the waiters are dissatisfied with it).
8. How do users communicate with each other?

Servers communicate almost exclusively verbally, some body language/implicit
communication or inference occurs when a server tries to discern a customer’s
mood. Between the servers and the kitchen, communication is generally written,
maybe with verbal emphasis for some unusual aspect.
9. How often are the tasks performed?

Each waiter can be assigned up to 5-6 tables at the same time. Tasks in general are
being performed all the time, it depends on server how they are ordered/scheduled.
10. What are the time constraints on the tasks?

There are no explicit time limits on tasks, but in general all individual tasks are
completed as fast as possible and the “optimization” comes with deciding what
order to perform tasks in as to minimize “lateness” across the entire set of tasks.
11. What happens when things go wrong?

This depends on how wrong things go. For small delays, customers may simply
shrug it off, or become slightly grumpy. For larger delays customers may cut back
on the tip or complain to a manager. For meal mix-ups, users may again complain to
a manager or cutback tip. Depending on how angry customers are, they may refuse
payment. In some restaurants, servers are granted authority to make concessions to
customers (i.e, free deserts) to make up for mistakes.

Description of 3 tasks:

1. Checking customer status
This task involves checking to see what tables have drinks that need refilling, what
tables are waiting on orders, and what tables are requesting attention. Currently
this task is of medium difficulty, but can be quite difficult when things are busy.
Some information, such as how long tables have been waiting for food, are not at all
currently available. Using our system, this task should be very easy, as the server
would only have to look at a screen to see the status of all their tables.
2. Determine task order
This task involves deciding what to do first, for example, whether to make a
round of filling drinks before checking the kitchen to see if food is out. This task is
currently the hardest task for servers because of the lack of information available
in making the decision. Servers do not always know the status of all of their
tables and generally do not have data on whether their orders to the kitchen are
finished or not. Combined with the solution to task 1, incorporating kitchen data
into the system makes this task much easier, as with a single glance servers will
have customer data and kitchen data, which will help servers determine the most
“urgent” tasks to complete.
3. Signal for help
This task is generally easy, but during busy times it can become difficult. Servers
generally verbally ask other servers/busboys nearby for help if they need another
hand to bring food or quickly fill a glass. However, during really busy times it might
be the case that a server can’t immediately find a free hand for a task. In this case,
pressing a button or sending some signal to a central area could alert all servers that
a free hand is needed in a certain area.

Interface Design:

Our system works over two “layers” of interaction. The interaction between the waiters and the customers, and the interaction between the waiters and the kitchen. The central unit of the system is a set of screens in the waiter’s area that displays the floorplan of the restaurant and displays the status of each table. For each table, the screen lists the number of empty, half empty, and full cups, the list of dishes ordered by that table, and how long it has been since the table placed their order (if the table has their food delivered, the time display shows the text DELIVERED, if the table is not occupied, the time display shows EMPTY). Each screen represents a section of the restaurant that a waiter or small group of waiters is responsible for. On the table, there are pressure sensitive coasters that can detect how full a glass is. These send the information on the state of the glasses to the main screens. Waiters also have a “help” button on their belts. If a waiter cannot solicit help from a nearby waiter, they can press their help button, causing their section’s screen in the waiter’s area to flash, alerting any free waiters that assistance is required in a particular section.The screen displays the list of food items that have been ordered by each table. Each item in the list is displayed in red, and its color changes to green when it is finished by the kitchen. If a finished item has been sitting for some specified amount of time (which can be set for the user) the table that ordered it flashes red as a warning that an item at that table may be getting cold, and the table should be served.


Task 1: Checking customer status

Task 2: Determine task order

Task 3: Signal for help

Sketches of System:

P2 – Name Redacted

Group Number: 20


Brian conducted one interview on his own and partnered for another interview and helped write the paragraphs on the interviews.

Matt conducted one interview on his own and partnered for another interview and helped write the paragraphs on the interviews.

Josh answered the 11 task analysis questions and helped Ed write the three storyboards and answer the interface design questions.

Ed helped Josh answer the 11 task analysis questions and wrote the three storyboards and answered the interface design questions.

Problem and Solution Overview
Currently, there is very little teaching of computer science fundamentals taught in middle school and high schools. Often, schools are prevented from teaching CS because they have insufficient computer resources to provide each student with a computing environment. Even in college, some students have difficulty learning the basic concepts such as binary number representation, memory, and recursion. The barrier of entry to learning CS is just too high. We are hoping to create an interactive method for teaching the fundamentals of computer science that does not rely on coding software on a computer. We wish to extend the idea of whiteboard programming. Using computer vision and a projector, we want to let users place “blocks” of code on the board and our tool will return visual feedback. Our solution could provide a low cost and interactive interface that could revolution technology teaching to the masses.

