Colloquium Event

Andrew Wonnacott talk on Tuesday (Apr 30)

We are having another undergrad colloquium this Tuesday 4/30 at 4:30 pm in Fine 110! Andrew Wonnacott (’19) will be speaking to us about category theory and why it’s useful. Speaker: Andrew Wonnacott Time: Tuesday 4/30, 4:30 pm Place: Fine 110 Food: Pizza from Papa John’s Abstract: A branch of mathematics known even to its creators as “general abstract nonsense” […]


Graduate Info Session

The math department is sponsoring a math grad school info session tomorrow (Sunday) 3:00-4:30 pm in the Fine 3rd floor common room. It’ll be a pretty informal setup: We’ll have some grad students and current seniors and Prof. Serrano (who is on the math department’s graduate admissions committee) set up around the common room based on topic. […]

Colloquium Event

Ryan Chen talk on Friday (Apr 26)

We wanted to advertise another undergraduate math colloquium: Ryan Chen (’19) will be talking about arithmetic geometry this Friday 4/26 at 4:30 pm in Fine 214. It’s a great way to follow up from Ken Ono’s talk on Thursday–did you know that Ryan worked with Ken Ono last summer on modular forms? Title: Integer points, Diophantine geometry, and […]

Colloquium Event

Ken Ono talk on April 25

Our next talk comes from special guest Ken Ono! That’s what I call a hole in one for all of the Princeton Tigers. Please fill out this survey by Monday: Who? Professor Ken Ono What? The Riemann Hypothesis When? Thursday, April 25th from 12:30-1:20pm (come a few minutes early for free food!) Where? Fine Hall 314 Food? Sandwiches (please […]


Course Advising Study Break on Sunday (4/21)

Come out to our extra special course advising study break in the Fine Hall common room on Sunday, April 21 at 7pm! the joke is that the pton registrar doesn’t care if you’re missing prereqs LOL Alec, I, and a variety of other cool folks will be there to answer questions like these! 1. What courses should I take in the […]


Math Drama: “Uniform Convergence” (RSVP)

The Math Club and the Noetherian Ring invite you to see Uniform Convergence, a one-woman play on mathematics and gender issues. Informational flyer attached. Time: Tuesday, April 16, 4:30-5:30pm Location: McDonnell A01 Free. RSVP here. After the play, the Noetherian Ring is hosting an informal dinner and discussion with the playwright, Corrine Yap. We encourage female students in math/math-adjacent fields, […]

Event Social

Movie Night (4/7)

Come to Math Club’s  7:00pm screening of The Man Who Knew Infinity on Sunday, April 7 in Lewis 138! This 2015 biographical drama tells the story of Srinivasa Ramanujan, a man with no formal education living at the edge of poverty in Madras, India. Recognized for his mathematical brilliance, Ramanujan gets the chance to study at Cambridge University, where he and […]


Colloquium: Mathematical Surgery (Friday)

Come see your fellow undergrad Alec Leng (’21) give a talk on knot theory this Friday afternoon. See below for details and Alec’s summary of the talk. Since this is a new kind of event, please take 10 seconds to tell me if you are thinking about attending! I want to make sure we have plenty of […]