Description of Users Observed
Our target user group is divided into two main groups: teachers using our tool for pedagogy and students learning from our tool. We decided to select three users across both of these groups to get the most balanced perspective.

  • The first user that we observed created and teaches an introductory CS course targeted at students with almost no technical background (often students from humanities departments). We think that he was a good choice for a user group not only because he has had years of teaching experience, but also because he is often recognized by his students as being an extremely effective and engaging educator. He is extremely interested in CS education although his background and interest tend to be focused on a slightly older age group than we are targeting.
  • The second user that we interviewed was a student who took the above course. He had no technical background for the course and had a heavily humanities background. We thought he was a good user to interview because we were able to talk to him about the frustrations and confusions of learning the most simple CS. Also, we were able to compare his interview with the above interview readily.
  • Our final interviewee was a member of the school board of a large suburban district near Los Angeles. He is been extremely interested and involved in education reform. We thought he would provide an interesting insight into the backend of education. He helped us to understand how teachers might adopt and use this technology from an institutional standpoint.

CI Interview Description
Our first interview was conducted in the office of the user. We started out by explaining a little about who we were and what the goals of our project was. We then asked him to walk us through a couple of his extremely early lessons to help us get a picture of what current teaching practices are. Our second interview was conducted in a classroom with a student who had taken the aforementioned introductory computer science course. The student is concentrating in a nontechnical field but took the computer science course to fill in a distribution requirement and learn some fundamental computer concepts. We asked the student to walk through some of his previous code in the course, explaining what he did in the assignment. Our final interview took place in a common space. This interview was tricky to take the perspective of contextual interview. As we will discuss later, professional development for teachers is extremely individual and therefore hard to observe. We therefore made sure to talk about specifics from a more distant perspective.

Our first user, the professor, provided us with an outline of the first few weeks of lectures, and discussed how he explains various concepts ranging from binary to memory to logical loops. Our second user, the student, talked briefly about what he liked and disliked about the introductory computer science class he took. In particular, he liked learning about internet security issues as well as computer coding. However, the coding portion of the class was the most difficult for this student to learn. As part of the interview, I asked the student to go through some of his code from the computer science class that he took. When going through the HTML code that he written, he noted in many places where he had to fix syntactical errors. Most of his errors in this particular program came from omitting the ‘/’ character from the end tags. Similarly, his JavaScript errors were almost entirely syntactical, usual because of a missing or extra ‘}’ character. Both the professor and the student agreed that binary was a very hard concept to teach/learn. In particular, the student suggested that most students struggle with the concept of how many decimal numbers can be represented by n bits. Both also agreed that a very difficult concept in computer science is how all computers are actually equivalent, and how languages can all do the same computation. The professor also mentioned that most students have an incredibly difficult time understanding the abstractions of the computer process. In particular, the student had trouble understanding compiling, assembling, and linking because the concepts were too abstract. However, the professor and student disagreed on some issues. Firstly, the professor believed that students struggled most on the idea of memory and more specifically the actual holding of memory. While the student admitted that memory was difficult, he believed that more students had trouble with binary representations of numbers. The student also emphasized that he was most frustrated by the syntax problems that he encountered while coding.

After having looked into a teaching lesson itself, we wanted to take a step back and gain more perspective on what it’s like to be a teacher. This is where we turn to our last interview. Our final interviewee, as a member of a school board, has a big picture knowledge of what fundamentally it is like to learn how to teach. The main takeaway we got from the interview is that current pedagogical education is extremely individual. He walked us through all of the professional development activities that a teacher does in a given year (including professional development conferences and school events). They were very few of them (~5 days per year) and individually focused. Teachers make their own lesson plans and learn new technological tools on their own. He talked us through the process of integrating iPads into his district and how poorly they are used by many teachers. This individuality contradicts our first interview slightly. Our first user actually published the notes of his class in a book so other teachers could use them to shape their lessons. I would explain that difference as being the difference between K-12 and college education. Ultimately, I think that for the context of our project, we have to understand that K-12 teachers wouldn’t have much support in learning how to use our tool. It must be self-contained, self-teaching, and extremely foolproof if we hope to gain traction with this audience.

Task Analysis Questions
1. Who is going to use the system?
Our target audience is the typical classroom. We envision the product being used with about 20 students and a single teacher. The students don’t need to have any background in CS or experience coding.

2. What tasks do they now perform?
Current CS education tends to be done with “whiteboard coding.” This is the practice of writing code on a whiteboard to demonstrate the features. Other practices commonly used is simple lecture style and for certain concepts, teachers use abstract drawings. For example, when students first learn about memory, it is often represented with a box to be filled with data. These abstractions of data are very important, as students can quickly get confused when exposed to the more complicated principles that lie under them.

3. What tasks are desired?
Typically, educators are looking for a tool to help boost the understanding of their students in a classroom setting. Having the ability to present basic concepts of CS to students in a way that is easy to visualize, grasp, understand, and interact with is very desirable. Additionally, having a teaching tool that students can use and get feedback from without need to have the teacher on hand to always give direct instructions is very useful as it allows students to continue to learn on their own and at their own pace.

4. How are the tasks learned?
Currently, teaching is an extremely self-taught process. Teachers individually come up with their own lesson plans. In our system, tasks could be learned through a simple tutorial lesson that would introduce the students to the basic operations and principles behind our system. Concepts would be introduced one at a time and the interactions between could be demonstrated as students make progress.

5. Where are the tasks performed?
Classrooms with a projector and whiteboard. Only a few computers for a lot of students. Our system could potentially operate on any smooth surface to which ID tags could be easily attached and moved around.

6. What’s the relationship between user & data?
Users could potentially have personal profiles that track their progress throughout the lessons. When using the system in a group setting, the system could controlled by the teacher to set up lessons and track the progress of the class as a whole.

7. What other tools does the user have?
Textbooks, the internet, Toy programming languages (e.g. Scratch)

8. How do users communicate with each other?
Teachers communicate with their students in a classroom setting. The Teachers can give their students guidance and instructions as they use the system, and the students can freely ask questions about the current lesson.

9. How often are the tasks performed?
Students would go through a lesson about 2-3 times a week. Multiple lessons could potentially be completed in one class session if they are short.

10. What are the time constraints on the tasks?
Class session usually last about an hour. This should be plenty of time to go through most lessons. However, more difficult and complex tasks may need to be broken up into multiple lessons spanning multiple days.

11. What happens when things go wrong?
Ideally, any errors encountered would be a result of improper set up by the user, not flaws in the code itself. If something does go wrong such as the project getting out of alignment in the whiteboard or the camera has trouble reading the ID tags, users could simply tell the system to recalibrate. All data and current lesson progress would be saved. Data should be saved periodically regardless to ensure that if the system fails completely, the users’ current progress is still preserved.

Description of Four Tasks
Tutorial – How to Teach a Lesson (Storyboard not included)
This purpose of this lesson would be to provided a ground work for the teacher and students to build and to teach them the basic principles of using our system. This lesson could include walk throughs of specific lessons they should be teaching. Highlighting blocks and stepping them through each part of the process. Currently, this is an individual learning task done by teachers. They read textbooks and compile a lesson plan. We would hope to significantly reduce the difficulty of this process.

Teaching Number Base (e.g. Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hex)
Our first two interviews both said that one of the hardest things for early tech students to learn is binary. This is something that is fundamental to CS but can be conceptually very challenging to students. We hope to help the students to better understand number base through visualization. We imagine they would place Binary/Octal/Hex/etc. tiles on the board. They would then see how different number systems represent numbers. This would be a moderately difficult task to perform with our system but one that is currently very hard.

Teach First Toy Program (I/O and intro looping)
Another suggested teaching example from our interviews was an extremely simple toy programing lesson. The lesson essentially works through each of the fundamental parts of a computer and provides a simplified example:

Read in a number from input and print (intro. to I/O)
Read in a number from input, do an operation, and print (intro. to processing)
Read in two numbers from input, print the product (intro. to memory)
Read in numbers from input until a 0 is given. Calculate the sum and print (intro. to loops)
We would create these programs with simple code put on the board and inputs placed on the board as well. This lesson (especially memory) is something that is currently difficult to teach and learn but we hope to reduce that difficulty.

Simplified Turtle Graphics
Our final lesson is the most complex. We want to create a tactile version of the Logo programming language library. Users could control the movement of a virtual turtle and see how his path changes as they change various part of code on the board. This would be a great way to introduce functions and show the execution of the program in a visual manner. It would use:

Create “Function” cards that would allow users to define custom operations
Only uses a basic set of commands, such as forward, turn, and pen color.
This language is well established a good way to teach new students about programming but the difficulty is it often requires a computer for each student. We plan to reduce that difficulty by adapting the program to our tool, requiring only one computer per classroom.

Interface Design
The user can teach and interact with a variety of lessons on computer science topics. By placing a “lesson” card on the board, the system reacts and projects the interface for that lesson. Then, the user can add physical cards to the board in the relevant areas (eg. Binary values, Code, Input, etc..) and the system will react by showing the execution and output of the program. Unlike any current solution, our system allows a teacher or professor to visually demonstrate to an entire class these computer science topics. The interactivity of our system allows the teacher to make quick, visual changes to the program or input to demonstrate how the output will change. We believe that this will be an engaging, fun, and flexible way to teach students important topics in CS.

Teaching Number Base

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Teach First TOY Program (I/O and intro looping)

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Simplified Turtle Graphics

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Sketch of the System

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